Thanks for posting this.. We all knew this was bound to happen but somehow I did not think that they would have used it without permission. ..but they did....Ho ho ho!
JoinedPosts by BluesBrother
Suing The Music Industry
by Lost in the fog injehovah’s witnesses file copyright lawsuit in response to blundering christmas album - listen, obey, and be blessed.
More JW left ideology examples
by neat blue dog inthe latest gb update ramps up the fear of the plandemic even more, and introduces a whiteboard animation that advocates staying at home, wearing masks and social distancing..
then there's another 'save the planet' type article that mentions debunked and unrealistic green new deal-esque talking points such as alternative energy, switching to a plant based diet and less manufacturing..
I am so glad that here in the U.K. Fighting the virus, as well as the need for less destructive economic practices are not seen as political issues or “left” policies .
This video...why oh why do they use Stephen Lett?
However I learned that 7500 Witnesses worldwide have died from the virus.
Despite my criticism of the WTS for what it teaches, I think they have done the right thing in this pandemic. They underline what medical science tells us to do , which is responsible
what is This weekend watchtower trash about. Wife is in cult mode 12-27-20
by goingthruthemotions inso what is this weeks watchtower trash about.
wife is in cult mode and trying to see if there is a link.. thanks.
Par 1
“ARE you baptized? If so, you have publicly expressed your faith in Jehovah and your willingness to serve with his organization.”
Par 7
”In modern times. Jehovah continues to direct and empower his people. The direction, of course, comes largely through God’s spirit-inspired Word. ”
NB... of course Gods word, The Bible is available to all. It is the application of it that matters, and that is done by men on Earth.
final par.
“By means of “the faithful and discreet slave,” he is giving us not just an abundance but also an amazing variety, from articles and talks to digital animations and videos“
So it all comes from the 8 men at the top.. Just Human! If God were really behind it, it might be a lot better...
Being Reinstated
by azl0058 inso my brother recently became df.
he has full intentions of being reinstated, but it is going to take at least a year.
if the end times occurs while he is df, will he still be allowed in the kingdom of god?.
To Jeffro.
I see what you mean , that the denying of fellowship is what does harm, looking at it as we do now. But back in those days when I sat on those committees, the common thinking was that the person was condemned to an eternal death at Armageddon with no hope of salvation unless he got himself reinstated. That was also part of the thought of the original post.
At that time I reasoned out that God , on the judgement day,would whatsoever he wanted with that individual no matter what we decided.... and that thought comforted me.
I agree now looking back, the harm we did to families was bad ... just wrong . Sadly I was just a pawn in the game.
A positive about been a former JW
by joe134cd ini decided on christmas day to wash the house and do some yard work.
i had a concerned neighbour come out and bring me some of their christmas food.
although i appreciated the food and wished her a merry christmas, the neighbour was concerned as to why i wasn’t inside enjoying christmas.
Yes.... i agree with those who find Christmas a big yawn. It all seems a bit childish to me and not having any , I can happily leave it alone.
I am glad that yesterday is over.. I spent the afternoon with some old dvds . At least there is a bit of sport to watch today , weather permitting
Was Jesus Born on December 25th?
by Sea Breeze inwe were told by watchtower that no way jesus was born on dec. 25th.
what do you think now?.
Come on... everyone is told these days That December 25th is not really the birth date of Jesus. You can read that in lots of books, see it in tv documentaries....... the date is no longer an issue
Back in the sixties when I first started JW ism it was a surprise for people to learn that, but today? No way..
Will You Take A Covid Vac!
by minimus inyes.
right now i would like to see how good the vaccine really is.
i’ve never taken a flu shot and so far, no flu..
All I know is thst I will be down the doctors in record time when they call me for the vaccine shot.
All the "experts" say it is safe and it is certainly better than a wheezing death from covid.
-0:6 negative growth 2020 service year
by Fadeaway1962 inp .
plus another increase in memorial partakes number etc .
Thanks to Slimboy Fat for his excellent resume of the situation in Britain. That is just how I see it.
Actually , given the circumstances I don't think a o.6% decrease is a bad result for them this year. The House To House and street ministry virtually stopped since last spring. Letter writing is done by a zealous few. Long term active dubs , like my family members , are now technically inactive but they still believe and will no doubt start again when the pandemic is over .. So we could see a false increase next year.
Being Reinstated
by azl0058 inso my brother recently became df.
he has full intentions of being reinstated, but it is going to take at least a year.
if the end times occurs while he is df, will he still be allowed in the kingdom of god?.
When I was an elder , the only way I could cope with the responsibility of judgment to disfellowship people was when I reasoned that salvation still lay in the hands of God alone. All that we were doing was denying congregation fellowship with the person.. nothing more.
We always reckoned that when the day came, there would be some big surprises as to who had made it ... (and that was when I was still a Witness)
So what have the rank and file been saying now that a vaccine is being given. What happened to Armageddon
by goingthruthemotions ina vaccine is here!!!
the light at the end of the tunnel is visible!!!
so what happened to armageddon?.
My lot must be more down to earth than some mentioned on here. Armageddon? Covid being a special sign that the end is here? Nah... they just sighed and dealt with it.
They have been delighted not to have to do the ministry and sit in the bedroom and have the meetings. They do not want to have to go back to the Hall.