Topics Started by lucky
New Watchtower artists?
by lucky in.
the website recently held a photoshop contest, asking for entries that depict mass destruction.
it looks like some of these entries could have been taken straight from the pages of the watchtower publications..
Interesting statistic about JWs in this week's Newsweek
by lucky ini just got this week's newsweek in the mail.
the cover story is "spirituality in america".
page 54 has a table listing change in religious self-identification between 1990 and 2001. the four bottom religions, with negative percentages, are jehovah's witnesses (-4%), jewish, rastafarian, and protestant.
$250k to prove that Jesus is not the Son of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
by lucky inhere's in interesting recent entry on
boing boing's $250,000 intelligent design challenge yesterday, i posted an item to boing boing about the growing popularity of pastafarianism, a new religion that worships flying spaghetti monster, initially created to protest the kansas state school board's decision to teach "intelligent design" in schools.
a suprising number of i.d.
anyone watching the tour de france?
by lucky inwe've been watching it on oln.
if you're watching, do you want lance to win?
or are you rooting for someone else?
cell phones and field service
by lucky ini left the borg before the advent of cell phones (or at least before they were so common), but i was just curious about how they've impacted field service.
when i was a pioneer, it seems like we wasted a lot of time driving or walking around looking for other field service groups in the territory or trying to figure out where other groups went for break (or as blondie mentioned in a previous post, not being able to find a group in the territory after you'd done a rv or an errand on your own was a great excuse for skipping door-knocking).
now that cell phones are so commonplace, it seems like these lovely excuses for time wasting are no longer valid.
What's the most thought-provoking novel you've ever read?
by lucky ini'd have to say for me that it was ayn rand's the fountainhead.
even though i don't agree with a lot of her philosophy, it definitely made me stumble around in a thought-induced haze for a few weeks after reading it.
Do you have dreams that you're still in the org.?
by lucky init's weird.
i haven't been to a meeting in eight years, but at least once a month, i have a dream that i'm at a meeting or out in service or at an assembly or in some other witness-related situation.
it's like those school dreams where you dream you have a calculus final that morning and you haven't been to class all semester.
Political affiliation after leaving org.
by lucky inhow long did it take you to decide if you were a liberal or conservative after leaving the organization?
i find it interesting that even though it took me a number of years to get up the courage to vote, i knew right away i was politically/socially liberal.
i knew that i had strong feelings about protecting the environment, about civil rights, free speech, etc.
New World Order - Illuminati vs. WT Society
by lucky inbefore i start, i just want to say that this is not any sort of conspiracy-type thread and i don't believe russell was a member of the illuminati.. i just finished reading dan brown's angels&demons, before which i hadn't even heard of the illuminati.
it struck me as curious that the "new world order" as described in the book had some similarities with the society's teachings regarding events in revelation (including the name itself).
in particular, i found it interesting that the illuminati were/are seeking to destroy religion and establish a worldwide government.
I'm new and need advice
by lucky inhello everyone.. i am new to this board (although i have "lurked" on and off for the past few years and feel that i know many of you .
i will give a brief bit of background and then ask for some advice.
my mom was baptized when i was very young and i was raised in the truth, along with my siblings.