Yup - it is very a very odd rule. ''Don't talk to a disfellowshipped JW in case he alters your beliefs. Likewise, don't talk to ex-jws in case they inspire you to leave.''
The whole disfellowship thing is not very Christian or charitable.
anybody remember this?
two people who are disfellowshipped can't talk to one another and can't even carpool to the meeting.
i seem to remember this vaguely mentioned in a previous thread.
Yup - it is very a very odd rule. ''Don't talk to a disfellowshipped JW in case he alters your beliefs. Likewise, don't talk to ex-jws in case they inspire you to leave.''
The whole disfellowship thing is not very Christian or charitable.
the pope was admitted to hospital and on the national tv (rai) they were saying that he has an entire apartment right in the h just for himself, not only that but the room just below was emptied just to avoid noise for him.
recently a man in italy died because the ambulance could not find a bed for him in a hospital so by the time they arrived to the one bed that was available 200kms away he was dead.
The pope is a good man. He is the faithful leader of the world's largest Christian church. It is really nasty what some of you have said.
hi there everyone, my name is treefrog and i am new to this site.
i am a roman catholic so i feel like i'm entering the lion's den here, but not to worry.
i hope to share my beliefs with you all regarding our saviour, jesus christ.. i hope to shine a light into your organisation (if jesus christ couldn't, how can i expect to!
Point taken...
hi there everyone, my name is treefrog and i am new to this site.
i am a roman catholic so i feel like i'm entering the lion's den here, but not to worry.
i hope to share my beliefs with you all regarding our saviour, jesus christ.. i hope to shine a light into your organisation (if jesus christ couldn't, how can i expect to!
Yes I have read the replies and no i'm not stupid. But trust me to gatecrash a meeting of JW's Annonymous - sorry!
BTW, is it just me, or do I sense some hostility?
hi there everyone, my name is treefrog and i am new to this site.
i am a roman catholic so i feel like i'm entering the lion's den here, but not to worry.
i hope to share my beliefs with you all regarding our saviour, jesus christ.. i hope to shine a light into your organisation (if jesus christ couldn't, how can i expect to!
'Elsewhere', if you are already converted, why are you still here? Isn't it unhealthy, I mean it's like standing round the wreckage of a plane crash long after everyone else has gone home! I'm here to try to reveal the truth to those in the dark! (I know, I'm a fool).
hi there everyone, my name is treefrog and i am new to this site.
i am a roman catholic so i feel like i'm entering the lion's den here, but not to worry.
i hope to share my beliefs with you all regarding our saviour, jesus christ.. i hope to shine a light into your organisation (if jesus christ couldn't, how can i expect to!
I'm not going to hang around!
Eeeek! I'm scared!
Having looked around this miserable place, it scares me to think of the great damage the watchtower is doing those who fall for it's deception. The tone here is not Christian. Your WTS sets out to control people.
But I say to you, know that there is a God who loves you, and will welcome you back with open arms.
Why put yourself at the mercy of a fruitless sect like WTS?
Please, I implore you, get out now!
I don't think you are bad people, just very badly misguided.
I'll pray for all of you.
best wishes,
hi there everyone, my name is treefrog and i am new to this site.
i am a roman catholic so i feel like i'm entering the lion's den here, but not to worry.
i hope to share my beliefs with you all regarding our saviour, jesus christ.. i hope to shine a light into your organisation (if jesus christ couldn't, how can i expect to!
JW's are NOT Christian; you don't subscribe to the Nicene Creed. You reject the trinitarian nature of God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
You cannot therefore claim to be Christian.
JW is a non-Christian sect. FACT.
hi there everyone, my name is treefrog and i am new to this site.
i am a roman catholic so i feel like i'm entering the lion's den here, but not to worry.
i hope to share my beliefs with you all regarding our saviour, jesus christ.. i hope to shine a light into your organisation (if jesus christ couldn't, how can i expect to!
Re: ''what the catholic church has done...''
sure, bad things have been done by people in the catholic church, but any organisation has it's bad eggs. The inescapable truth though is that our God is loving and forgiving. What's yours? There is massive body of evidence that the Christian faith is the way, the truth and the light; it's called the bible.
I'll pray for all of you that you may all see the light of Christ and free yourself from the shackles of the watchtower organisation. Life is for living as Christ did. Love yourself, love one another, and God! There is a place in heaven for everyone of us, if only we believe in Him. Not 144,000 elite 'elders' or whatever! What a load of nonsense!
Wake up and escape from the Watchtower!
hi there everyone, my name is treefrog and i am new to this site.
i am a roman catholic so i feel like i'm entering the lion's den here, but not to worry.
i hope to share my beliefs with you all regarding our saviour, jesus christ.. i hope to shine a light into your organisation (if jesus christ couldn't, how can i expect to!
Not opinion, fact. Your organisation brainwashes it's people. The Catholic faith is about a loving, forgiving God. A God that forgives you no matter what, all you need do is ask. My faith is about the path to true happiness in this life and eternal happiness with God in heaven. A belief that all men are equal in God's eyes, that the leper, the prostitute and the taxman are all deserving of our love. Like Jesus said, 'whatever you do to the least of these, you do to me!'' Where does the watchtower find justification for shunning people who leave the organisation? Why does the watchtower org. believe that only JW believers will be saved? Why can they not socialise with catholics? Why not?
Why is it that the watchtower org urges it's members to shun ex-jw's? why? Maybe because they can tell the truth about what the watchtower org is really like! And watchtower, isn't that the creepiest name ever? makes me think of nazi concentration camps!
The following are passages on various issues in no particular order.
Apparently, The Bible can only be understood via the Watchtower organization.
