There is no "Armageddon."
That is what i have came to believe. I think also, most of Revelation was fullfilled B.C. including Revelation 18.
a friend of mine who is still a witness has been posting these things he calls "research questions" on his bebo account.
i find them rather amusing because even if i look up the answers and put them basically word for word from scriptures they usually end up being something printed out of the watchtower.
since he reads my bebo account i posted something about how there are shades of grey in morality and discussed how stealing a loaf of bread for your starving child could be both proven and disproven with the bible.
There is no "Armageddon."
That is what i have came to believe. I think also, most of Revelation was fullfilled B.C. including Revelation 18.
any help would be fantastic.
the scripture is one that is lik luke 21:8 saying beware of those saying the end is near.
however i'm fairly sure it's in one of the books of timothy.
AMEN to that funky.
any help would be fantastic.
the scripture is one that is lik luke 21:8 saying beware of those saying the end is near.
however i'm fairly sure it's in one of the books of timothy.
1Peter 4:7 "the end of all things is at hand." KJ Bible.
has anyone here listened to any judicial committee meetings and been very disappointed?
I haven't listened to any but my son was told to be at one. He said they were going to DF him for Apostasy. He ask told them elders were supposed to come over and discuss 1914 with him but they never showed up. He also told them, "there are four of you, surely one of you can show me were I am wrong." They told him 'no, you have done too much research." They told him to leave and come back in 30 minutes and they would tell him their decision. Of course they got rid of him. I left the cult about 3 months later.
from the evidence i have found, it was all but etched in stone.
so why try and defend the wts by saying "they never stated armageddon would be in 1975", as one witness tried to throw back at me.. seems that you could show them all the evidence in the world of this false organization, and it will repel right off them.
is there some sort of "force field" kool-aid they're serving at the halls?.
Because they have to.
i went to visit my parents last night.
id been there for about 10 minutes when my mother looks at me and asks if i can give her 20 dollars.
sure, no problem.
I had the same idea as Honesty. Do not give cash.
americans live in a dream world about the history of their country.. they just can't see the usa as the treacherous "harlot" in revelation.
how can it be said of the usa that "in her was found the blood of prophets, and of holy ones and of all those who have been slaughtered on the earth"_rev 18:24. certainly you can't say in a literal sense that the usa is responsible for "all those who have been slaughtered on the earth" any more than you could say that of ancient babylon - "at babylon the slain ones of all the earth have fallen".
_jeremiah 51:49. the blood-guilt of both ancient babylon and babylon the great is expressed as hyperbole - exageration for emphasis.. but, isn't the usa the most peace loving nation on earth?.
I believe Babylon the Great is the original Babylon and pictures nothing else.
does anyone know anything about investigations of the jw's by the fbi or by other federal agencies?
i'm especially interested in any investigations by j. edgar hoover.
have there been any foia requests done of the fbi about investigations of the jw's or their leader(s)?
Kwr, that's new to me. Hope it is true. Please post if you find out anything.
it amazes me how the wts keeps on telling its members about how they're seeing bible prophecy being fulfilled today.
however, just look at when the last significant jw prophecy was recorded: 1928.. what happened in 1928?
it was the fulfillment of the final trumpet blast of revelation at a jw convention in detroit, michigan.
Or is it possible that the JWs just make all this stuff up?
I would say that is VERY possible.
Love is a feeling you feel, when you feel a feeling you never felt before.