bttt I think this is important.
JoinedPosts by TooOpinionated
anyone willing to write?
by carla inon the other board i go to there is a thread about congressman lynch.
he is going after religions that hide pedophiles, specifically the jw's.
i thought maybe he should get some letters of support.
JWs required to report medical information to elders
by Elsewhere inthere was an article, i believe in the awake!, that talks about a hypothetical medical worker who in a hypothetical situation comes to find out that a jw has accepted a medical procedure that is not accepted by the wts.
this hypothetical worker must decide where or not she will report the hypothetical violation to the elders.
does anyone recall where i can find this article?
This is another one of those topics that the general public needs to be more aware.
I spoke at great length about this to my dentist who has a JW working for him in a brance office in another town. My next step is to inform the hospitals in a tri-city area about this. There is a dub who works in my childrens' pediatric office, and shunned me the last time I was there. That was my first clue I was being shunned, by the way. It was hilarious seeing her try not to make eye contact with me all the while having to ask me about my child! Her and her mother are super dubs, and I have no doubt that she would snoop and tell on people.
anyone willing to write?
by carla inon the other board i go to there is a thread about congressman lynch.
he is going after religions that hide pedophiles, specifically the jw's.
i thought maybe he should get some letters of support.
anyone willing to write?
by carla inon the other board i go to there is a thread about congressman lynch.
he is going after religions that hide pedophiles, specifically the jw's.
i thought maybe he should get some letters of support.
Thanks for sharing this. I hadn't heard about it.
Our invitation to our JC came today!!
by TooOpinionated inwe've been expecting it since the memorial, and i was hoping it would come by registered mail so .
i could refuse it, but noooooo, it comes in a normal first class envelope.
actually, i thought it .
es- Thanks!
Frog-Thank you, we will enjoy the birthday party!
rebel8-I agree with you-it is part of the new policies. I just can't believe it took them this long to do something, since I made no secret of my feelings.
weigal-I hope it doesn't happen to you, but I like your strength if it does!
jt stumbler-that option had crossed our minds, too. I honestly feel violently ill at the thought of darkening the doors of a Kingdom Hall, though.
BrendaCloutier-Yes, that is exactly what I'm going to do. And in the end, I now realize it doesn't matter if they think I'm being vindictive or not.
EvilForce and 144001-LOL You two crack me up!
tyler m-Methinks you give good advice!
The hurt will never stop
by Jez inmy little sister (not a jw) forwarded me some pictures of my brothers 2 kids (jw and fanatically shuns me).
i would not have recognized them on the street.
just when you think you can't hurt anymore...something is always thrown in your face.
Big hugs to you. The pain you are going through is unfathomable, and so, so senseless.
Have you ever tried explaining judicial committee to a non-witness?
by TooOpinionated ini have, and i honestly don't seem to be getting the repercussions across.
my parents and siblings are not witnesses, so when i told them about the jc letter arriving, they just shrug their shoulders and say "so what?
have you ever had that experience?
I have, and I honestly don't seem to be getting the repercussions across. My parents and siblings are not witnesses, so when I told them about the JC letter arriving, they just shrug their shoulders and say "so what?"
Have you ever had that experience?
i"ll be the first in KH" no longer a JW" tonight
by mad max inwell, everyone, tonight is the night when they are going to test out the new thought in the new om book.
"brothers just want to make this announcement ....... is no loner a jw".
buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz then silent.. gosssssssssssssssip afterwards.. well that's love for you, 8 years and not one phone call.
Sorry to hear this, mad max. I hope all goes well with you.
I believe my husband and I will be the first announced under the new procedure probably this coming Sunday-Thursday at the latest.
Our invitation to our JC came today!!
by TooOpinionated inwe've been expecting it since the memorial, and i was hoping it would come by registered mail so .
i could refuse it, but noooooo, it comes in a normal first class envelope.
actually, i thought it .
Well, an update. We had this part ready to go
I'm sending your letter to our lawyer for legal counsel. We will need to arrange a meeting time with you so our lawyer can also attend. Please know that we will not allow our names to be slandered in any way that causes others to treat us differently, and will take legal action if that happens.
Like my husband said, knowing me as well as the elders do, it was a definite promise. There is no other woman in the congregation that would stand up to them but me, and they know I mean business.
I am VERY serious about writing letters, giving talks to small groups, talking to priests and ministers, etc, about the witnesses, and I do not want them to think I am being vindictive. Plus, I will not give up my power to them any longer. I think they are a joke, so they were treated like a joke. We have nothing to lose anymore, and so it was time to take some wind out of their sails. I can't wait to see the pompous elder's face when he reads Swan's response!
"Thank you for the invitation but we cannot possibly attend due to a conflicting engagement. Unfortunately your meeting coincides with our daughter's birthday party, and of course, as any good parent knows, that must take precedence. Please accept our cordial invitation to you to stop by before or after your meeting for cake and ice cream. We would love to have you join us for the festivities."
We both signed it, and popped it in the mail this morning.
They ironic thing is that the elders knew about my sticker when we recieved a memorial invititation, as an elder came to our door and studied it. It's taken them this long to do anything. My husband has not gone (except for Memorial 2 yrs ago) to a meeting in over 3 years, myself for 2 years. We must be part of their new policy. But the absolute deciding factor in sending this instead of a more hard core letter is that it will make NO difference in the way we have been treated. I have been shunned for a few years now (nobody ever told me if there was an annoucement, but it was quite obvious behavior). So it was time to thumb our nose at them. We refuse to give up our power to them. It is over.
They still treat my husband like he doesn't have a mind of his own, and this is happening because he is just going along with me. That is why he personally signed this letter, too. Actually, sending this version was his idea!!
It's taken a long time to get to this point, and I still have times where I get angry about the lies they say about us when all I tried to do was point out the 2 witness rule was wrong in child abuse to the elders, and protect the children in our congregation when the "alledged" molester came back to the congregation and was reinstated in less than a year. (Elder's relation-go figure.) And of course horrible crime of speaking against the elders, since I don't hold them as being appointed by God. I used to work with one-I know for a fact this couldn't be true from his behavior.
From here on end we live our lives for ourselves. I don't mean to come off flip about everything, because believe me, we have been dead serious about this whole situation for several years now. I didn't know at one time if my husband would leave the Organization with me and our kids, and before I found this site, I honestly believed that there was something wrong with ME for not being able to be submissive to their "counseling". Every fiber of my being screamed that it was all wrong.
It was a very stressful time that spanned a few years.
This is our way of moving on.
Our invitation to our JC came today!!
by TooOpinionated inwe've been expecting it since the memorial, and i was hoping it would come by registered mail so .
i could refuse it, but noooooo, it comes in a normal first class envelope.
actually, i thought it .
EvilForce and Swan-Thanks for the laugh. I needed that.
JAVA and 144001-I'm copying and pasting as we speak. Question-how can I word things to let them know I know that individual elders can be sued?
BrendaCloutier, Purza, kaykay_mp, IP_SEC (Congratulations!-I just got caught up your thread, sorry.) Sunspot, misspeaches, thank you so much for the warm words. They are greatly appreciated.
I need to get this in the mail right away in the morning so it will be there in time, since they set it up so quickly. Hmmm, could it be they are in a hurry to kick us out?????