Thats what I thought.Dad now puts 200 in the kitty due to inflation and you dont get fed.Thats a good scam.36000 x 200 hey three quarters of a mill right there not bad for 3or4 days
Posts by ko38
Why does the wtbts say you have to bring a sack lunch to the assemblies?
by ko38 in.
i dont fully understand what the big deal is as to why you cant leave the conventions to go eat.i use to have fun working in the food department when i was could miss most of the days talks if you stuck around for cleanup.. i helped build the assembly hall here in st>louis.i was thrilled when they installed an ice cream area.that was the best job to have and we used to request that duty months in advance.
(all the ice cream you could eat)then when they went to the free food oh boy did i pig always put a hundred or so in the kitty and i guess that more than covered the soy bean burgers,burritos and fruit bags that we ate.. but now there is strong admonition to not leave the building for food as well as to stay away from vendors around district assemblies.the only reason for this that i can think of is that they dont want anyone leaving the assembly and not returning for the afternoon session after a tasty lunch and good conversation with your friends.. of course if a lot of people didnt return from lunch they wouldnt be there to give contributions.thats the only reason i can come up with.what do you guys and gals think?
Why does the wtbts say you have to bring a sack lunch to the assemblies?
by ko38 in.
i dont fully understand what the big deal is as to why you cant leave the conventions to go eat.i use to have fun working in the food department when i was could miss most of the days talks if you stuck around for cleanup.. i helped build the assembly hall here in st>louis.i was thrilled when they installed an ice cream area.that was the best job to have and we used to request that duty months in advance.
(all the ice cream you could eat)then when they went to the free food oh boy did i pig always put a hundred or so in the kitty and i guess that more than covered the soy bean burgers,burritos and fruit bags that we ate.. but now there is strong admonition to not leave the building for food as well as to stay away from vendors around district assemblies.the only reason for this that i can think of is that they dont want anyone leaving the assembly and not returning for the afternoon session after a tasty lunch and good conversation with your friends.. of course if a lot of people didnt return from lunch they wouldnt be there to give contributions.thats the only reason i can come up with.what do you guys and gals think?
I dont fully understand what the big deal is as to why you cant leave the conventions to go eat.I use to have fun working in the food department when i was younger.You could miss most of the days talks if you stuck around for cleanup.
I helped build the assembly hall here in ST>louis.I was thrilled when they installed an ice cream area.that was the best job to have and we used to request that duty months in advance.(all the ice cream you could eat)Then when they went to the free food oh boy did I pig out.Dad always put a hundred or so in the kitty and I guess that more than covered the soy bean burgers,burritos and fruit bags that we ate.
But now there is strong admonition to not leave the building for food as well as to stay away from vendors around district assemblies.The only reason for this that i can think of is that they dont want anyone leaving the assembly and not returning for the afternoon session after a tasty lunch and good conversation with your friends.
Of course if a lot of people didnt return from lunch they wouldnt be there to give contributions.Thats the only reason i can come up with.What do you guys and gals think?
All I hear about Jehovah's Witnesses..........
by Redneckgurl inhey everybody!
hope those who are celebrating the holidays are having a good one, and for those who aren't, hope you are enjoying your freedom!.
i have to tell you about these things i have heard recently.
Every time i told employers or workmates that i was a jw they trated me like i had the plague.
ending a "bible" study concerns
by blueztunez infirst off i'd like to say what a pleasure it is to read the threads here and to say as well that it's quite refreshing to see the milk of human kindnes shared so freely here.. i just moved back east and have been staying with my 82 year old mom who's been a jw for 35 years (she's happy as a clam).
knowing she'd appreicate the company going to the sunday meetings plus the 2 hour "school" i thought i could also form my own opinion on their "truth" i did't research the "apostate web sites" till i had formed my own opinion...well 6 months (read) 125 hours at the kingdom hall later and my heart tells me that this "truth" is not for me.. the problem:.
i'd like to quit the "bible" study that sucks up 1 1\2 hours each week...but i'm wondering if "the gang" is going to put any pressure on my dear old mom (again she's 82 years old) to get me to resume my bible study ?
Hello and welcome.I will have to say i dont envy your position.Mine is similar but not quite.MY mother has seen some proof of the society's faults but she chooses to stay because she knows nothing else.She doesnt judge me.
I sure hope your moms elders dont give her any grief about you.That would just be wrong.I will have to say I admire the sacrifice of your time for your mom.I know its hard not to talk about how the society is wrong,but in opinion i think it would be better just to go through the motions and keep your feelings to yourself.
IM not saying that you should keep going,because I could never do it now,but if you do choose to do it for mom any talk about apostate stuff will not be tolerated by the elders.It would be worse than if you just told them you were no longer interested.Any way theres my 2 cents.Good luck and please come again
Gumbys Daily Text for the Day
by gumby inhello my brothers and sisters.
may god be with you this fine and lovely day.
i wanted to share something close to my heart this day and i've chosen genesis 4:14. this text shows the danger of being cast off by god if you disobey him and really get him mad.
well, heres how it was explained to me.Supposedly Adam and EVe had been doing it like rabbits and had many more children.and Cain and able had supposedly had kids and their kids had some kids.AN elder told me that we dont know at what time frame ABLes murder occured.So there may have been as many as 13 tribes already on the earth at that time. Proving that seems impossible from the bible.Whats up with the reading into scriptures there huh? Sounded good at the time though.
What do yall do when you have a bad day?
by missy04 in.
what makes you feel better when you have a totally sucky day??.
oh i just do the usaul old stuff like look for funny mushrooms in the back yard,call the electric company and turn off the electricity in the local kh.pop in a tape of southpark and light bottle rockets in my basement,sorry i know im boring.
How do you place an avitar on your profile.
by ko38 in.
you guys all have really cool ones.i want one too.i want to play with the big kids
please make your instructions simple.i flunked computers for dummies.. thank you guys, i love you all..
You guys all have really cool ones.I want one too.I want to play with the big kids
Please make your instructions simple.I flunked computers for dummies.
thank you guys, i love you all.
death of a friends child; funeral obligation
by franklin J ina friend of mine just lost his young 4 year son in a sleigh accident.
the child ( the same age as my young caroline) sledded down the front hill of his property into the path of an on coming school bus.
terrible tragedy.. my wife and i ; who have known them for some time; must attend the service this eveing.
I am very very sad to hear that.They will at least have your support and that of others as well as seeing all those that loved the child and knew him come to the service.Lets hope there is something else out there for him.
Fortress Kingdom Halls
by Gill ina new kingdom hall has just been built very close to where we live.
it is taking on the appearance of fort knox now, much like some other khs near us.
the high fences with nasty sharp bits are just going up and there are floodlights on at night.
I think next they might start issueing literature cards.a card stating how much lit you have picked up vs how much youve placed.then to boost contributions they will have talks once a month on how to maximize placement and oh by the way bros and sis,s dont forget to support the world wide work(in keeping with christian integrity we should not only pay for the lit when we get it but turn in the donations as well)Maybe a proper suggestion for donation on the wt and awake should be 2$ We will leave this as a matter of conscience as some may want to go for 5$
Our new Kingdom hall has a deficit to the society of 289,000 our assets are 1,348.Lets show that our light has not gone dim and pay this baby off next week.Then we can shine by our example of christian love.After the hall is paid off we will then replace those payments to the society for the hall with a corresponding amount donated to the expansion fund.
your efforts and showing of love in this manner will secure life forever in paradise............The body of elders
Kingdom Hall for sale on Ebay
by nicolaou in.
of course, they say it's because they've outgrown the hall but that isn't what this years report indicates is it?
Such a shame o great city.