Does the WTS have any scriptural evidence that Jesus would return invisbly and annoint them
No more than they have scriptural evidence that Jerusalem wad laid desolate in 607.Apostates run that organization.
does the wts have any scriptural evidence that jesus would return invisibly and annoint them?
Does the WTS have any scriptural evidence that Jesus would return invisbly and annoint them
No more than they have scriptural evidence that Jerusalem wad laid desolate in 607.Apostates run that organization.
a simple question: do you hate the religion of jehovah's witnesses?
feel free to elaborate on your answer.. b.
Very, very much! So many are trapped inside and the organization is run by Apostates!
i am reading gentile times reconsidered.
great book.
but when you read it you definitely have to have a clear understanding of the 70 years prophecy as interpreted by the society - otherwise the explanations sound just as garbled as the society's (except reconsidered has a lot more actual references).. can someone explain it in simple terms?
i am reading gentile times reconsidered.
great book.
but when you read it you definitely have to have a clear understanding of the 70 years prophecy as interpreted by the society - otherwise the explanations sound just as garbled as the society's (except reconsidered has a lot more actual references).. can someone explain it in simple terms?
ithinkisee, do not believe anything scholar says! He is A JW and he knows what he says is a lie! The WTS is run by Apostates and he is one of them. Others on this post will tell you the same. Check Encyclopedias and other true sources.
i am reading gentile times reconsidered.
great book.
but when you read it you definitely have to have a clear understanding of the 70 years prophecy as interpreted by the society - otherwise the explanations sound just as garbled as the society's (except reconsidered has a lot more actual references).. can someone explain it in simple terms?
ithinkisee, Read Jeremiah 25:11. It plainly says "These nations will have to serve theKing of Babylon for seventy years." read Jeremiah 27:6-7. It plainly says "I[God] have given ALL these lands into the hand of NEBUCHADNEZZAR the KING of Babylon.......and ALL these nations will serve him and his son and his grandson, untill thevery end of his land come." The end for Babylon was 539. The Watchtower tries to make this mean 70 years of desolation for Jerusalem but no where in the Bible does it say Jerusalem will lay desolated for 70 years. another scripture to read showing they will serve the King og Babylon is 2Chronicles 36:20 which says they will serve the King UNTILL the reign of the Kingdom of Persia. That reign started in 539 when they captured Babylon. Hope this helps. The WTS is a cult. been there.
i am very nervous about being in here.
i just got df'd last week and am unsure of how i feel about it.
i feel guilty but at the same time not.
Susu, Welcome and it will take time but you are better off now. If you just visit these sites and do research you will see the WTS is a cult. I only wish it hadn't taken me so long to find it out. Most of us have lost our family to it. But it's sure nice not having to go to mrrtings, field service. and assemblies In time, maybe some of us will see our family getting out.We can hope anyway.I have been out about 2 years and I have a hard time some days but try to stay busy.Wish you all the luck and you have a lot who cares for you on this board.
i have a lot of them - .
final scene in "gone with the wind" - frankly scarlet, i don't give a damn.".
eastwood - "make my day".
Jehoshua1914, Since you seem to know so much, where did the JWs read Jerusalem was desolated in 607? That was an important event in History and you should be able to prove from the Bible or at least go to encyclopedias or the Library and find information on this. The only way we have of knowing what happened in the past is from History. Another question I have is: Why does that organization lie and then claim to be God's organization? They say they never prophesied in God's name but check the Awake[inside cover] from March 1988-October 1995 it says:"the CREATOR PROMISES a peacefull and secure new world BEFOER the generation that SAW the events of 1914 passes away." Do you think God lied? I don't but that organization did. If God promises something he keeps his word. I could list a dozen and a lot more lies but if this doesn't prove to you,that you are in a cult then let them keep telling you what you have to do and believe. That organization is doing what they claim other religions are doing and that is taking the right of "freedom of speech" away from their people.The Awake July 22, 1996 stated: Freedom-loving people are hard pressed to understand why some goverments and religions would with hold this freedom from their people. It is a denial of a basic human right and MANY PEOPLE THROUGH THE WORLD SUFFER UNDER SUPPRESSION OF THIS FREEDOM." I typed the last part big because it fits that cult you are in.You do not have the right to free speech in that organization because if you qeestion anything they teach you are labeled an Apostate and loose you family and those you thought were your friends.
tomorrow i will be mailing my special do not call, come by, or mail our family anything letter to new york.
i was told i should also send the same letter to all the local congregations we were once affiliated with.. i did this when we lived at our old address and the letter to the local kh came back returned for having no mailbox.. so how am i supposed to get the letters to them?.
any idea's?.
I agree with Joy also. Let them do their job, they like it so much.
i was told that he was that's why thye have the same doctrine.........................................
love JW and alway ' s will but im a fully devoted Morman
I can tell you one thing, JWs don't love anyone but their self and another thing i can tell you is, the Morman's are a cult also.
but only for 144,000 jw's.
if an honest jw were to read the first 3 chapters of fox's book of martyrs he/she would realise the wtbts is full of bs with the 144,000 doctrine.
JWs believe the soul is you yourself. Even animals are souls. Genesis 2:7 "Adam BECAME a living soul." Numbers 31: 28 "one soul of 500 , both of the persons and of the sheep." They are a cult. Like most religions they have some truth in them and that is how they get you in.but most religions, you can disagree with them and they will speak and still be your friends but the WTS will label you an Apostate, which scares everyone else in the Organization and then you loose your family and those you thought were your friends.You are to be viewed as dead. They kill you spiritually.They have told so many lies about the end of the world and have prophesied in God's name and then they lie and say they never said the end was coming at any certain time but most people know they said "the generation of 1914 would not pass away before all these things come to pass." That generation passed away. The inside cover of the Awake from March1988-October 1995 said"the CREATOR PROMISES a peacfull and secure world BEFORE the generation that SAW the events of 1914 passes away." This shows they prophesied in God's name saying he[God] promised something and if God had promised that, it would have came true! What liers they are but you can expect that from an organization run by Apostates.