Waton: I bow to your experience.....
I can remember the adult Witnesses being excited about a new explanation of Rom. 13. It was at a Twickenham Convention. The talk went over my head , I hadn’t known about the former explanation, being a youngster.
time goes by so fast.
who remembers 1975, the ray franz incident, the generation change in 1995, the blood fractions, alternative service, participation in ochr, aid afrique, the historical research by james pellechia, jolene chu and johannes stephan wrobel?
Waton: I bow to your experience.....
I can remember the adult Witnesses being excited about a new explanation of Rom. 13. It was at a Twickenham Convention. The talk went over my head , I hadn’t known about the former explanation, being a youngster.
japan's welfare ministry has issued a set of guidelines to municipalities on how to deal with cases of abuse involving the offspring of religious group followers, including those of the group widely known as the unification church.. the ministry has already called on schools and child consultation centers not to hesitate to help children because of reasons connected with religion.
in the latest notice, the ministry listed specific examples.. forcing children to take part in religious activities by saying they would otherwise go to hell is considered psychological abuse.
forbidding for religious reasons all forms of leisure, such as reading manga or playing video games, is another example.. forcing children to attend religious activities late at night is considered physical abuse.
There has to be a balance . How far would you like the State to interfere in your family life ?
Of course real chid abuse should be rooted out , but matters of reasonable discipline , avoiding unpleasant video games etc are rightly the prerogative of the parents.
saw new video watchtower put out.
they gonna open new school for overseers.
they gonna train this men too be "loving, wise and accept they don't know everything".
I could not find this on the website, only a Lloyd Evans rebuttal of it. So I guess it was made for internal showing. However, taking comments at face value….
In a short course you cannot train a person to be loving if he does not think that way. Neither can you inject wisdom into someone who wants only to follow rules . Wisdom is the application of knowledge to any given circumstance and that takes a good heart , experience and being willing to read between the lines.
They have precious few men like that.
sorry if this has been discussed before but on quora someone asked if rutherford had said that dinosaurs had been taken to venus .
i assume that the questioner had heard it somewhere and wanted to check it out.
i've never come across this before is it true ?
Sounds crazy to us, but they could only read from the science of their time, and be quick to pick up the more extreme ideas….. This is Wikipedia:
” Until the mid-20th century, the surface environment of Venus was believed to be similar to Earth, hence it was widely believed that Venus could harbor life. In 1870, the British astronomer Richard A. Proctor said the existence of life on Venus was impossible near its equator,but possible near its poles. ”
campbell's god mother .
valerie campbell has admitted that she is a devout jehovah's witness.
I have heard , from an elder in that locality, that Naomi Campbell was brought up as a Witness and her mother still is.
there has been much political controversy in canada over the acceptability of maid.
what, if anything, has watchtower said about this issue?.
Good to hear from you Blondie…
Mercy killing a la Dr Kavorkian is not the same as a “ do not resuscitate “ order . The one hastens death to put you out of pain and misery, the other just allows things to take their course rather than artificially keeping you alive.
I guess it was the latter that the WT was talking about rather than hastening things. However, at the end of life it is between you and God, isn’t it. If you were in a desperate situation I don’t think you would stop to ask The Society.
i have seen arguments surrounding jesus' resurrection being proof of "the trinity" - now while in some cases it's a good argument the evidence for it remains very weak.
(bible quotes are from the nwt but other bibles are referenced, use whichever you please) this following version of it is a good example.. "the bible indicates that all [persons] of the trinity was involved in jesus’ resurrection.
galatians[1:1] says that the father raised jesus from the dead.
As has been said, arguments have gone on for 2000 years , and in the end you believe what you want.
For me, one of the few things the WTS have got right is the nature of Jesus and the falsehood of the trinity. There are two different beings, God and Jesus.
mark jones explains the watchtower gospel much better than i can.. "the good news that christians in the first century preached was the birth, death and resurrection of jesus christ; that all those who believed in him were saved and reconciled to god through the death of his son.. unfortunately jehovah’s witnesses) have been led to believe it is something bizarrely different.
the good news according to the watchtower society is as follows:.
the the good news (according to jehovah’s witnesses).
That quote in the o/p just about nailed it . Quite right.
Why didn’t we see it like that when we were in? Actually I did have worries about the morality of Armageddon, but I smothered them and pushed them to the back of my mind. I guess I was not ready to face it then.
seriously....this is an article on jw.borg.. really?
football - or soccer - and bible?.
these guys have really lost the plot.. i can promise you that bible does not say a flying flaming about world cup.. however, as much as people want them to, these events cannot provide lasting unity.
That made me laugh.. My wife complains about the blanket coverage of the World Cup. We turn to JW.Org and , Eek! It is even here...!
the watchtower—study edition | january 2023. study article 3. jehovah is helping you to succeed.
how jehovah makes you successful.
13. does jehovah intervene in every situation we face?
Peaceful Pete made a good comment on the previous page. To read this you would think that dubs are totally heartless,and we know that is not so.
I recall once that a severely emotional sister had been recently housed in a tower block that scared her and gave her thoughts of jumping from the balcony. Another Witness family took her in for a bit until she was allocated a ground floor flat . That one was a wreck so lots of lads in the cong were co opted to decorate, which we deed with good grace.
Now that only happened because one elder was caring enough to organise it . The trouble in the .Org. Is that there is no organised provision for physical care . There should be an elder position specifically for it . There is not because those at the top do not take it seriously.