I think the DC sniper may be bat boy.
JoinedPosts by blindfool
by TR inyep.
you heard it here first.
read the story from the respected "weekly world news".. http://www.weeklyworldnews.com/bizarre/bizarre.cfm?instanceid=47842.
need fluff? Tell some corny church sign sayings
by LyinEyes ini live in the south , very heavy bible belt.
there is a church on every corner.
they always have a sign out front with some very corny saying.
I saw a tee shirt in New Orleans once, on the front it said:
"Jesus is coming!"
On the back it said:
Southern Belles
by blindfool ina very gentle southern belle was talking to her two friends and telling them about her recent trip to new york city.. she told her friends, "do you know in new york they have men that sleep with men?
" no, they answered, what are they called?
"they call them gay" answered the belle.. "and", she said, "do you know that in new york there are women who sleep with women?
A very gentle southern belle was talking to her two friends and telling them about her recent trip to New York City.
She told her friends, "Do you know in New York they have men that sleep with men?" No, they answered, what are they called? "They call them gay" answered the belle.
"And", she said, "Do you know that in New York there are women who sleep with women?" No, they answered, what are they called? "They call them lesbians" answered the belle.
"And" she continued, "Do you know that in New York there are men who will kiss women in their private parts?" No they answered, what are they called. "Well," answered the belle, "I called him Sugah."
need fluff? Tell some corny church sign sayings
by LyinEyes ini live in the south , very heavy bible belt.
there is a church on every corner.
they always have a sign out front with some very corny saying.
I always see the church sign that says:
Whats missing in our chch?
I Need Help Please!!!
by CW02 ini'm a 24yr old non-witness who has been dating a 23yr old witness.
we met through a mutual friend.
when i met him i thought he was sweet and kind and the kind of guy i could see myself with for the rest of my life.
Dear CW,
Your story really touches my heart. You see, I'm a 40 year old man that married into a JW family 18+ years ago.
I'll tell you it has not been easy. My wife was not babtised when we married and this one fact makes a huge difference. Also, I think there is a difference between how I'm treated and how you would be treated, because you are female. Even though I'm not a JW, I am still recognized as the head of my household. I can get away with things you couldn't. Like when my oldest son was approached a few weeks ago about starting a bible study with an elder. I said no and because I'm respected as the head of my home, the issue was dropped. However, make no mistake, the elders will keep trying.
The man you feel in love with carries a lot of baggage. If he is babtised and he pursues a relationship with you, he could end up loosing any relationship he has with his JW family.
If you begin a bible study and it touches your heart and you really believe what the JW's teach, then maybe you'll want to become a JW. However, if you read sites like this or the books suggested by other posts, you will never become a witness and your relationship will be in big trouble.
My advice? Become more famliar with the teachings of the JW's. Do reseach on your own and find out what you believe. Make this decisoin seperate from the decision about marriage. Put your marriage off for at least a year and give yourself time to explore what you believe.
I will tell you, I pray every day, that my wife will open her eyes to truth about the JW's. I think being involved with the JW's has hurt her emotionally and I worry about her spirtually. I very much miss celebrating holidays and the season between Thanksgiving and Christmas really gets me down. I don't celebrate the holidays because it is easier to forget about it than it is to fight about it.
My marriage has been a blesing to me. I love my wife more than anything in the world. But, our marriage would be stronger, if we belived the same the same way about religion.
Jehovah's Witness guilty of sex charges
by izobcenec injehovah's witness guilty of sex charges.
by jane hunt.
october 14, 2002 12:31 .
I could have sworn the thread said gulity of sex changes. Geez, I wonder where my minds at?
The Loving Elders
by MoeJoJoJo inthis is what has been happening with us lately.
we (my husband and i) have not been to any meetings in over a year.
the elders have stopped by quite often (once they stopped by and they were here from 10:30 12:00, they left the others in their car group, out in the car the whole time!!
What strange things the WTBTS does in the name of Jehovah.
I understand how you feel. Its like being held hostage to this organization. My wifes family is also all in the "truth." At least you and your husband agree. This is one thing to be thankful for.
Whats really funny is how they treat people like me. I learned some of the "truth about the truth" before I took the big plunge. So now I'm just known as an unbelieving husband. I can associate with my wifes family and I'm treated just like family. But, if I had found out about the truth after babtism, I would not be welcome.
Didn't Jesus say something about the Phariees follwoing the laws of men and not the laws of God?
another sign of last days
by blindfool in.
university of georgia bulldogs are 5-0 and sit atop the sec!!!!.
go dawgs!
Texas-Oklahoma should be a great game, but don't forget, Georgia-Tennessee play this weekend too!
My World Series prediction: The team that wins tonights Braves-Giants game will win the World Series!
another sign of last days
by blindfool in.
university of georgia bulldogs are 5-0 and sit atop the sec!!!!.
go dawgs!
University of Georgia Bulldogs are 5-0 and sit atop the SEC!!!!
Did you have to de-program yourself?
by LyinEyes ini am awaiting some material on how to free yourself from cult issues, and mind control.
i was wondering if any of your have read any good books on this, and if you find it has helped in your recovery after leaving jw?.
i am sure that the wt is not god's organization and all that goes with identifying myself as an ex jw.
Hey Lyin',
I'm wondering if you've ever read any material on the freeminds.org web site. I've found a lot of information here that has helped me understand true Christianity as opposted to WT doctrine.
One book available through the site is ,"Refuting Jehovahs Witnesses" by Randy Waters. This book uses scripture to show how many JW doctrine are not biblical.
I understand how dificult it must be to pick up a bible or other religious book, without feeling guilty about leaving the WT. Try to understand that just because you left the WT, you didn't leave God. He is with you and you can't seperate from Him by leaving any organization.
I would also suggest not using your old NWT bible if you want to start reading the bible again. Buy a new bible, Wal-mart sells them, so you don't even have to go into a Christian bookstore. When you read a scripture from your NWT bible your already programmed as to what you should think about what you've read. Use another translation and it might help you make up your own mind.
Peace to you and WT, and all the little Lyin' - Turkeys!!! HA HA (sorry, I couldn't resist)