How can they sleep at night?
The Bible answers that question at 1Timothy4:2 "Speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their conscience seared with a hot iron." [ King James Bible] They have done this so long it doesn't bother them.
a brother, former bethelite, ca and dc speaker, po, pioneer, assembly overseer:.
he tells me "we" cannot know everything, no one can.
he acknowledges changes in understanding.
How can they sleep at night?
The Bible answers that question at 1Timothy4:2 "Speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their conscience seared with a hot iron." [ King James Bible] They have done this so long it doesn't bother them.
1990 yearbook of jehovahs witnesses (1990) d excellent .
1991 yearbook of jehovahs witnesses (1991) d excellent .
1992 yearbook of jehovahs witnesses (1992) d excellent .
madTiger, selling is a good idea. I sold most of mine. Had the "Pioneer " book and got $100.00. Even sold the Kingdom Ministries.What didn't sell on e-bay I threw in the dumpsters.
i know its a question that has been asked a thousand times, but what really made you exit the jws .. for instance, my wife and i, having found out about the u.n., 607bce, failed prophecies etc.
gave all this information to my wifes brother, along with many so called friends.
we came out but the brother and friends stayed in.. the only reasoning i can put on it, is that we made an effort to find out for ourselves what was the real truth, the others were told and given written evidence - but still didnt make a decision.
My Son is the reason I left. He quit going to the meetings and finally his wife also. they had a 3 year old and I wanted them back in so when he told me he had a problem with 1914, I was going to prove to him the Society was right. I done a LOT of research and found out the Society was wrong. I couln't believe it at first and didn't want to since I had other kids in it. But decided to go with the truth and got out. My son and his wife were labeled Apostates. They haven't done anything with me so far except come out to talk and that has been about 3 years. My other kids still speak and are nice to me so thats the only thing good about not being DF. They will not speak to their brother but he and his wife are enjoying life now. All of my daughter-in-law's folks dropped them. Her Dad and brother are Elders. She lost all her family. It was hard at first but she has made real friends now but I know she misses her Mother.
morning, can anyone point me to recent references where the gb claim the preaching work is now complete or that this verse is fulfilled.
i know it has been mentioned at conventions but would like to use some material.. .
S Eight, Watchtower, January15,1970 states "all of Matthew chapter 24 was fullfilled upon Jerusalem in 70C.E." Matthew 24:34 Jesus said "Truly I say to you that this generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur." He was talking to his disciples when said that so when he said "this generation" they under stood it meant their generation. Paul said at Colossians 1:23 the good news was preached in ALL creation. So the end came in 70C.E. after the preaching work was completed The Watchtower Society says Matthew 24 has a greater fullfillment but Jesus never said it did. Where did they read it had a greater fullfillment? They never.
hello all.
i just joined the site.
does anyone know of a hotline or a phone number i can call to talk to someone about how to leave the truth?
coolcat, miss meetings now and then and service. Little by little just fade out. They will think you are spiritually week. If they call, tell them it's not a good time. If you have caller ID, don't answer. They will finally leave you alone. I haven't been to a meeting in about 3 years. The last time they called me I told them I wasn't bothering anyone and I didn't want to be bothered. I am not DF. I still see my kids so if you have family just fade.
Gil, same happened to me as Lovelylil. There is no way you can talk to them when you are labeled an Apostate.
i know this question has been asked before, but i can't find the old post about this.
i am looking for another area of the us to move to.
edit: please be aware, i am ranting right now, but nothing here is exaggerated.
Texas is nice. I live on the outskirts of Waco. People here are nice and speak in person but they are very rude when it comes to driving.
they always used this as 'proof' that other churches were only in it for the money.
Not unless they have "a new light." They are supposed to give willingly.
reading 'the god delusion', dawkins says on page 258:.
hartung draws attention to the two verses in revelation where the number of those 'sealed' (which some sects such as the jehovah's witnesses, interpret to mean 'saved') is limited to 144,000.. i would not myself used the word 'saved', i'm not sure exactly sure what word i would have used because i don't think the jw's beliefs regarding the 144,000 can be summed up with one word.
Always thought the Society used Rev. 2:10 to show they had to prove theirself faithful to death.
reading 'the god delusion', dawkins says on page 258:.
hartung draws attention to the two verses in revelation where the number of those 'sealed' (which some sects such as the jehovah's witnesses, interpret to mean 'saved') is limited to 144,000.. i would not myself used the word 'saved', i'm not sure exactly sure what word i would have used because i don't think the jw's beliefs regarding the 144,000 can be summed up with one word.
Honesty, Thanks for the update. Man I never knew they changed that. Hope they keep it up. Maybe a few more will wake up.