At a previous video I was quite impressed by a museum display of a village in Bible times ..The idea being to put you in the surroundings that Jesus would have known.
Mind you , New York State is a long way from here so it would not benefit us.
now covid restrictions are over, they're pushing on with watchtower museums at many locations through out the world.. looks to me as if they'll be pretty boring.
a few old bibles and photos of the witnessing work from way back when.. one things for sure is they won't include anything relating to constantly changing doctrines or have libraries full of old publications that have since been swept under the carpet..
At a previous video I was quite impressed by a museum display of a village in Bible times ..The idea being to put you in the surroundings that Jesus would have known.
Mind you , New York State is a long way from here so it would not benefit us.
i overheard my wife listening to '2023 governing body update #2, presented by kenneth cook jnr.
a few points i got from it.. new hour requirements.
quote "with the new hour requirements for pioneers, many us us can share in the pioneer work.
I saw it after seeing this thread . Mostly the two newbies , they both looked similar both talked much the same and both equally boring.
many people here have expressed faith in evolution and in other theories—but in all honesty, do you have any hope whatsoever in your heart or in the back of your mind ?
I have to stand with Slimboyfat on this.. Actually debates like this will keep going on because frankly both sides are unprovable. It comes down to how you view things.
”Belief In God makes sense” , at least to me it makes perfect sense . I cannot watch a wildlife tv programme without marvelling at the beauty and order of things and seeing the hand of an infinitely wise creator. You may see the same things and think “isn’t evolution wonderful “
It all depends how you see it .
mass shooting at a kingdom hall in hamburg, germany this evening.
at least 6 or 7 killed, dozens injured.
single shooter on the run, police doesn't rule out more shooters.
I was intrigued by the anonymous letter sent to the police.. Of course I don’t know but to me it smells of an elder-body tactic, to do the right thing but not be held accountable for any comeback.
Whoever wrote it ,they must be feeling bad for not coming forward with any specific threats made, which would have given the police something to act along.
It is terribly sad for those poor people killed or injured in all innocence.
whoever published this article should strive to get his or her facts straight.
the gospel should not be preached based on people's opinion rather it should be preached as a message, just as it is.
this article implies that astrology, fortune telling, divination and fortune telling as being all wrong and all.
I don’t know why I am bothering to reply to this but… The o/p said
“ This article implies that astrology, fortune telling, divination and fortune telling as being all wrong and all. Fact is astrology is as real as anything, ”
Being real , as in a concept followed by a lot of people, does not make it right. The Bible forbade it to Israel and it had no part of early Christianity.
The scriptural examples he gave are all of bad experiences by unbelievers. It was a real thing in antiquity too and Gods people had to shun it.
during today's wt: "satan has the world on a treadmill wearing blinders"..
I heard a public speaker once quote the old Greek Demosthenes
“ Man is easiest to dupe, for what he wishes to be true he will readily believe to be true “
They could never see how that statement could as easily be used of themselves.
this book was published around 1990, but was never studied (to my knowledge).
does anyone know the reason why?.
No, I am sure that we never studied it in the Tuesday groups and I do not recall going through it at a Service Meeting, up until I stopped going around 2000.
No explanation was ever given although I recall that we all fancied studying it .
Incidentally, you can find it today still on the “ Watchtower On Line “ site both in the book list and the text of it is there. I could not find it from “search “ though…
[Edit.. There is a chapter on Islam]
does anyone else dread attending (in person or on zoom) the memorial months in advance?.
literally as soon as new year hits, i feel sick and super anxious, and i've realised it's because of the memorial, which i only attend because of family, who kinda tell me the reason they have bad health is cuz i left the jw sevel years ago..
One evening, for less than an hour ( on 4th April) to keep the old folks happy is not too much to ask. I agree that it is a meaningless ritual but just go along with it . Thankfully I only have to zoom in these days.
for the most of us, we have left the jws...and even though we are no longer jw, many of us are still interested in their beliefs, doctrines and practices as currently practiced.
i was trying to sort out in my mind why i still care about what they are doing.
i think the answer to that is a hope that something will develop in the jws that will wake up a lot of others, and selfishly, a lot of my friends.
For me , with family still devout Witnesses, it is a case of having checked out but “ I can never ever leave” to quote the Eagles.
Of course I am interested in what goes on anyway , obsessed almost… I would love to find the golden bullet that would allow their eyes to open but that has not yet happened.
i was trying to think of some common jw words and phrases i don't think are in the bible .. new world order new system spiritual israel governing body channel of communication organization reporting time pioneer aux pioneer circuit overseer kingdom hall circuit assembly district convention....,maybe you can think of something to add if you are inclined..
Anointed Remnant
Christ’s Invisible Presence