??The Watchtower magazine is the means of God's communication??
Gee, I thought the bible was!
1. Those who think apart from the Watchtower's guidance are like Satan
A. Quote : "From time to time, there have arisen from among the ranks of Jehovah's people those, who, like the original Satan, have adopted an independent, faultfinding attitude...They say that it is sufficient to read the Bible exclusively, either alone or in small groups at home. But, strangely, through such ?Bible reading,' they have reverted right back to the apostate doctrines that commentaries by Christendom's clergy were teaching 100 years ago..." The Watchtower, August 15, 1981.
The Bible indicates that God alone created the universe (Is. 44:24), and "he that constructed all things is God" (Heb. 3:4). However, Jesus created the heavens and the earth (Heb. 1:10). This passage by itself proves that Jesus is God, since an Old Testament reference to God (Ps. 102:26-28) is now given to him. In John 8:58, Jesus takes the name of God, "I AM" (Ex. 3:15-18), and applies it to himself. Only God may use this title without blaspheming (Ex. 20:7, Deut. 5:11), and the punishment for someone other than God to use the sacred "I AM" is stoning (Lev. 24:16). Thus in verse 59, Jesus? audience picked up stones to kill him, because they correctly understood his use of "I AM" as his claim to being God and hence thought he was guilty of blasphemy. This verse also proved to be difficult for the JWs to combat, and so they changed "I AM" to "I have been." The Greek here is ego eimi, which any first-semester Greek student can tell you means "I am." It should also be noted that it would be rather strange for people to stone Jesus for saying that he "had been."
Among other things, the WTS predicted the following:, all false prophecies:
1889 | "The ?battle of the great day of God almighty? (Rev 16:14) which will end in AD 1914 . . . " (Studies, Vol. 2, 1908 edition, 101). |
1891 | "With the end of AD 1914, what God calls Babylon, and what men call Christendom, will have passed away, as already shown from prophecy" (Studies, Vol. 3, 153). |
1894 | "The end of 1914 is not the date for the beginning, but for the end of the time of trouble" (WT Reprints, 1-1-1894, 1605 and 1677). |
1897 | "Our Lord is now present, since October 1874 AD" (Studies, Vol. 4, 1897 edition, 621). |
1916 | "The six great 1000 year days beginning with Adam are ended, and that the great 7th day, the 1000 years of Christ?s reign began in 1873" (Studies, Vol. 2, p. 2 of foreword). |
1917 | "Scriptures . . . prove that the Lord?s Second Advent occurred in the fall of 1874" (Studies, Vol. 7, 68). |
1918 | "Therefore, we may confidently expect that 1925 will mark the return of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and the faithful prophets of old" (Millions Now Living Will Never Die, 89). |
1922 | "The date 1925 is even more distinctly indicated by the scriptures than 1914" (WT, 9-1-1922, 262). |
1923 | "1925 is definitely settled by the scriptures. As to Noah, the Christian now has much more upon which to base his faith than Noah had upon which to base his faith in a coming deluge" (WT, 4-1-1923, 106). |
1925 | "The year of 1925 is here. . . . Christians should not be so deeply concerned about what may transpire this year" (WT, 1-1-1925, 3). |
1931 | "There was a measure of disappointment on the part of Jehovah?s faithful ones on earth concerning the dates 1914, 1918, & 1925 . . . and they also learned to quit fixing dates" (Vindication, 388, 389). |
1939 | "The disaster of Armageddon is just ahead" (Salvation, 361). |
1941 | "Armageddon is surely near . . . soon . . . within a few years" (Children, 10). |
1946 | "Armageddon . . . should come sometime before 1972" (They Have Found a Faith, 44). |
1966 | "Six thousand years from man?s creation will end in 1975, and the seventh period of a thousand years of human history will begin in the fall of 1975 C.E" (Life Everlasting in Freedom of the Sons of God, 29). |
1968 | "The end of the six thousand years of man?s history in the fall of 1975 is not tentative, but is accepted as a certain date" (WT, 1-1-1968, 271). |
Besides false prophesies, the WTS has misled its members through countless changes in doctrine and practice:
"To worship Christ in any form cannot be wrong ... " (WT, 3-1880, 83). "It is unscriptural for worshippers of the living and true God to render worship to the Son of God, Jesus Christ" (WT, 11-1-1964, 671).
The men of
hi there everyone, my name is treefrog and i am new to this site.
i am a roman catholic so i feel like i'm entering the lion's den here, but not to worry.
i hope to share my beliefs with you all regarding our saviour, jesus christ.. i hope to shine a light into your organisation (if jesus christ couldn't, how can i expect to!
I was prompted to post here because I live with a JW. He goes out regularly to meetings and door-to-door. I try to be his friend, but he just pushes me away. I am catholic, is that the reason he doesn't want to get close?
I was in the kitchen earlier, and I making polite small talk, said ''how long do you get off for Christmas? Ooops, the 'dirty' word. He looked at me with a look of death and shrugged his shoulders. ''Okaaay'' I said!!!
I think it is really sad what the Watchtower organisation is doing to people. How many JW's are happy people?
God is the Trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, yet this denie this core Christian belief, choosing instead to produce their own, distorted 'New World Translation'.
Who would you rather follow? A church founded by Christ, the divine son of God, or a sect started by Charles Taze Russell?
Come on all of you, see the light!
I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me. Isaiah 46:9
'Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.' Matthew 25:40
Being a Christian, which JW's falsely claim to be, is about loving God, ourselves and our neighbour: how does the Watchtower org. do this?
They don't - they are a mind controlling, brain-washing sect.
Get out now, while you can.