"The recent Mars origin blip is an example of terrestrial abiogenesis being up-ended". There we go.
Posts by rmt1
"Do you believe in God" is an absurd question! Why? Because.....
by Mr Fool inif a jw asks me "-do you believe in god?
" and i answer "-no, i dont believe in god" he/she assumes that i m not interested.
and that s because of a total closed mind.
Apostate article in new December 15, 2013 Watchtower lead article major contradiction of featured scripture 2 Thess. 2:1,2
by Poindexter Lionel Humperdique inthe below is the title and theme scripture of the lead article in the latest watchtower about apostates.
notice that the watchtower is unknowingly labeling themselves as an apostate, as the man of lawlessness, as we briefly review the context of its own theme scripture.. .
avoid being quickly shaken from your reason!.
Store up treasures in heaven, where neither rust nor moth consume.
I recall a sensation that bordered on mystical as I watched my orbital mechanics code spit out these columns of numbers for an arbitary eliptical orbit. I could see how the planet sped up at perihelion and slowed down at aphelion. The kinetic energy remained half the potential energy at all points, when the numbers reached max at perihelion and when they reached min at aphelion. A bound orbit, you see, is characterized by the gravitational potential energy being twice that of the kinetic energy of the orbiting body. I had heard about this. But it was entirely different, sepuchral, seeing it with my own eyes. All the code had was a number and an operation. It operated on the number. It spat out a new number. That number became an input. But the effect of these many tiny operations - that was an entire orbit, repeated ceaselessly.
"Do you believe in God" is an absurd question! Why? Because.....
by Mr Fool inif a jw asks me "-do you believe in god?
" and i answer "-no, i dont believe in god" he/she assumes that i m not interested.
and that s because of a total closed mind.
Hi cofty. I don't know who you address with some of what you assure. So since I can't fit the shoe, I don't wear it. In the event you were assuring me that evolution is a fact, insofar as responsible qualified scientists agree to act like grown ups and settle upon an undersanding that requires the least number or least size of black boxes, well, then I have to say thank you.
"fine tune the solar system once in a while to keep it working."
This is the finest argument for why we need vastly more science and statistics on extrasolar planetary systems, their accretion models, particularly the frequency of comet shielding jupiters at jupiter distances, and if at all possible, the frequency of terrestrial magnetic fields, and the frequency of terrestrial moons. The closest thing in our solar system to fine tuning is jupiter and what it does with asteroids and comets, and the moon and what it does, and the odds that it formed how it did, and what it did and continues to do for the earth. But raw numbers and computer modelling, and things called gravitational focusing, and impact parameters, and Lagrange points, and Hill spheres, and Roche lobes, and conservation of angular momentum, and virial theorem, along with hydrostatic equilibrium, can address these marvels.
Edit add: The carbon/oxygen ratio is a recent hot item in planetary science that offers questions on the prevalence of water. If there's "too much" available carbon, it grabs the oxygen and there is much less oxygen to form water. But if there is "just" the right ratio of carbon to oxygen, there's plenty of oxygen left to form water. There are a surprising number of stellar effects that can alter where the ordinarily average complement of carbon gets placed early on. So more research, more modelling, more observations, more white papers are required. Unless that happens, all we really have is a god, a firmament, two waters, an old book, an aetiology, and some people that rely on what their parents and culture told them, and their intuition, when more quantitatively and qualitatively powerful tools of analysis exist. Their choice.
"Do you believe in God" is an absurd question! Why? Because.....
by Mr Fool inif a jw asks me "-do you believe in god?
" and i answer "-no, i dont believe in god" he/she assumes that i m not interested.
and that s because of a total closed mind.
The recent Mars origin blip is an example of terrestrial evolution being up-ended. I think it's nonsense. I believe it's nonsense. I conjecture it is some planetary scientist who unconsciously devised a new way to get funding for a sexy theory that finally garnered testable evidence. I roll my eyes at it sternly, but I cannot know he may not be onto something.
payback? bitterly upset....
by losingit ini don't even know where to start.. more than anything, i'd like to say that i am not a woman of vengeance.
i am very much a forgiving person.
if you say "i'm sorry," and you're genuine, i can move on from it quickly and easily.
"And the elders, well... they are clearly a bunch of incompetent men who are put in positions of authority with no real knowledge of how to counsel people, essentially hungry for power."
That's the whole JW story right there. The distant, expansive, cartel could not be sustained without the local street gang of pushers, armed with various instruments of psychological and emotional torture, keeping the territory in fear and extorting protection money.
Are JWs more negative than normal people?
by Julia Orwell incompare a typical conversation with a jw to one with a random non-jw:.
run into jw in the shops.. .
jw:[surprised] julia!
Performance art.
JWs don't know it's about money. JWs have access to the common sense to smell a rat. JWs refuse to act on their common sense and human decency, properties of the species developed and honed and refined over tens of thousands of years, and willfully suppress these out of self-conscious fear they will lose the socially and financially valuable alliance of believers. If every JW was permitted to vote anonymously on various controversial topics, without a shred of a threat of retaliation, and the results of this poll were made instantly available to every other JW, without a shred of a threat of retaliation, the numbers would collapse dramatically. The GB's primary job is to keep JWs from actually sharing amongst themselves, without a shred of a threat of retaliation, what they actually think individually. The GB's primary job is to keep JWs from comparing notes on how their common sense and human decency naturally react to various insults and offences, aganst common sense and human decency, that are intrinsic and non-negotiable to staying in the GB's graces. If honest communication were permitted between individuals, repeatedly, and with iteration to new individuals, collective common sense and human decency would find the rat. Money.
Circuit Accounts Servants Confesses how the SCAM WORKS!!
by JT inyes, i too have wondered how an assembly that is held in a fully paid for assembly hall, with no food service, could possibly have $10,000 in expenses.
i suppose the bethel speakers have transportation expenses - maybe $1000 or so.
as for rent on the assembly hall, well you have already paid for it once, why pay again?
This is sort of disappointingly bald. I am (sort of) disgusted with the capacity of accounts servants to not stand up, walk out, and never look back. I left the Swatara PA congregation in 1999 specifically because they were training me to be the accounts servant, and I got the final, unbearable, eye full. Sorry, accounts servants who I am disgusted with - I know you're human; I know you're stuck in a Stockholm scenario. I get it. You don't have choice.
This thread is gut wrenching.