It is always so sad to hear when this happens to anyone, regardless of religion. I hope she can pull through and get REAL professional help to help her get a better perspective.
Hoping to hear she does.....
my sister-in-law tried to take her life this afternoon.
it still remains to be seen if she makes it through or not.
though a witness, she's had many bad experiences in life.
It is always so sad to hear when this happens to anyone, regardless of religion. I hope she can pull through and get REAL professional help to help her get a better perspective.
Hoping to hear she does.....
<!-- .style2 { font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } .style3 {font-size: 12px} .style4 {font-family: arial; font-size: 18px; color: #ff9900; } .style5 {color: #000000} .style6 {color: #ff0000} --> odd and unusual words and expressions used locally or regionallysome time ago, i was sending a personal message to a friend in a different country .
and using the term bubba to address him.
now in the southeastern united states .
If any of you that are familiar with "wallboard" or "Sheetrock" used in finishing walls in construction you might find this amusing.You know the guys that install the tape and compound after the sheetrock is installed?
We used to call them "crackfillers"...
sorry if i that is the wrong spelling.
i just want to say that i used to be judgemental of athiests, but as a jw backer everyone on here finds nothing but wrong doing with the orginizations.
well i am sure i can find wrong doing with other churches and their teachings as well.
I don't think you're giving theists enough credit.
The mental gymnastics required can take a great deal of effort. This has to fit in to their busy schedule of circular logic, which can keep them running in circles for extended periods of time.
This can be followed up with "meditation" , which helps to push out any rational thoughts (doubts) that threaten to derail their faith, as that would mean all their effort was for naught, since their god needs them to "believe".
The smarter ones naturally develop decent debating skills, as they have internal debates quite often, presumably followed by a thought stopping prayer.
Being able to fit all that into their day, and still finding the time to be a functioning member of society, I think entitles them to a certain amount of respect for their mental prowess.
loyal to christ and his faithful slave.
what interesting points: cross, christmas, pyramid.
q12, 13) what scriptural reasons are there for showing respect for the slave class?.
I think their teachings are so convoluted and so confusing that the Watch Tower writers don't even know what the group believes. That's apparent in this article.
This is the most pathetic article I've seen for a long time. Sadly I have a feeling this is the theme of the summer's assemblies and the tone of the writings for a while.
There are only 4 topics to rotate now.
1. The Governing Body is God's channel.
2. The end is near.
3. Don't listen to apostates.
4. Working for the Society = serving Jehovah.
The assembly programs identify the topics. What have I missed?
5. Don't forget you must financially support God's Channel. He needs your help!
p2 or pleaser2000.
we have p2, with my kids, myself and arrowstar to start!.
Didn't anyone besides fully clothed aposta-males get in the pool??
i like to consider myself a bit of an island.
some might call what i do anti-social.
as an island, i have to face inescapable facts - those being that sometimes, i must travel to the mainland.
Most men can be a peninsula...
it struck me this past year, with respect to jw teachings about the timing of genesis 1, that even in things that really have no impact on what most jws think of as "core doctrine" the watchtower society sticks to its traditions over what the bible says.
this was again brought home in the september, 2006 awake!
17 between me and the sons of israel it is a sign to time indefinite, because in six days jehovah made the heavens and the earth and on the seventh day he rested and proceeded to refresh himself.
Alan, I did find some manner of explanation on their CD, dealing with this the use of the word heaven.
The Hebrew sha·ma´yim (always in the plural), which is rendered "heaven(s)," seems to have the basic sense of that which is high or lofty. (Ps 103:11; Pr 25:3; Isa 55:9) The etymology of the Greek word for heaven (ou·ra·nos´) is uncertain.
Heavens. The full scope of the physical heavens is embraced by the original-language term. The context usually provides sufficient information to determine which area of the physical heavens is meant.Heavens
ofearth’satmosphere. "The heaven(s)" may apply to the full range of earth’s atmosphere in which dew and frost form (Ge 27:28; Job 38:29), the birds fly (De 4:17; Pr 30:19; Mt 6:26), the winds blow (Ps 78:26), lightning flashes (Lu 17:24), and the clouds float and drop their rain, snow, or hailstones (Jos 10:11; 1Ki 18:45; Isa 55:10; Ac 14:17). "The sky" is sometimes meant, that is, the apparent or visual dome or vault arching over the earth.—Mt 16:1-3; Ac 1:10, 11.This atmospheric region corresponds generally to the "expanse [Heb., ra·qi´a?]" formed during the second creative period, described at Genesis 1:6-8. It is evidently to this ‘heaven’ that Genesis 2:4; Exodus 20:11; 31:17 refer in speaking of the creation of "the heavens and the earth."—See EXPANSE.
While they don't actually make a full-blown argument here, they seem to be drawing a distinction between an all inclusive heaven and merely the earth's atmosphere.
Of course they don't elaborate, only saying context is used to make this decision, and then follow it up with the usual "evidently".
i thought i'd start a new thread since my other thread was leading into a different topic.
hopefully i can get many different views on this.
i understand the concern not allowing children to be preach to by jw family members.
I think good points are raised on both sides of this issue. But I lean pretty heavily toward inoculation, rather than quarantine.
Good way of stating your point, Dave.
I am with you on this point as well. My daughter is almost 4 and still has contact with JW's sometimes. I have one or two dub friends and more family, and feel it would be impossible to isolate her from their silly ideas, as well as all other religious ones, including the god delusion (thanks Mr Dawkins).
She does understand the idea of pretend though, as she likes playing ghost from time to time, so I have simply explained that some adults like to play pretend too, including pretending a big invisible man in the sky does things now and then to help them out. She seems to understand this, as she loves to play pretend games. :)
just finished reading "why i am not a muslim" - fabulous read.
i recommend it
You can pretend that Jesus is only recorded as preaching a message of peace, but that is avoiding his solution to arriving at that utopia, sending all who ignore him to hell, after getting wiped out by Jehober first.
My apologies for these slightly off topic posts....
Don't know how my formatting got messed up....
just finished reading "why i am not a muslim" - fabulous read.
i recommend it
Having met and argued with many Moslems I know what they stand for. Their koran is a very contradictory book that can justify anything, at times it advises war and at times peace so some Moslems say it is a religion of peace and others see it as proposing war depending on what verses they quote.
Christianity on the other hand is straight in that it demands a peaceful behaviour from its followers. Islam established itself through war and forced conversions at the point of the sword or sustained persecution, Christianity through suffering persesution. There is no doubt about which one is more spiritual.