Since his death many truths have been changed
Truth doesn't change. What is true from the beginning is true to the end.
couldn't resist.. w.once.
Since his death many truths have been changed
Truth doesn't change. What is true from the beginning is true to the end.
couldn't resist.. w.once.
Russel wrote in the Watchtower January15, 1892: "The date of the close of that "battle" is definitely marked in scripture as October,1914. It is already in progress, dating from October,1874." Also in the July15,1894 Watchtower he said "1914 is not the date for the beginning but for the end." Russel NEVER had the truth.
the oct 15 2006 wt, main article about getting to know god, page7, under the subheading, 'identifying god's channel of instruction':
"where can we find assistance in understanding the word of truth and then in living in accord with it?
in israel of old, god provided leadership through trusted and loyal individuals in positions of responsibility.
It isn't untill you actually bite the hook and get reeled in that you find out all this out. By that time it's too late, your all ready a believer in all that crap.
So true, so true.
these are things i hold as personally true for me:.
1) there is no religion today that has the only truth about god.
2) the bible contains truths for christians but other religions have books that contain truth for them.
I personally believe in cults and I believe the WTS tops them all.
doing more digging and thought i would post this for any new ones.
first of all i would like to show you what the bible says about "flase prophets": deuteronomy 18:20. .
20 "however, the prophet who presumes to speak in my name a word that i have not commanded him to speak or who speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet must die.
The Watchtower June 1,1965 stated"the organization is under the direction of Jehovah himself." It is clear they claim to be a prophet.
i am in the process of writing a letter to my mothers sister (aunt) about the un/watchtower fiasco.
my aunt will not speak to my mother or father because they are d'fed (for the un/watchtower fiasco).
however, i guess she thinks that i am a weak link and she sent me a letter, basically, stating the same thing that all jw's say in defence of the watchtower.
Lo-ru-hamah, very good.
i met a really nice couple once who went to an orphanage in a foreign country and adopted a little girl.
impressed with their goodness i probed a little as to why they had done such a noble thing.
surprisingly, the man told me that this was their third child to adopt.
I have quoted the NWT bible. However, I think it good to note that the majority of the bible translations translate the expression exercising faith as believe or believing.
Yes, The New Jerusalem bible and KJ translate it different from the NWT. I agree it is pretty plain "All who believe in Jesus will be saved." Watchtower Society wants everyone to think you can't get life unless you are in their organization. I may not get life but it will not be because I wasn't in that cult.
a few folks have kindly asked how i've been doing so i thought i'd post a short update.
(i had throat cancer this summer).
as for me i've been out of radiation for about 5 weeks now.
Hoping for the best for you. My Grandson had a knot on side of his neck. Turned out to be cancer. He is taking chemo. Are you still a JW? You have a long road ahead of you but don't give up.
i believe it was a spanish elder school in jersey city assembly hall.. front middle is the afamed harold jackson.. .
don't forget to add a caption to the pic all you picture editors.... .
wac - paparazti to the wtbts.
none look familiar and none look happy.
i'm a little rusty.. i remember reading that those who died before jesus's death would all resurrect on earth during the millennium, like john the baptist, who died before jesus.. and mary, although was born before jesus, died after jesus, so she will live in heaven.. so, after jesus's death, who are the 144,000 who will live in heaven with him.
could an old indian living in australia who never heard about jesus go to
According to the Watchtower Society only JWs go to heaven and get to live on the earth. According to Jesus at Luke 10 : 25-28 only those who "Love God with all their heart,soul, strength, and mind and love their neighbor as yourself" and he added :KEEP DOING THIS and you will get life,: