Halcon, you forget the days around 1980 and 1981, when the WTS considered there was a "nest" of apostates in the midst of Bethel, and heads rolled right and left, starting with Ray Franz and the one in charge of the school for missionaries. You might enjoy this (1 hour long) There have always been times when "those in charge" forget they are in their positions as long as they agree privately and publicly with everything the WTS says and prints. Throughout WTS history, those who spoken up in positions of authority, found out who was really in charge and it was not Jehovah and Jesus.
Posts by blondie
Why the WATCHTOWER doesn't believe in the GREAT APOSTASY but you should!
by raymond frantz inhttps://youtu.be/i4uttjj7eus?si=0b-fzpqm8axb_d3p.
in its latest april 2025 watchtower study article 17 and paragraph 12 the watchtower promotes 2 dangerous lies that will cost your life if you are a believing christian during the time of the end, so i'm considering today the first lie in the first part of the paragraph, but first let's read the paragraph itself: "today, jehovah promises to provide us with spiritual protection.
he will never allow satan to corrupt true worship.
American Primeval and the Mormons
by Simon injust finished season 1 on netflix.. holy crap, i had no idea of the history of the mormons!.
i always thought they were like the jws, or the quakers, but they were full on fascists committing massacres.. i'm sure they are hating having more people be aware of their past, but i gotta say, it is more event-filled than the jw history..
The JW G.B. & Elders - imitating the Pope & priests. 😄
by BoogerMan inthe coal calling the kettle black!
change the names - you get the same result!.
w58 2/15 p. 106 the growth of papal g.b.
DOC, that is why I use the most current comments on the topic from WT publications. I had elders say that was long ago, then I would say, it was in the WT magazine the previous month, or they must have missed that point in the "book" study. (Of course ready to show them where). They just got quiet and walked away.
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The JW G.B. & Elders - imitating the Pope & priests. 😄
by BoogerMan inthe coal calling the kettle black!
change the names - you get the same result!.
w58 2/15 p. 106 the growth of papal g.b.
I have seen many similarities in the religious authorities in the WTS, like the religious "leaders" in Jesus' time, who at that time still part of the Jewish religious system that their god recognized, as Jesus recognized too as a Jew. Take any comments of Jesus about those religious leaders, and easily apply that to the WTS.
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Does the GB Desire to be Worshipped?
by Sea Breeze inhow did i miss this after studying the rev.
book 3 times:.
obeying christ’s kingdom rule, they (the great crowd) hope to inherit its blessings here on earth.
Sea Breeze, I did update the chart "And the WTS teaches they are God's representatives on earth (the "anointed" on earth) (now (edited) neutralized to only the Governing Body." I have also said the there is a term I have used: "Where is Jesus" in the presentations of the WTS or in the songs they sing. It is always Jehovah, Jehovah, Jehovah. And that Jesus is not just errand boy, he is really just an inanimate tool that their god uses.
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Even DEMONS were conned by the org into believing 1975 was the end!
by BoogerMan inyb71 p. 97 country reports (part one) - "in malta there is a monk reputed to have the powers of a seer, in the confessional being able to know a person’s sins before they are even confessed.
a woman in one of the villages was having family trouble, and made a journey to this confessor in the hope of getting some hidden information by the monk’s psychic powers.
after being told of the problem, the monk said: “don’t worry about it, my dear, the end of all things is very near!” another woman in the same village, somewhat opposed to the truth, told this to her husband, who is having a bible study.
Well, I always reasoned this. Satan and his angels were there when Adam and Eve sinned (something jws believe). Then Satan must have know when the countdown started for the 6,000 years to end (and allowing 1,000 years for the testing). He could have guessed it would be around 1975 per the WTS interpretation of the timeline. Add to this, in the RNWT said that his followers would not know the day or the hour and that they should be on guard. The thief coming to steal from your house does not send a notice of when he/she is coming. Also Jesus said, that if you set a date, you can be sure it wasn't coming then. (You can tell I did not buy into the 1975 idea) Matthew 24:42-44 42 Keep on the watch, therefore, because you do not know on what day your Lord is coming.43 “But know one thing: If the householder had known in what watch the thief was coming, he would have kept awake and not allowed his house to be broken into.44 On this account, you too prove yourselves ready, because the Son of man is coming at an hour that you do not think to be it."
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JWs and Christmas
by Rnadomchris83 ini have been lurking around here for years.
i'm not a witness, but my in-laws are.
my wife grew up in it but was never baptized.
Why the WATCHTOWER doesn't believe in the GREAT APOSTASY but you should!
by raymond frantz inhttps://youtu.be/i4uttjj7eus?si=0b-fzpqm8axb_d3p.
in its latest april 2025 watchtower study article 17 and paragraph 12 the watchtower promotes 2 dangerous lies that will cost your life if you are a believing christian during the time of the end, so i'm considering today the first lie in the first part of the paragraph, but first let's read the paragraph itself: "today, jehovah promises to provide us with spiritual protection.
he will never allow satan to corrupt true worship.
nonJW Christians have many and varied interpretations of who or what the Antichrist is. But the President of the Watchtower Society (died 1916) never specifically identified a person or thing as the Antichrist. The current WTS dances around but says that apostates leaving the organization become part of the Antichrist (although the WTS also teaches that it is possible for apostates to leave their beliefs and return). Reporting not supporting.
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Quoting the Daily Mail at meetings
by Farmer Jim1 ini've just remembered that i attended a hall where one of the brothers consistently quoted daily mail articles to back up his answers during the meetings.
i found it hard to keep a straight face when the inevitable daily mail article was quoted to 'prove' a bible passage at each meeting.. no one really seemed to mind and i remember one time i spoke to an elder and said this has to stop as he is passing off tabloid tattle as hard fact.. elder wasn't interested.
i guess as long as the answers backed up the party line no one cared..
Whatever Happened to Those who returned to JEHOVAH
by raymond frantz inhttps://youtu.be/3yylzu0bi_k?si=kku6r9szfenj3h9i.
whatever happened to those who came back to jehovah?
due to slow growth and the constant scrutiny from governments like norway in relation to their harsh disfellowshipping practices,last year in a move that no one expected the watchtower for the first time extended an olive branch to all those who left the organization or were disfellowshipped in the past.considering this practice was introduced over 60 years ago and with a rough estimate that around 100,000 leave jehovah’s witnesses every year the total number is in the several millions.so we should have expected millions to have accepted this invitation and rejoined the organization, the result though was an abysmal few thousands according to a recent jw update.. so now, for the first time, the latest watchtower study magazine for april 2025 gives us an inside view on how this reintegration is coming along, and it doesn't look good!.
The WTS is running scared now that at least 2 secular governments are after their charity status. It is all a legal thing. The WTS is an organization run by their legal department. When my husband was an elder, a situation came up and they called the "Service Desk" in NY. They were told that they would have to run it by the Legal Department before they could answer their questions. Legal comes first! Let me add that the elders were told to make supportive visits by the CO and he would check back on his next visit to see how it went. Being trained as a new elder, he was taken on several and both elders just drove up to the house, looked for holiday decorations or the person smoking outside, and determined they weren't home by looking from the vehicle on the street! Then go on to the next one, calling this a drive-by visit between themselves. And then gave an account that did not resemble this at all to the CO. My husband was on the path to leaving then.
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