Braxton-Hicks years...
LOL Loved that comment.
yet again because it was in the days text gen 6 vs 3 was discussed at the dc.
it -the talk -was started by stating that god puts a time limit on things and that in noahs day it was 120 years.
we are now 9w1 years into the time of the end since 1914. now 2034 was not directly mentioned but hell it was strongly implied and a gb member was present gerritt losch- so it looks as though statements like this have the wtbts approval.
Braxton-Hicks years...
LOL Loved that comment.
hope of a resurrection.
sure hope of a better resurrection.
16. who at death went to gehenna, and why did they go there?.
Thanks again Blondie for an eye opening study.
I had no idea the Witnesses believed such rubbish concerning resurrection of the unborn. Seems they might have no qualms about abortion????
If the child is just a microscopic embryo why not abort. If it's not even in God's mind yet.
i publicly said the pledge of allegiance with my right hand over my heart.
the irony of it all is it happened during vacation bible school this week in my church's sanctuary.
it felt good.
Good going. It was at Vacation Bible School that I first said the pledge to both the American flag and the Christian flag. The ceiling didn't fall on me either.
I'm a registered voter and it sure feels good to express my feelings in that manner.
i have been a regular visitor to this forum for the past 2 years or so, finally i got the courage to register.. you guys are an inspiration , your stories and experiences have helped me to take a stand against this controlling org.. in short, i was raised from birth as a jw, parents are from the old school very much hard liners, the society is their god.
is expected of you, get baptised as a teenager become a ms then elder.
i always had my doubts about the society and its teachings but was.
Look forward to hearing your story.
"i have hope toward god .
over the hope of resurrection of the dead i am being
the resurrection hope draw them closer to god?
Thank you Blondie for your indepth study.
The WT is getting more stupid with every article.
Where is the logic...
Abraham had a child with Sarah proves he believes in the resurrection.
If anything, it should prove it to Sarah, but how it proves it to Abraham I am too much of an apostate to understand.
What about the scripture of the great cloud of witnesses in heaven watching the runners of Paul's day keep the faith?
And Lot, come on are you serious.... the WT makes some good points????
Thanks Blondie for all your hard work. I truly your study.
song 190.
10 min: local announcements.
remind publishers to turn in field service reports for may.
One quick question...
If God knows everything, even what is in our heart, why must a person fill out time sheets? Doesn't God know if a person goes out in "service" or not and how many hours they put in? Or is that one of the things God keeps from Himself?
And, back in my day (the stone age) meetings were one hour not forty-five minutes. LOL
I too am looking forward to Blondie's WT study for Sunday.
as the foremost person in the bible who let gods word light his roadway, where is jesus in this article?
wts reminders; otherwise you will not be heard and will not enjoy divine favor.
(psalm 119:175,176) some who have wandered away from the christian .
This has got to be the most hateful article I have read in a long time.
How can a parent with children who are not dubs or a husband with a non-dub wife or wife with a non-dub husband think of their loved one as scummy dross thrown on the slag heap of distruction.
Hateful venum... makes me want to vomit.
How can they even think to call themselves followers of Christ?
i joined the meetup thing for dallas/plano area xjws a while ago.
i haven't checked it out in a while...since the only meeting i ever saw planned on that site was canceled.
anyhoo, i got an email from talking about people becoming organizers for their meet up group.
Nineteen dollars a month???? You gotta be kidding!!!!
Our meetup here in Oklahoma never got off the ground so I just stopped going to the site.
No way would I pay that.
Yes, I really appreciate THIS site too.
just curious if this word is used as much in publications anymore.
it seems to be the wts is using.
"christians" in their writings and not the proverbial "christendom".
When I was a JW, way back in the old days, we were not Christians. We used the word Christian and Christendom as a curse word. (Along with goat and black bird)
Now it seems, JW's have become Christians and it is a good thing to be and of course only they are Christians.
I'm not too sure what they call Christians who are NOT JW's now or when this all happened. Maybe it was when Jesus grew a beard.
i can't find a news link to the article, but several usenet groups have reported that actor/director howard morris passed away.
howard morris had to be one of the funniest character actors ever.
his most famous was ernest t bass from the andy griffith show.
Oh, I loved that character. Thanks for the info...
All the good ones are going....