Jeremiah 29:10 In accord with the fullfilling of 70 years AT Babylon I shall turn my attention to you people, and I will establish toward you my good word in bringing you back to this place. Also Jeremiah 25:12 "And it must occur that when 70 years have been fullfilled I will call to account AGAINST THE KING OF BABYLON AND AGAINST THAT NATION."
JoinedPosts by Alwayshere
The WTS's endpoint of the "70 Years"?
by Doug Mason in1. does the wts date the end the 70 years as soon as the babylonian exiles returned to the land, or when they started the building of the altar?.
(ezra 2:68 makes it clear that the returnees arrived early enough for the exiles to be settled in their own towns (verse 70) well before they started to build the altar in the seventh month of an unidentified year (3:1)).. .
2. why were the returnees frightened of the people around them when they started to build the altar (ezra 3:3)?
The WTS's endpoint of the "70 Years"?
by Doug Mason in1. does the wts date the end the 70 years as soon as the babylonian exiles returned to the land, or when they started the building of the altar?.
(ezra 2:68 makes it clear that the returnees arrived early enough for the exiles to be settled in their own towns (verse 70) well before they started to build the altar in the seventh month of an unidentified year (3:1)).. .
2. why were the returnees frightened of the people around them when they started to build the altar (ezra 3:3)?
Sorry, done my math wrong. The Bible at Jeremiah 29:10 does show they would be in Babylon for 70 years. Daniel was taken in 606. Daniel 1:1 says in the 3rd year of Jehoiakim King Neb. sieged Jerusalem and Daniel was taken.(Daniel 1:6) History says 609 was Jehoiakim's first year to rule. History will also say Daniel was taken in 606. got my ifo. from Funk and Wagner Encyclopedia.
The WTS's endpoint of the "70 Years"?
by Doug Mason in1. does the wts date the end the 70 years as soon as the babylonian exiles returned to the land, or when they started the building of the altar?.
(ezra 2:68 makes it clear that the returnees arrived early enough for the exiles to be settled in their own towns (verse 70) well before they started to build the altar in the seventh month of an unidentified year (3:1)).. .
2. why were the returnees frightened of the people around them when they started to build the altar (ezra 3:3)?
The watchtower dates the 70 years from 607 down to 537. And say Jerusalem was desolated for 70 years. The 70 years is not talking about Jerusalem being desolated but "serving the King of Babylon for 70 years." Jeremiah 25:11 and 2Chronicles 36:20 show this. Daniel was taken in 606 so that started the 70 years of serving the King. 606 minus 69 more years= 537. Just like God said.
Hubby is Researching 607...
by cognac inwould you say that's the beginning of the end?
hubby's researching if the beginning date can be proven from the bible its starting date is 607. clearly, he won't find the answer.... here's hoping he will see the light... .
But Scholar, you still have not explained how you can get 607 by using 624 for Neb. first rule. The Bible plainly says at 2Kings 25:8-9 it was Neb. 19th year when Jerusalem was desolated. Explain if you can.
Hubby is Researching 607...
by cognac inwould you say that's the beginning of the end?
hubby's researching if the beginning date can be proven from the bible its starting date is 607. clearly, he won't find the answer.... here's hoping he will see the light... .
Scholar, you need to do more research and you can do it in your own Vol.2 of the "Insight of the scriptures." Page 480. It states 624 as being King Neb. 1st year to rule. The Bible at 2Kings 25:8-9 says it was King Neb. 19th year when Jerusalem was desolated. If you minus 18 from 624, it is 606. You can not get 607. So 607 DOES NOT harmonize with the Bible
Is the governing body anointed or self-appointed?
by 1914BS inhow is it that every member of the gb has claimed to be anointed when they themselves doubt the anointed status of r&f anointed?
what makes the gb so sure of their anointedness?.
They are self-appointed. Can't you tell from the lies they tell?
your right about 1914. It is BS.
Stupidest JW meeting answers
by GapingMouth ini was thinking about some stupid non-sensical answers i have heard over the years.
"we all know the blue whale is the biggest fish"
"we were on the ministry and met a coloured couple.
An Elder was giving a talk trying to encourage more to pioneer. He said: " seems like evryone is making excuses by saying, "but I can't, I have to do this or that or "but I haven't felt good lately." Brothers and Sister, I think we need to examine our buts."
Do you like to gamble?
by JimmyPage innow that you're out of the jws do you gamble?
occasionally or regularly?
what's the most you've won?
Love it. I play only the freerolls on the internet. Most I ever won on them is $15. and $11. a few times. I like the Casinos and go to Shreveport. Most I won there was$568.00. Go to Windstar in Okla. most I won there was $525.00. But by now they have gotten it back and more. But will always go. After 33 years in the Watchtower, going to do what I like now.
The Watchtower Society owns businesses?
by garyneal inin my previous topic alwayshere said the following:.
you asked "can a jw join the military?
" her answer "no all the military is good for is killing people and destroying things.
Gary, their own literature condemns other religons for fighting. Their Watchtower july 1, 1973 "Showing respect for life" says "Is making weapons for destruction consistent with doing good toward all? Would your conscience permit you to share in producing weaponry? They are doing what they say is wrong. That makes them hypocrites. And we already know they are liers.
A few questions concerning Jehovah's Witnesses doctrines
by garyneal infor those familiar with my postings already know, i am a christian who is married to an active jehovah's witness (though not yet baptized).
we discuss issues concerning the witnesses and their doctrines and have had "bible studies" with one of the elders.
i've asked her about some of these things and i would like to share her responses and see if it lines up with watchtower teachings.. can a police officer become a jehovah's witness?.
You asked "Can a JW join the Military?" Her answer "No all the Military is good for is Killing people and destroying things." The Watchtower Society owns 50% of a company that makes war weapons that kill and destroy. All you have to do is go to your "search" and type in "Watchtower and warfare technology." That organization is guilty of everything they say "do not do." Hypocrites and Liers run that organizations.