Thanks for all the advice. I went to the site posted here. It is VERY helpful.
The issue is with a loved one who has a liver function problem. He was raised as a witness and was taught it was wrong to recieve blood. He is no longer practicing, but he has always had a strong conscience and is afraid to make a decision to take blood if it comes to that.
He has recently found out that his liver is not functioning properly. He doesn't and never has done drugs or drank. They have ruled out hepititis and they don't think it's cancer. They are doing a biopsy soon to determine the cause and how severe the damage is. He already has signs of cirrhosis. The most concerning is that he is having trouble with bleeding. He has thousands of tiny blood spots in his legs and feet and has been getting bloody noses several times a day. When he gets even a tiny cut it can take him hours to stop bleeding. So there is a risk even to do the biopsy. He will be seeing a gastroenterologist June 1st to weigh his options and risks for the biopsy, but he needs a biopsy to find out the cause and how bad it is. They say it may be a genetic disorder or some kind of viral infection. (other than hep as they ruled that out)
Anyway, I just need him to have all the facts before making a bad decision. I need him to see that Jehovah is not the one that made up this stupid rule.
If anyone had something that particularly struck them, let me know. Anything will be helpful.