Uh. I devoutly worship with those who seek out whatever lies above, behind, underneath, throughout, or outside of our physical universe and experience, using methods of iteratively and separately reproducable testing.
I'm not going to go crazy and actually look up a bunch of 4000 year old chicken scratch, but I am recently intrigued by what the old yarn says about testing god. E.g.:
Insofar as the -let's call it the observer- is permitted to use his cognition and conduct a test on the premise or promise of the benevolent god black box, I *think* a reasonable interpretation of the data of millenia is that there are far more heinous and horrendous events that receive no god-like remediation than there are heinous and horrendous events that DO receive god-like remediation.
And insofar as observer is Not permitted to test god, well, what does that say about the premise that god values or intends for you to utilize, leverage, capitalize on the cognition he supposedly gave you?