Welcome Sickandtired.
Like others on the board I'm very glad you posted. It does us all good to share our thoughts and feelings and to get feedback from others in similar situations.
I remember when I was first beginning to realize that I didn't believe everything I had been taught since infancy. I would wake up in the middle of the night during stormy weather and just lie there "knowing" that the end was coming and I would be killed by God for my faithlessness. I would pray and pray and pray that my thinking would be readjusted and knew that if I just studied more, associated with the friends more and pushed my doubts aside I would get better.
I tried those things but after awhile nothing felt real to me. I could force an emotional response to reading a life story in the Awake magazine but I just couldn't agree with all the doctrinal rules and regulations I had been taught my whole llife.
It took me several years to fade. At each step of the process my wife became angrier and angrier with me. She never threatened to leave and in fact told me she wouldn't. But, that didn't make her pleased with what I was doing. In her eyes I was turning my back on God and was on my way to being a drug smoking, alcoholic gambler who had multiple affairs. Now, I've been free of the witnesses for over 5 years and I am none of those things she thought I'd be. Unfortunately she is still a devoted Witness.
If you've read CoC and found it sincere (as did I) then you are truly on your way to mental freedom. Shedding ourselves of a lifetime of indoctrination takes time and effort. Doing this while married to a Witness just adds to the complexity of the situation.
I found the key to be slow and steady. Don't push your husband too far. Let him see that you are living your life in a decent moral manner even though you are slowly unraveling years of indoctrinated thought. Let him see your personality shine as you grow. And all of this without the fear of being cut off from God's grace and the light load that Jesus gives us.
Stay strong and take it one day at a time.