SCHOLAR, Have you ever read Zechariah 7:1-5? verse 1 says "In the fourth year of Darius and last part of verse 2 says "Shall I weep in the fifth month, practicing an abstinence, the way I have done THESE O HOW MANY YEARS?" vERSE 5,LAST PART, "WHEN YOU FASTED AND THERE WAS WAILING IN THE FIFTH MONTH AND IN THE SEVENTH MONTH AND THIS FOR 70 YEARS, DID YOU REALLY FAST FOR ME?" In the marginal ref. they give 2Kings 25:8-9 and Jeremiah52:12-13 to show they were weeping because Jerusalem had been desolated. 2Kings 25:25 shows why the were weeping in the seventh month. Because Gedaliah and those with him were killed. Vol.1 Insight on the Scriptures page 583, last paragraph on the right, says 520 B.C.E. was the second year of Darius so the forth year would be 518. 518 being the 1st year and add 69=587. they weeped 70 years down to 518. They would have to weep 90 years to get 607. Add 89 to 518. Yes, the Society is off 20 years.
JoinedPosts by Alwayshere
Need help disproving 607BCE
by 2pink ini hope i am posting in the right board.. anyway, i am newly out of the org, and have a dear friend who i've been speaking to all along about my thought process/decisions.
she has been hesitantly receptive (how's that for confusing?!
lol) and when i brought up 607bce to her yesterday, she was truly intrigued and had not heard of this as a false date before.. she is still half in/half out, so i know she isn't going to do a lot of naughty independent research on her own.
Need help disproving 607BCE
by 2pink ini hope i am posting in the right board.. anyway, i am newly out of the org, and have a dear friend who i've been speaking to all along about my thought process/decisions.
she has been hesitantly receptive (how's that for confusing?!
lol) and when i brought up 607bce to her yesterday, she was truly intrigued and had not heard of this as a false date before.. she is still half in/half out, so i know she isn't going to do a lot of naughty independent research on her own.
All you have to is check the Society's date for the 1st year of King Neb. which is 624. Then go to 2Kings25:7-8 and also Jeremiah 52: 12-13, they both say"it was King Neb. 19th year when Jerusalem was desolated. 624 being the 1st year, take 18 years away and you get 606. 607 is wrong and they know it, but they have to have 607 to get 1914, which is a lie also.
Two simple (stupid) questions about 607..
by bohm inim researching the societys position on 607, and so far i got two questions i havent been able to find the answer to.
it is about the following scripture:.
in the third year of the kingship of je?hoia?kim the king of judah, neb?u?chad?nezzar the king of babylon came to jerusalem and proceeded to lay siege to it.
Two simple (stupid) questions about 607..
by bohm inim researching the societys position on 607, and so far i got two questions i havent been able to find the answer to.
it is about the following scripture:.
in the third year of the kingship of je?hoia?kim the king of judah, neb?u?chad?nezzar the king of babylon came to jerusalem and proceeded to lay siege to it.
WTS also says King Neb. 1st year as King is 624. The Bible at 2Kings 25:8-9 and also at Jeremiah 52:12-13 show it was in Neb. 19th year as King when Jerusalem was desolated. You can not get 607 using 624. History says 605 for Neb. 605-18=587. WTS can not prove anything thats why we are labeled Apostates.
WTS attends as a NGO to OSCE in July- 4 branches present!
by yknot inso i was just cruising
mary received a interesting bit of osce information via a brother (peter) from germany.......
here is the pdf she has uploaded.....
Sept. 15,1982 page 22 "All who flee to Jehovah's organization must cease giving support to any part of Satan's system on earth." Insight Book page 54 last paragraph under " "Spiritual Adultery" "if Christains who are dedicated to Jehovah and are in the new covenant defile themselfs with the present system of things, they commit spiritual adultry."
The next big Internet HAMMER BLOW to the Watchtower!
by nicolaou inwithin a year or so, the internet will be 'opened up' to allow users to create full web and e-mail-addresses using non-latin characters.
the critical examination and companionships we have enjoyed for the past 15 years will become easily available to nationals in their own language.. imagine if the internet had been created and developed in chinese or urdu - how much use would that have been to you?
soon, our lovely apostate friends around the world will be spreading the news in their own language!.
Looking forward to that!
the wt 1989
by Adrianoblue ini just read a quote from our poster "albert einstein".
he wrote the wt from 1989 stated that armageddon will occur within the 20th centurie.. ist that information correct????.
Awake Nov.1986 pg. 78 "for the year 2000, I see a world transformed into a Paradise but I don't think the present world or rulers will live to see it. We are living in the last days." The Nations shall know I am Jehovah-1971 page 216 "Within our 20th century the battle in the day of Jehovah will begin with Christendom."
Does the Watchtower Society teach that people who die at Armageddon will not be resurrected?
by Pallbearer inquestion: does the watchtower society teach that people who die at armageddon will not be resurrected?.
please give a "yes" or "no" answer to start with.
then, if your answer is "yes" please document that it is taught with references or quotes from the wts's publications or public talks that have been given.. thank you for any assistance that you can provide..
I know they teach if you leave the organization, and Armageddon comes, you will not be resurrected. But it doesn't really matter what they teach because God would never use a religion that has lied and been wrong so many times.
Does the Watchtower Society teach that people who die at Armageddon will not be resurrected?
by Pallbearer inquestion: does the watchtower society teach that people who die at armageddon will not be resurrected?.
please give a "yes" or "no" answer to start with.
then, if your answer is "yes" please document that it is taught with references or quotes from the wts's publications or public talks that have been given.. thank you for any assistance that you can provide..
I know they teach if you leave the organization, and Armageddon comes, you will not be ressurected. But it doesn't really matter what they teach because God would never use a religion that has lied and been wrong so many times.
What Are Your Thoughts On The Apostle Paul?
by cognac ini find him very confusing and difficult to figure out sometimes.
evidently, peter did also.
anyways, i find him a bit harsh and unloving in the way he deals with the congregations and i was shocked how he rebuked with peter.
Judas was replaced by Matthias (Acts 1:25-26) Jesus only had 12 Apostles (Rev. 21:14). I view Paul as Jesus did. (Rev. 2 :2)