a big thank you from me too!!!! You do such an excellent job wading through all the sludge printed in the WT.
JoinedPosts by SallySue
by IP_SEC inblondie you prolly get tired of hearing this but thanks so much for your labor of love.
i dont get the mags anymore, but im glad to be able to keep up with what's being said in the wt through your weekly comments on the wt study.. i would think it might get tiresome to wade through the bs in the articles week after week.
im sure it takes a lot of your time to research, then type your post.
What is THIS that is stated on official WTBTS site...
by sf inhttp://www.watchtower.org/publications/publications_available.htm.
scrolling down to bottom:.
jehovah's witnesses provide personal and group instruction in the bible at no charge.
I bet that is who took the photos shown on some of the book covers.
Comments You Will Not Hear at the 10-23-05 WT Study (Walk/Faith)
by blondie in"we are walking by faith, not by sight.
"we are walking by faith, not by sight.
' walking by faith means that we keep.
When writing to anointed Christians
What were they anointed with? And if he was only writing to the anointed Christians, why do the poor "un"anointed Christians have to walk by faith too? What helps those folks?
Great comments as usual, Blondie. The article sure sounds as if there are many "walking" away from the org.
Theocratic Ministry School Instructions for 2006
by TheListener infrom the october 2006 km [i put .... where i left out some text]:
during 2006 the following will be the arrangements for conducting the theocratic ministry school.
source material: new world translation of the holy scriptures (bi12), the watchtower (w), benefit from theocratic ministry school education (be), "all scripture is inspired of god and beneficial" (1990 edition) (si), and reasoning from the scriptures (1989 edition) (rs).
Things certainly have changed from the 50's. I was in a large cong in NYC and we only had one school. In fact, I remember being told we didn't break up into rooms because we didn't want to be like the heathens who broke up into Sunday School classes.
I certainly enjoy reading about what is going on now and how the org has changed over 50 years.
Life Sucks!!!!
by Tez inaaaaaagggghhhhh!!!
thats how i feel at the mo!!!
why is it that no matter how hard you try life still sh**s on you!!!!!
God does love you. Jesus says His load is not heavy. Cast off the burdens the JW place upon you and accept Jesus' way. He will never leave you or forsake you. His love is not conditional like the JW's love. He stands at the door and knocks and will come in to whomever opens and accepts Him. We can't buy our own salvation as it is a free gift from God.
so what are the "anointed" you know/knew like?
by nowisee inthere were two quite old females in my congregation.
but then they died.. i met several members of gb.
The only annointed I knew in Memphis was a older man. He drove like a crazy person and it was said he drove like that because he wasn't afraid of dying as he was going straight to heaven.
by findingmyself inwhy is it that jw`s discourage you to search online for things dealing with jw`s?
if you are firm in your beliefs and you know you have the truth why be so afraid of that you will stumble upon some kind of "apostate" literature?
does anyone know exactly why jw`s shun there freinds and family for being dfed?
Google???? A search engine, targeted by the JW's??? No wonder my mother stopped even a minimal amount of communication with me when I told her that I "googled" the information I found for her on some silly subject or other. OOPS little did I know.
Comments You Will Not Hear at the 10-9-05 WT Study (Enoch)
by blondie in"enoch kept walking with the true god.
walk with god = walk with the wts/fds/gb only as a jw.
(2 timothy 3:1; revelation 6:1-8) those who worship .
Thanks for your hard work, Blondie.
It takes constant vigilance not to be influenced by that spirit, since we encounter it at work, at school, and in any other place where we have to rub shoulders with those who have no interest in pure worship.
Could they be speaking of family members????
published by Jehovah's Witnesses
Not too many years ago, my JW mother fought with me to convince me that Jehovah’s Witnesses were NOT publishers.
Published by Jehovah's Witnesses--the WTS started saying this in 2001 instead of
*** w00 12/15 p. 14 Help Others Walk Worthily of Jehovah ***
See Insight on the Scriptures, Volume 1, pages 490-1, and "All Scripture Is Inspired of God and Beneficial," pages 226-8, published by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.
Why? That’s my question too, Blondie….
First, Jehovah is our Creator, the Source of our life, and the Provider of all that we need to sustain life. (Revelation 4:11) As a result, only he has the right to tell us how to walk. In addition, walking with God is the most beneficial course possible. For those who walk with him, Jehovah has made provision for the forgiveness of sin, and he offers the sure hope of everlasting life. Our all-loving heavenly Father also provides wise counsel that helps those who walk with him to make a success of life now, despite their being imperfect and living in a world that is lying in Satan's power.
If all the above is true, why do we need the “organization”? Isn’t God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit enough????
Thanks for all your insightful comments and hard work, Blondie.
People who are mad at jw's. Should be mad at the bible?
by What_is_ur_point inthe bible is a serious book.. and the bible is a set of instructions set before mankind.
i believe being disfellowshipped the second time here makes me feel upset.
it would make anyone hurt frustrated or mad.
I see the question mark at the end of that sentence. The answer is No, do not be mad at the Bible. JW's and the Bible have nothing to do with each other. JW's are a cult, and the Bible is the Word of God. JW's do not follow the Word of God.
Best of luck on your journey of life. I hope you find happiness, but I fear if you return to the JW's you will not.
Comments You Will Not Hear at the 10-2-05 WT Study (Law of Love)
by blondie ina law of love in hearts
jehovah wrote those .
jehovah wrote--did he really?.
Thanks Blondie for that excellent review.
This entire article is just one large vomit alert.