I'm going to hell and I think I actually deserve it
JoinedPosts by whatistruth
Why Does The Society Pick BORING Books To Study At The Bookstudy?
by minimus inmy mom hates the daniel book and doesn't even remember studying it before.
(she's 79 today).
maybe she's losing it.....i don't think so.
But one sister said we were terrible. She actually wanted meetings every night of the week. It was the meetings that kept us spiritual so we needed more of them not less.
She is why duct tape was invented
Breakfast Table at Bethel.
by Blueblades inanyone know of any exciting inside talk going on at the breakfast table at bethel.
any governing body members doing any griping, or is the facade still going on?.
you know , the text for the day is: the application is: and now the new light for the day is:?
"Pass the bread please brother Elder". ( dirty look ensues ) Uh, I mean pass the bread, Sister who cares who you are"
By the way, nice tie Brother Elder, I think it used to be my great uncles.
Why Does The Society Pick BORING Books To Study At The Bookstudy?
by minimus inmy mom hates the daniel book and doesn't even remember studying it before.
(she's 79 today).
maybe she's losing it.....i don't think so.
I was hoping for an anouncement saying that the book study is not longer needed, it is an annoyance, it adds so much more stress and anxiety to the R&F and should for the greater good to all, must be done away with. But sadly, instead, they chose another boring book
Listen to the Faithful and Discreet Slave or YOU WILL DIE!!
Speak against them and YOU WILL DIE A HORRIFIC DEATH!!
DRAMA SUMMARY: 2005 District Convention - Pursue Goals That Honor God
by ithinkisee ini forgot how ridiculously fictional and manipulative this drama was until i just typed up these notes:.
jonathan enters, and everything is better.
Why does the Watchtower Society BLATANTLY add to the word of God?
Exactly!!! As if they know what happend word for word back then. Don't they always read to the mormons "that if anyone adds to these words their lot is in the lake of fire". Yet they do it all the time. Anything to pursue their goal of converting people, or converting the converted so they will be the "perfect" jehovah's witness.
New Book? "What Does the Bible REALLY Teach?"
by Cameron insomeone from russia said that the society has a new bible study aid, "what does the bible really teach?
" and that it doesn't mention matthew 24:45-47. .
does anyone know anything about this book?
Wow how original!!!!! They'll make it out to be the best publication printed to date, state of the art ideas, new thoughts with a thundering applause. But guess what? Same old, same old. Been there, done that. I have honestly never read such boring one-sided stuff in my life as any publication the watchtower prints.
Please Tell Me The Name Of the New Publication(s) At This Year's Assembly
by Doubtfully Yours in.
pretty please!!!.
Wow how original!!!!! They'll make it out to be the best publication printed to date, state of the art ideas, new thoughts with a thundering applause. But guess what? Same old, same old. Been there, done that.
Name things that suck
by Elsewhere inmean people.. working on the weekend.
vacuum cleaners.
women .
An elder during the co visit
Do you find any value in attending the occaisonal meeting?
by 24k indo you still attend the occaisonal meeting with your believing family members?
if so, do you find any value in what's presented?
i still attend the occaisonal sunday meeting with my believing wife in an effort to show my respect for her feelings and my willingness to be tolerant.
If you had cancer and you got rid of it, why would you ever voluntarily want it back? The meetings are like a disease and going back after getting rid of it's deadly and hateful attitudes and teachings makes no sense at all.