JoinedTopics Started by confuzzed
Not in the truth, but haunted by it...
by confuzzed ini am having trouble dealing with this little voice in the back of my head telling me that if i don't go back to meetings i won't go to the new system and everything i am doing is wrong blah blah blah.
although i have agreed to a study i believe it is more to shut up this little voice rather than because i want to be a witness again.
but if i don't go back i have to deal with this horrible feeling all the time.
What would be the hardest thing to give up if returning the the 'truth'?
by confuzzed infor me it would be smoking, drinking, certain movies/tv shows and my favourite music (which includes eminem :p)
Out of Curiosity...Does Anyone Believe Anything They WereTaught??
by confuzzed ini think the question speaks for itself?
while there is much we don't believe, there are some things we can't ignore.
anyone agree???