As Data Dog said.... it was all "The Watchtower said" plus some comments all his own. Jesus said " it is in vain tbey worship me tney teach commands of men as doctrine "
Since they view homosexuals as being gross sinners and such feelings as serious mental flaws, do they really believe that God would resurrect people with such huge problems to deal with ? Since serious physical problems are expected to be not carried forward , why have serious mental "flaws" ( as they see it) . To achieve "righteousness " (as they see it) would be like trying to win a marathon with a sack of coal on your back.
Another funny thing he said... that the first thought they will have is the last one tbey died with... that is ok if you die in your bed , but those who died in battle, or other violent means? It means one is resurrected in a state of trauma and panic ....hardly a good start to life in paradise?
There is much we can say ,and have said that shows the flaws in the reasoning behind the JW teaching of the ressurection, I am just glad that I am no longer entrapped by it.