Paul Gillies is a wily Old fox and a slithy tove.
He’s the expert at talking long, talking slow and finding a WT sound bite quote that suits his purpose. I don’t think his questioner is impressed though
Paul Gillies is a wily Old fox and a slithy tove.
He’s the expert at talking long, talking slow and finding a WT sound bite quote that suits his purpose. I don’t think his questioner is impressed though
a jw apologetic video.
they don’t go to conventions .
they don’t go to assemblies.
they don’t go to meetings.
The ones I know are having a lovely time, free of the requirements to go to meetings and especially field service!
They zoom into meetings, dressed from the waist up, I see few jackets on the men ,then do their own thing .
great talk interrupted....
Hmmm. I heard nothing that would justify stopping the talk for its content. I have heard far worse in kingdom hall, unintentional misinformation.
If was-a-new-boy is right, perhaps they realised he was not suppused to be there. But a speaker who praises pioneering and referrs positively to 1914 is not apostate to me.
the final talk of the saturday afternoon online convention is given by lett, sporting a creepy looking combover, which for some reason, looks creepier than normal.
he talks about how those resurrected will need to come into line with a new moral code otherwise they will be destroyed.
he uses an example of gay people having to turn away from their inclinations even though they may feel that they are perfectly acceptable.. this demonstrates that the gb feel that being gay is a taught behaviour rather than an imperfect unnatural desire, otherwise they would be growing out of that desire as they develop towards perfection, as they teach.
As Data Dog said.... it was all "The Watchtower said" plus some comments all his own. Jesus said " it is in vain tbey worship me tney teach commands of men as doctrine "
Since they view homosexuals as being gross sinners and such feelings as serious mental flaws, do they really believe that God would resurrect people with such huge problems to deal with ? Since serious physical problems are expected to be not carried forward , why have serious mental "flaws" ( as they see it) . To achieve "righteousness " (as they see it) would be like trying to win a marathon with a sack of coal on your back.
Another funny thing he said... that the first thought they will have is the last one tbey died with... that is ok if you die in your bed , but those who died in battle, or other violent means? It means one is resurrected in a state of trauma and panic ....hardly a good start to life in paradise?
There is much we can say ,and have said that shows the flaws in the reasoning behind the JW teaching of the ressurection, I am just glad that I am no longer entrapped by it.
just curious of others thoughts.....while watching the latest round of convention videos with my pimi wife it was highlighted again in the content how much the wt org.
has always focused on the past (in my opinion).
many of the historical events that are highlighted as significant are from 100+ years ago in some cases.
I got about halfway through it. It was o k , I remember it being used to show “bible studies” that were not just some local group. 30 years ago l thought it was good , now it just shows me that they are what they are called, a publishing house
does anyone happen to have a copy of the awake for march 22, 1993. .
i'm especially interested in pages 3 and 4 of an article about false teachers..
Following the Watchtower requires a level of Orwellian doublethink ,i.e. the ability to think that two opposite conclusions are both right..
They say " the WTS is not a prophet "
Then they make predictions and claim to be directed by Holy Spirit .
Which is it
and this isn't a cult?
just saw my wife put on her name tag for the zoom assembly.... what the what?
i thought these things werent even live.
I think a lot of the members are really disappointed that they cannot meet in convention this year. After all, as we all remember, the fun of it is not tbe programme, it is the occasion. It is meeting up with old friends,travelling to a new location ...something to remember.
O k , some try and compensate with Instagram and putting on a what?
If it makes them feel good, let them be.
one thing we were always taught in the past is how we should sit down and pray (kneel) to jehoober whenever we were at an event where they played the national anthem.
we had to actively disrespect the flag and anthem and be no part of the world, because we were our own country with jesus as king.. given kneeling/sitting for the national anthem is now the favorite pastime of the far-left and if you do so, you get associated with democrats, how do jehovah's witnesses now 'become no part of this world' when they have to disrespect the flag?.
In the UK we merely stand for the anthem. .. and it is not played as often as the American one is.
It is ironic that now sitting it out is viewed as a political statement , when WTS advocated it to be neutral of politics. I never saw the objection anyway, since we are told to "respect ...and honour the king " in scripture. I used to sit it out or escape the auditorium first though, just to be obedient.
does the information about mandatory donations in this post sound accurate to you?. petra!
Mmm , hardly "mandatory " since the elders have to consider whether they can manage it or not. Even if resolved, what happens if in the future they say they can't meet the commitment? They just tell the Branch and they have to accept what is offered.