My hat is off.
Posts by rmt1
AGM Release: The New, Improved New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures
by Oubliette inthis just in from the annual meeting: a new release of the new, improved new world translation of the holy scriptures.
(reposted from
"The excitement is PALPABLE"
by Separation of Powers ingot caught at the supermarket (in between the martini olives and snack crackers ) with several bottles of hard liquor in my basket along with some red licorice by a sister that has known me for years.
still respects me, not knowing that i am in full fade mode, or at least not recognizably knowing.
anyway, when she sees me, her eyes get all big and she heads in my direction, nearly ramming my liquor laden cart with her vegan oriented basket.. "hey sop, how are you doing?
"Back at home, the well to do elders would flaunt that they had gone to the annual meeting as if they should be worshipped because they were so close to the hub of the organization the "Governing Body"."
Should be said twice.
What level of IQ does one have, to beleive " TRUTH " changes. ? or old "Light " old truths " New Light " new truths " ?
by smiddy inokay, i never went to university , or had a college education, though i`m damn sure that "truth" is "truth" and it never changes.. if you" beleived "something was the truth in the past and now found out it was not correct , you cant say it was an" old " truth ,it must have been wrong/false reasoning in the first it was never really the truth.. sure you can be aware of a "new" truth something you never knew beforehand , though whether you knew it or not ,it has always been a truth.
example:the earth was the centre of the universe ,beleived as a truth.........that beleif was false , it was not an old truth.. if their was something you beleived before as true and you now find it wasnt true , then it was false / untrue .. their is no such thing as an "old truth " and a "new truth" that is apparently accepted by jehovahs witnesses .. if jehovahs witnesses were as honest as they profess , then they would acknowledge when they make adjustments to their beleifs/doctrines that they were wrong in their initial understanding of said scriptures instead of passing it off as old truths or new light.. i was a witness for 33 years before it became obvious something was just not right with this religion and it took another 10-12 years before i found this site , that set me free.
so i ask , is it an iq level ?
It is a matter of having the courage to act on your conviction and take squarely on the chin the consequences of action. TWS depends on cowardice to face consequences, and complicity to enforce consequences. I was a coward from 14 to 25. I'm not particularly bright and frequently daft. The smartest of the smartest of the smart likely get fed up very early because they can run the odds better, they can land on their feet faster, and they're off to a life of self-direction faster. To do something courageous, Early, when it Really matters, before you have lost a great deal of potential, requires an informed set of opinions and experiences, and the knowledge of alternate pathways and the relative odds of success or failure taking those paths. You could call that intelligence. You could call it self-preservation.
Watchtower methods of subliminal messages
by ozziepost init isn't necessary to use words to convey a subliminal message.. take for example the use of illustrations (photos) found on page 26 in the february 15, 2001 issue of the watchtower.. the three pictures show witnessing in differenet parts of the earth, namely the east, europe, and africa.. 1. woman in smart asian dress with hat.. 2. man with black clothing replete with beret.. 3. african man with long sari type robe which is light brown in .
colour, quite smart and clean.. in each picture the witness is dressed in western business clothing whereas the person being witnessed to (the worldly person) is in native dress.. is this another subliminal message?
native or customary dress marks an individual as wordly?.
Passing a resolution a painful experience
by stillin ineverybody knows it's going to pass.
nobody ever asks if possibly that much money for the circuit overseer's whatever isn't a bit too much, or whatever else the congregation is being asked to agree to.
then the call to raise your hand if in favor of doing the "right thing.
Huh. I can't think of a more Seig Heil moment. You can dodge field service. You can dodge elders. You can dodge phone calls. If you're pinned in a chair, you are pinned, covered and checkmated by the economy of gazes of your concentration camp inmates. Failing to salute the Fuhrer GB is self-marking from the non-podium. It is enforced complicity.
What happened in 97-98 to reduce the increase?
by Splash inlooking at the yearly stats, it's apparent that something happened in 1997/98 which caused the increase %ge to drop off a cliff and remain low.. take a look:.
yearpeak pubsincreaseincrease %1981-822,477,608115,7124.8991982-832,652,323174,7157.0521983-842,842,531190,2087.1711984-853,024,131181,6006.3891985-863,229,022204,8916.7751986-873,395,612166,5905.1591987-883,592,654197,0425.8031988-893,787,188194,5345.4151989-904,017,213230,0256.0741990-914,278,820261,6076.5121991-924,472,787193,9674.5331992-934,709,889237,1025.3011993-944,914,094204,2054.3361994-955,199,895285,8015.8161995-965,413,769213,8744.1131996-975,599,931186,1623.4391997-985,888,650288,7195.1561998-995,912,49223,8420.4051999-006,035,564123,0722.0822000-016,117,66682,1021.3602001-026,304,645186,9793.0562002-036,429,351124,7061.9782003-046,513,13283,7811.3032004-056,613,829100,6971.5462005-066,741,444127,6151.9302006-076,957,854216,4103.2102007-087,124,443166,5892.3942008-097,313,173188,7302.6492009-107,508,050194,8772.6652010-117,659,019150,9692.0112011-127,782,346123,3271.610anyone know why this was?.
I got out in 1999 and AOL enabled me to realize and appreciate that there were good souls out there that had nothing to do with JWs. Combined with knowing, and having known for a long damn time, that it was all BS, this use of the Internet allowed me to get out with confidence that my social prospect was not doomed forever.
Today's WT Study (Who is the FDS - Sep 2013)
by ohnightdivine inplease share how your wt study went today...
Sunk costs are deafening.
Today's WT Study (Who is the FDS - Sep 2013)
by ohnightdivine inplease share how your wt study went today...
Recommend an oldie but a goodie, at least for this very young then-JW growing up in the 70's.
Rod Serling - Twilight Zone - The Obsolete Man -
Head coverings yet again in the latest KM
by life is to short inmy husband just gave me the latest km the novermber 2013 and it yet again has a question box on head coverings.. question box "should a female publisher wear a head covering if she is accompanied by a male pubisher at a doorstep bible study?".
it says "when a female publisher conducts a reagular, scheduled bible study and a male kingdom publisher is present, she should wear a head covering.
(1 cor 11: 3-10) the july 15 2002, issue of the watchtower page 27, explains: "this is a prearranged session of teaching where the one conducting the the study actually presides.
Strain gnat, gulp camel, tenth of dill, mint and cumin.
Only families and employment and sunk costs being held hostage at shunpoint can explain subordinating one's own nature-given common sense to this collosus of stupidity.
No person is so naturally stupid as to absorb all this as God's will.
What are David Letterman's Top Ten Things That Could Happen Invisibly In 2014?