JoinedTopics Started by oldflame
How did you come to JWD ?
by oldflame ini came to jwd back in 2001, i was under a different name then.
i do not remember if i was introduced by gumby who is a dear friend of mine or if i had found this site through freeminds.org i was when i first came here pretty bitter as i went through pure hell with the jw faith and my family who are jw.. i was ready for a fight, and ready to rip anyones head off if they crossed me wrong.
i was bitter at the religion for almost fooling me twice as i was a mormon in my teenage years.
Have you or would you relocate 4 love ?
by oldflame inyou know, i never thought that i could meet someone so much like me.
but i did and right here at jwd, we only live a couple thousand miles from each other but i feel driven to relocate.
not tomarrow or anything sudden but the thought of someone who you know deep inside is you're perfect match is so far away, what else is there to do ?.
Jesus taught Love and Kindness
by oldflame inhow did the jw's get this backwards when they claim to have an accurate knowledge of the scriptures, they seem to have by-passed this somehow.
i have never seen such a group or sect or religion that hated people outside of their own realm than i have seen in this religion.
that is not to be taken personal as i know it comes from borg teachings.
Have a crush on someone here at JWD/
by oldflame inoh i sure do but she lives in missouri and i am all the way in california.
but she is the most beatuiful woman my eyes ever set upon.
i do not know if she is married or not but it is robdar .....wow what a knock out
IQ Test, Have you ever taken one ?
by oldflame inthere are many online iq test to take, i did one and zoomed through it without trying very hard and got a 128. whats yours ?
be honest
Hurricanes & Government relief
by oldflame inas much as i can remember, with all the hurricanes this year, had you noticed that when florida was hit by several storms that they did not have to wait for aid it was there for them right away.
do you think that the bush administration was right on top of florida with aid faster than those in the katrina storm ?
do you think it was because the presidents brother is governor or maybe because there were more people with money there ?
Predictions from aliens ?
by oldflame inhey everyone, i was talking to my sister last night and told me about a person who has predicted many things that have come true so far.
the person in reference to is billy meiers.
some of you especially from europe may already know of him.
Are you still a Jehovah Witness?
by oldflame inif you are still in jw land and will not listen to those here then i suggest this site.
here you will find their history, their errs and all the lies they teach those who continue to believe the lie
Divorce after 20 years ?
by oldflame ini was talking to a friend the other day, he told me that he wanted to get married but there was a problem with that.
he told me that he and his wife split over 20 years ago and he does not know where she is.
he said he has looked and cannot find her so he can file divorce papers.