The Watchtower has had its own language learning app for some time ...fine if you want tp present the good news in Japanese
JoinedPosts by BluesBrother
Anyone seen this? Seems to be a startup JW site for leaning languages
by Funky inscanning thru the usual jw sites, i saw a link to this site:.
looks like a standard language-tutoring site, right?.
Disfellowhipped for not wearing facemask?
by Anna Marina inyup - person has done nothing wrong.
but they have called a judicial and from what i can tell refusing to wear a facemask is bothering them more than the person not turning up.. so is this new light?
if you have been called to a judical please remember to stay safe and wear your personal protective equimpment.
so we now learn that this person "questioned" doctrines and practises and declined to attend a J C unless he could be mask free. That is different, we all know where openly disputing beliefs can get you. ....and he said he would not be attending .
Who are the Elders to dictate to a person to attend a judicial committee and also to dictate they wear a mask ?
Actually I can agree with them. Who is this person to insist on his preferences if it could endanger another's health ?
Disfellowhipped for not wearing facemask?
by Anna Marina inyup - person has done nothing wrong.
but they have called a judicial and from what i can tell refusing to wear a facemask is bothering them more than the person not turning up.. so is this new light?
if you have been called to a judical please remember to stay safe and wear your personal protective equimpment.
Come off it! We know this could not happen.
How do you personally deal with your still in family JWS ?
by Finkelstein infor myself i just try to avoid them intentionally maybe see them once every couple of years on average.
they used to be easy going but over the last 10 years or so they got more cult like and distant and i'm really not bothered by that, maybe a bit.
they stick to their own or other members like they are their family so, its makes it unattractive for myself to connect and reach out to them anymore.
There is only my wife and she has been terrfic in these strange times. Without ministry or KH meetings we have drawn closer since her congregation leave her well alone .
The Society and 1975.
by Lost in the fog instumbled upon this article - not that the wt society ever highlighted the date of 1975, but that was brothers running ahead... .
w68 8/15 pp.
494-501. .
Like many others I was there. There were several articles highlighting the importance of the then future year 1975. The first time I saw it was in a chart in a study book printed in the late sixties . The momentum grew as years went by.
We knew that The Society had not actually said that Armageddon would be on or before September 1975 but they sure hinted it strong enough . That was good enough for most of the dubs at the time. I mean, what were. We supposed to think?
One typical view as voiced by an elder I remember. He said “ I am certain that Jehovah would not allow the Society to be so wrong over this important matter “
How wrong we were!
2020-New-October-Elders-Manual-Addendum-and-S-147-Announcements! (as of 2020-10-02)
by Atlantis innew--2020-october--shepherd the flock of god--elder manual.
new--2020-october--addendum to elder manual.
2020--october-s-147-e--announcements and reminders.
Thanks for the Shepherding Flock book ,Atlantis &Petra. What would we do without you ?
Thank Jehovah for the food box's
by Fadeaway1962 in
It would be funny if they were officially reprimanded for this. I have had a job to grasp this matter in previous comments because when the U k gave food boxes to vulnerable people they came direct, even if the delivery people were volunteering. There was no named charity involved. I understand a bit better now.
NB . It is a bit much to dress it up as a gift from Jehovah when it is provided by the government. You would think even the older dubs would see through that one
Anthony Morris wants former Jehovah's Witnesses DEAD
by neat blue dog inin a disgusting new video, anthony morris iii talks about apostates, and brings to mind his 'hot dog' talk all over again as he anticipates the demise of ex-jehovah's witnesses.
i don't know if you're familiar with maggots, but when you see a whole bunch of them it's not a pleasant sight.. .
what a fitting picture of the final end of all of god's enemies.
There is something about A M 3rd. You will remember his polemic about " tight pants" ? I think it was the same talk tbat railed against women wearing "Spanx" clothing. That brought a ton of criticism, not that he would care.
Now we , who are elsewhere in the literature viewed as lost sheep are vilified as maggots fit to be destroyed, gone in a puff of smoke. He claims not to take pleasure in the death of people but tnen contradicts that showing he revels in the idea of our gruesome death.
This seems to have been triggured by watching a news bulletin. Really? If that be the case I suggest this guy is subject to serious depression. . Perhaps that is why he takes whisky.
Well, let him enjoy it while he can, locked down at Warwick. He will discover that he cannot escape old age and death , just like the rest of us.
Today s wt
by road to nowhere inquote from the introduction:.
some apparently claimed to have received a special, mystical knowledge from god.e but their teaching contradicted jesus’ message and encouraged selfishness and a lack of love.
so john calls these teachers antichrists, or those who teach against christ.
Teaching contrary to the words of Jesus makes you literally anti Christ. I can see that But the way the WTS apply it, one has only to disagree with the current teaching of the Watchtower magazine, to attract that accusation.
Eg. Supposing back in the nineties you voiced the view that the entire remaining remnant of the 144K were not the faithful and discreet slave , you would have been d/f’d .. but they would agree with you now.
jehober "always'" protects his 'loyal servants'?
by eyeuse2badub inlast week i watched the docuseries on prime video called “the last narc”.
it was mainly about the notorious mexican guadalajara drug cartel during the 70’s and 80’s and a united states dea agent, kiki camerena, who was kidnapped, tortured, and murdered in guadalajara, mexico in 1984. this is a very well-known and haunting event here in the usa.. however, there was also about a 7-8 minute segment during the docuseries that graphically detailed the kidnapping, rape, and murder of 4 jehovah’s witnesses that also took place just days before kiki camerena was taken.
the jw’s were 2 married couples, us citizens, dennis and rose carlson, ben and pat mascarenas.
Yes.... stuff happens . It is a fact of life and J Ws are as much at risk as anybody else.
in 2017 a bro. went to an empty K Hall down in Devon. He was there to do a job of work. While he was there alone a man turned up and accosted him, stabbing him fatally. There was nothing wrong about the victim, he was just unlucky... The killer was later committed to a secure mental institution.
So the man enjoyed no special protection from Jehovah.
Long before I lost faith in it, I had worked out that there was no protection in this life.
Back in the 80's somebody planted a bomb in an Australian K Hall. It went off during the meeting with some loss of life and serious injuries.someone sent us a tape recording of a talk in which a speaker attempted to explain God's protection, saying ,in effect , that it could have been far worse. That was no explanation for us and we recognized that they were just victims of a horrible crime.
Of course a dub might say that Jehovah protects his people in the long run by the provision of a resurrection hope !