I need to go now, any last figures anyone wants to know?
JoinedPosts by slimboyfat
Worldwide Growth At 2% - the new service report
by slimboyfat ini have the feb magazine with the new report in it.
if anyone is interested to know any of the figures then let me know and i will post it over the next half hour or so....
Worldwide Growth At 2% - the new service report
by slimboyfat ini have the feb magazine with the new report in it.
if anyone is interested to know any of the figures then let me know and i will post it over the next half hour or so....
Yes - 8,570 up from last year (don't have last year's figures to hand, but I know that it was up from last year)
Worldwide Growth At 2% - the new service report
by slimboyfat ini have the feb magazine with the new report in it.
if anyone is interested to know any of the figures then let me know and i will post it over the next half hour or so....
Where is their growth?
Mexico 5%, Brazil 4%, Russia 5%, Peru 5%, Ukraine 3%, Zambia 3%.
Those are all the countries with more than 100 000 publishers that have significant rates of growth
Mexico alone increased by 26,000 - which means that this one country accounts for more than 1/5 of the total growth worldwide (a mere 124,000)
Worldwide Growth At 2% - the new service report
by slimboyfat ini have the feb magazine with the new report in it.
if anyone is interested to know any of the figures then let me know and i will post it over the next half hour or so....
Can't scan - that's beyond my powers I am afraid. Any figures provided.
Worldwide Growth At 2% - the new service report
by slimboyfat ini have the feb magazine with the new report in it.
if anyone is interested to know any of the figures then let me know and i will post it over the next half hour or so....
US figures in the magazine are exactly the same as those posted a few days ago on this site...
Canada: 0% growth (actually down from 108 409 to 108 012)
Australia: 0% (up by 23 publishers)
UK: 0% (up by 36 publishers)
All these figures are from the average pub column...
Elsewhere in Europe: Spain up 1%, Italy 0%, Germany 0%, France 1%, Sweden -1%, Norway and Finland 0%.....
Worldwide Growth At 2% - the new service report
by slimboyfat ini have the feb magazine with the new report in it.
if anyone is interested to know any of the figures then let me know and i will post it over the next half hour or so....
I have the Feb magazine with the new report in it. If anyone is interested to know any of the figures then let me know and I will post it over the next half hour or so....
Non-JW teacher needing advice
by Teacher inhi there, i'm new to the board and have turned here for advice.
i am a new teacher and have a child in my class who is a jw.
as i know nothing about the religion i thought i would ask here.. i am aware that he will not be able to take part in re or religious assemblies or christmas activities.
At least 1 Witness child in every class? How big are the classes? If there are around 30 (as they are where I live) then that means that you have a very high witness:public ratio indeed. Are you from Saint Helena, Zambia or Gaudeloupe?
Non-JW teacher needing advice
by Teacher inhi there, i'm new to the board and have turned here for advice.
i am a new teacher and have a child in my class who is a jw.
as i know nothing about the religion i thought i would ask here.. i am aware that he will not be able to take part in re or religious assemblies or christmas activities.
Most here are ex-Witnesses and strongly disagree with the JW faith. Are you aware of that?
I myself am still a Witness, though a reluctant one at the moment.
In any case, people here will be able to help you I am sure.
About what things witnesses can and can't partake in - it really is erratic and varies from Witness to Witness. You just need to get to know them as individuals and try not to allow them to feel excluded in school. If they want to sit apart then allow them, but don't make a fuss about it because it makes them feel bad. Don't ask them if they want to join in - just assume that they do unless they tell you otherwise. That would be my advice. Sometimes shy and reluctant Witnesses like myslef would have preferred if the teachers had not made such a fuss and said "Oh, but you won't be taking part in this I suppose, will you?" whenever something came up, as if they were doing me a favour.
Knock Knock ... Good Morning, I'm one of Jehovah's Witnesses ......
by groovycat. inhehe, how i hated saturday morings!.
hello all, i'm new to the forum!.
first of all, i would like to apologise to anyone who had the misfortune of opening their door early on a saturday morning to me preaching the good news!
I am from Scotland too. I am afraid to say exactly where because the elders scare me. I wish I could meet up with you freedom fighter. I need to talk with someone who knows what hell I am going through!!!
Positive proof that Watchman & those who post on his forum are LOONEY.
by Schizm inhttp://e-jehovahs-witnesses.com/viewtopic.php?t=1084&sid=584fa2df178b17b22f245bf648ff3e66
modern day "garden of eden" ?
good day brothers and sisters: .
At Least Watchman is not as bad as The Lord's Witnesses!
Have you ever seen that site?
They are a breakaway from Jehovah's Witnesses