free2beme I watched the Lost finale too!
JoinedPosts by Beachbender
TomKat: my gut feelings are getting stronger
by Lady Lee inok i don't bother much about celebrities and all this craziness about couples getting together and breaking up is more than likely media blown out of proportion but..... tom cruise and katie holmes .... something here really doesn't feel right to me.. we have older man vs young woman.
clearly a man who has no problem making a spectacle of himself - jumping on the furniture on international tv - she seemed rather shy and subdued.
a man who has no problem voicing his religious beliefs as if he and he alone has the ultimate truth of matters - she not so experienced so follows his beliefs (according to the media).
I agree he`s a *creep*!! something definitely fishy about this guy. Great actor he is, and that`s about all.
American Idol Finals
by Lady Lee innot sure if the voting is closed yet but so far.
rankidoldialidol scoremargin of erroractual rank1taylor hicks71.4151.523-2katharine mcphee65.3291.678-margin of error: per idol; not scientific.yeah!!!!.
So Taylor won!!!!! (big surprise)
I watched the finale of Lost. Still unsure if I`ll devote anytime to AI next year, maybe the beginning that`s always fun!!
Does the INSIDE of your vehicle reflect your personality?
by Gregor ina garbage can on wheels or neat, clean and tidy?
I`m in the same "class" as Blondie & Mulan! presentable!
Does your personal vehicle reflect your personality?
by Gregor inthere is a clever volkswagen tv ad currently running in the u s that depicts various types of people driving cars that reflect their personality, like older males driving sleek sports cars to compensate for their "shortcomings" or a younger man driving an expensive european sedan as he pronounces with a bullhorn "because my father never hugged me!
or another who says "because i make more money than you!
have any of you ever gotten your self image tangled up with a vehicle?
Our`s looks like a hotwheel, it`s a 1998 bright cherry red Jeep Cherokee with black trim and tinted windows, great engine, great getup and go still for as old as it is.
definitely no msg! We like MooGoo-Gaipan, sweet/sour pork, and sesame chicken & burbon chicken and can`t forget general tso chicken!! Yum!
American Idol, May 16 show
by Mulan in.
i just checked on the stats for this week, and it looks like taylor is still #1. elliot has the lowest votes, but it's close with kat.. i thought her "over the rainbow" was brilliant, but taylor ruled the show.
Then that must mean definitely Elliot will go tonight! I stopped watching too. Saw Chris on the Ellen D. show yesterday.
Say Whatever You Want To Say About Jehovah's Witnesses
by minimus ingo ahead.
it's ok. say what's on your mind.
Structure is good to some degree, but I say let kids be kids not always in a suit or a dress like you ! They`re only young once. I agree with what was already said, let them get educated for their futures, and for goodness sake let them play sports if they wanta!!
Happy Mothers Day
by rekless in.
i wish all you mothers a happy mother's day and the same to all you mfers.. enjoy yourselves.. dan.
Thanks! and I`m sitting here while my wonderful hubby & son are making dinner, & dessert!! Yummy!
Celebrating Motherhood
by Lady Lee inthe wts has tsken so much away from the r&f.
christmas, easter, mother and father's day, birthdays, the list goes on and on.. every single reason that a person has to celebrate the good things in this life is taken and replaced with a fantasy for the future.
feeling good about today is only acceptable if you are out preaching the good news that people will die unless they become jws.. there is a saying that "misery loves company".
and a very "Happy Mother`s Day"! to all current and any *soon to be* mamma`s!!