Yup-this past Sunday we recieved a visit. We didn't answer the door, as we were in the middle of an early dinner with our kids. Besides, I have been very vocal in the last few months about my feelings about the Watchtower, and I just wasn't in the mood for any confrontations. Funny thing-they must have felt funny about leaving it my paper box like they normally do-it must have been my "Stop Watchtower Abuse" sticker I just put on it this week! So the invite was in the door jam. And now I've been getting lots of phone calls since then that only say private name-private number on the caller ID. Hmmmmm-wonder who THAT could be! LOL
JoinedPosts by TooOpinionated
Were you invited to the Memorial?
by JH inhas anybody invited you to go to the memorial this year?
do you expect to be invited?.
usually elders come over a few days before to invite me, but they didn't come yet....
by purplesofa ini have had this nickname online for over five years.
when i signed up at this discussion board i really was looking for fellow jw believers, looking for some new freinds.
what i found was something so much better.
I ordered CofC and In Search Of Christian Freedom from http://www.overstock.com/ There is a shipping special this month, I believe.
Hi everybody I'm new
by LongHairGal ini am a long time lurker who has come out of the closet.
i have read many fine posts here and feel for all of you who have been hurt by the witnesses.
they are a lying, unaccountable organization - with an emphasis on the word unaccountable!
Welcome, LongHairGal! You certainly have hit the nail on the head. I was always appalled at the attitude towards single women. I came became a Witness as an adult, and single. You would have thought I had 2 heads! When I would make comments about their 18th century attitudes, I would get that typical long blank stare like I was from another planet. I'm so glad to be free of all that nonsense.
When is the "Memorial" this year? Will you attend? >>>>>>
by WingCommander inlong time, no post.
:) i was just curious when the memorial was this year?
is it at the end of march, at full moon, right?
This will be the first year my family and I will not be attending. I expected to feel at least a twinge of remorse, sadness, something but there is nothing. Wait...maybe...oh sorry, still nothing.
Related to Anyone Famous?
by the_classicist inrwagner's post go me thinking.
are any of your ancestors famous?
the only famous one i can think of is sir robert peel, i'm not too sure what he did.
Our family ancestry was traced to Marie Antoinette. Sure hope history doesn't repeat itself. LOL
Thank you so much for the warm welcome!
by TooOpinionated inthe beginning of the end for me was when i questioned the elders on the child abuse policy-i honestly could not believe the 2 witness rule would apply that that particular situation.
i knew our congregation had alleged cases of child molestation from years past, but the perp in question was disfellowshipped.
all of a sudden, after about 13 years, she wants to come back.
Sorry about the huge paragraph-I didn't type it that way, but that's how it posted.
Thank you so much for the warm welcome!
by TooOpinionated inthe beginning of the end for me was when i questioned the elders on the child abuse policy-i honestly could not believe the 2 witness rule would apply that that particular situation.
i knew our congregation had alleged cases of child molestation from years past, but the perp in question was disfellowshipped.
all of a sudden, after about 13 years, she wants to come back.
The beginning of the end for me was when I questioned the elders on the child abuse policy-I honestly could not believe the 2 witness rule would apply that that particular situation. I knew our congregation had alleged cases of child molestation from years past, but the perp in question was disfellowshipped. All of a sudden, after about 13 years, she wants to come back. I was told the reinstatement process would be lengthy. HA! Being related to the elders got her in in under a year. When I questioned it, I was told all the same garbage-Jehovah has forgiven, the elders know best, etc. One elder even told me if I didn't like it, I could go to another hall! ( For all the lurking elders in this congregation, you know who I am now! LOL) It raised quite a stink. I even had one elder's wife come to my house and ask me why I cared so much-"it didn't happen to YOUR kids." GRRRRR!
Elders tried twisting the scripture about "men who lie with men-but that as some of you were" to prove I was forgive this person. I blew a gasket and told them that being gay and being a child molester were 2 different things, but you could see they didn't get it. I asked how they knew this person was better-a certificate from a counselor, anything, and of course I was told to just believe, Jehovah knows, etc. etc. Finally I told all the elders they were no better than the Pharisees!
So....that was the beginning of the end for me. I was the one treated like a pariah for not welcoming this person into my bosom. And after the unkindness shown me at the hall (the shunning was quite evident even though I wasn't neither DA or DF'd), I decided during the last meeting I went to that know way on God's green earth were my kids going to feel like second class citizens to these losers. It took me quite awhile to do some investigating into the Watchtower, because I was still following their rules about not going to "apostate" sites, etc. But when I did, it finally clicked. There were SO many things that weren't right-the cliques, the materialism, even though everyone pretended they weren't, the group of 40 somethings that seemed to be forever stuck at 20 with their parties, the doctrine changes,etc..
When I discovered this site, I have to admit I didn't leave the computer for HOURS! And when I showed my husband the UN stuff, he literally cried. But it broke the last tie we had emotionally to the Borg. I was scared at first to show him what I had found at JWD, but when I told him, it was like a huge weight had been lifted off him. He said that if I left the Witnesses, then we were going together. How wonderful! I was still only going to the store at night, etc, so I wouldn't have to see any of the jerks, but he told me to forget that religion-it is in the past now. And that has been my attitude ever since
Well, that is just a bit of our story. I'm glad to finally come out of the shadows and post!
Is Your Lifestyle So Much Different Since You Left The Organization?
by minimus indo you see a difference in the way you live now that your out of the "truth"?
more materialistic?
more "worldly"?
We feel truly HAPPY! We were always telling ourselves we were happy, but we felt awful constantly. After we made our decision to leave, there was a spring in our step and actual joy in our hearts. Even my JW SIL commented on how happy her brother (my husband) looks now! Gives her alot to think about.
Funniest WT Pics.....
by Preston ini thought this was "bull" from night court when i was a kid.... .
lucille ball?!
?...from "i love lucy"??!?!?.
LOL avishai, we used to look at that picture and laugh about the extra foot, too!
Another Newbie from Wisconsin
by TooOpinionated inafter seeing all the new people from wisconsin today i decided to come out of my lurker mode.
i have been practically obsessed with this board since i discovered it, and i give everyone here credit for helping my husband and i leave the borg.
i had been in 11 years, and my husband 27 years, along with our 3 small children.
Hi everyone! After seeing all the new people from Wisconsin today I decided to come out of my lurker mode. I have been practically obsessed with this board since I discovered it, and I give everyone here credit for helping my husband and I leave the borg. I had been in 11 years, and my husband 27 years, along with our 3 small children. Thank goodness they have a chance for a normal life now! Child abuse was my first issue with the Society, and after scratching the surface I found out about the U.N., Mexican/Malawi brothers, and so much more. It just made us sick that we were so duped. Anyway, I just wanted to say "hello"!