This is an old one….. I don’t remember that although I was there at the convention in 1973.
I agree , it does sound a bit creepy. David here slavering at the body of Bathsheba.
Long forgotten by the dubs.
check out this convention drama, starting at 21:38 ... david breaths and describes what he sees as bathsheba takes a bath 😅 then they get together and keep weirdly quoting song of solomon in a twisted way... and he keeps calling her sister and later on even "little sister" 😳 just wacko:.
This is an old one….. I don’t remember that although I was there at the convention in 1973.
I agree , it does sound a bit creepy. David here slavering at the body of Bathsheba.
Long forgotten by the dubs.
the watchtower wants more money!.
Wow! What a “privilege “……
gotta love jwdotorg as usual regurgitating the financially/politically motivated (and thoroughly disproved) climate change propaganda:.
The notion that Climate Change is either unproven or discredited “propaganda “ is itself an untrue statement that regurgitates the American Right political propaganda .
Climate change is real, it is happening. Ask those who live in tha Arctic or The Australian continent. To some extent we can all feel it . Only those with vested interests would remain in a state of denial.
NB, I know I am rising to a piece of click bait, intended to cause an argument, but I could not resist.
the watchtower—study edition | september 2022.
20 what an exciting time the thousand year reign will be!
it will include the greatest educational program ever undertaken here on earth.
“that ominous looking cylindrical metal thing “
If we are looking at the same thing, I reckon it is a display cabinet for mags and brochures, with a Perspex top. - all produced by Holy Spirit, of course.
If these people are from different cultures and time periods there’s a lot they have to learn before the intricacies of the march of world powers from Daniel’s prophecy. I am thinking, how to use a flush toilet, what to do with toilet paper, how to use a knife and fork and a load of stuff we take for granted.
Once you have lost the rose tinted specs and THINK , the earthly resurrection gets ludicrous. That is sad , having believed it most of my life
up to 30,000 people contracted hiv and hepatitis c in the 1970s and 80s after being given blood treatments or transfusions on the nhs.. thousands have since died.. it just goes to show there is no such thing as a sure thing.. the wts may be wrong about their blood doctrine, and their bible interpretation to justify it, and how they enforced the rules about it, but ultimately may be correct in claiming that "bloodless surgery" was a safer option medically.. canada also had a contaminated blood scandal, where 30,000 were infected with hepatitis c and hiv.. in other news, paying for blood from high-risk donors is a bad idea.
who knew?
well apparently the people behind the schemes did, and that's why they covered it up..
I am sure that bloodless surgery is a safer option where possible and if it is available I would opt for it. However, most of the British victims of this scandal are Haemophiliacs who received a blood fraction Factor 8 or 9.
This would be acceptable to JWs as not one of the “big four “ components Therefore their policy on blood would not protect them
straight from the horse's gb's mouth - from the 2022 convention broadcast.. it's at the 38 min.
30 secs.
point of the jw broadcast:
In the context of his prior comments and knowing the JW doctrine as I do, I can just about get what he means…… but that is a shocking choice of words and a horrible expression. Quite enough to alienate all the Mums and Dads in the audience…
scene: the new world, any minute now.... billy bastard, an aborted fetus is resurrected and immediately dies because he is outside the womb of a birthing person.. repeat ad infinitum.
As I recall, Watchtower does not hold out the hope of resurrection for aborted foetus’s or miscarriages.
sadly the wt failed to teach fundamental biblical doctrines.
i did never really understand the doctrine about ransom while i was still in the congregation.. i did not either understand what it really means that "god is love" as stated in the bible.
i did not either understand from the wt what is love.
As a youngster growing up , I too did not understand the ransom doctrine. By my teens I felt too embarrassed to ask, I mean ,you are supposed to know this… right?
So, since I assisted the Magazine Servant I had a key to the KHall ( that would not happen today) One Saturday afternoon I let myself in and delved into the library with the old written indexes. I looked up everything all about the ransom. Having read it all, I finally got it… Job done.
My point is , if you don’t know, look it up ! It is much easier these days with stuff on line.
i'm trying to help uncle b with a project.
i need clear scans of these talk outlines.
as i understand it there were six for each year.
Clicking the links onto those older threads revealed a mine of fascinating information about the WT past . Thank you all. I bow to the scholarship of those who wrote.
It is a pity that today’s crop of dumb dubs know, or care, little about all this.
the watchtower has printed a disturbing article about self control and gives this instruction to the r & f .
self-control also allows us to remain silent when opposers try to trick us into revealing things that could endanger our brothers and sisters.
this might occur when we are being interrogated by the police in a land where our work is banned or restricted.
I would not expect the Wt to say that - “ it is up to you whether or not you rat out your brothers to an opposing authority. “
Actually this comment reads like it came from a 1950s Watchtower. They still have a persecution complex. It shows they still view the outside world as the enemy, just waiting to pounce.