JoinedTopics Started by devinsmom
YAY...lookie at what I can do!!!
by devinsmom ini have been making jewelry for as long as i can remember.
for a few years i earned a living making jewelry and traveling to art shows to sell it, i even had one of those liitle carts in the mall when i was 17...ran it by myself.
i stopped making stuff for a while but i have recently restarted my business and it is taking off!
Explain you religion/beliefs in a nutshell
by devinsmom inlately i have been pondering my lack of a belief system.
i think that being a jw really turned me off to believing in anything since it was all crammed down my throat.. i have been feeling a need to believe in something.
i think i believe that something created us but not sure if it was one god or many.
Is this fair?
by devinsmom inok so some of you may know that i just divorced a man who has been a deadbeat dad to our son from the very start.
i left him shortly after we found out i was prego for several reasons including his not desiring to be there for me as i was scared and newly pregnant, he would rather continue to be an alchoholic loser, out all the time to the bars or in some chics bed or whatever.
so he has not paid any of the ordered child support (my son is almost a year old) he never showed up to any of our divorce hearings.
Emu, its whats for dinner
by devinsmom in.
hey guys check this out.
i was at the local farmers market where i am a vendor and came across a stand selling emu products, watch out candidlynuts emu hunting season is fast!
Technical difficulties
by devinsmom in.
every day for atleast half the day i will get no new topics and then all the sudden they will show up like a whole page worth.
my computer illiterate ass is frustrated and going through withdrawals!
Dating/relationships and ex-dubbyness
by devinsmom in.
ok, so i allways thought that dating someone who used to be a witless would be cool , since you would both kinda know what the other had been through in his/her life.
so my question is: how many of you date/have dated ex-witnesses, why or why not and does the relationship benifit from it...and just your ideas about it in general.. .
calling all young single men
by devinsmom inwew, well my divorce is, as of today and what a long hard road it has been, and unfortunatly more hardships are to come, since we have a child together.
my ex tried to delay it just yesterday by faxing a sloppy handwritten note to the judge, to tell him he couldnt make it because he doesnt have a license,(suspended for dwi) and hasnt attended any of the hearings at all.
he owes me over $5,000 for child support (deadbeat dad).
A ? for all the computer geeks out there
by devinsmom inok, so my computer was being real slow and had a bunch of viruses and what not.
so i had a friend who fixes computers clean it up for me.
now whenever i go to this website on my pc its all messed up, no avatars, no member info, no graphics, i cant post anything, etc.... so does anyone have any idea how i fix this?
Banned from the Kingdom Hall?
by devinsmom inso i was just wonderin' if anyone has ever heard of someone getting banned from the kingdom hall.
my dad who was a very looked up to elder before my parents divorce and allways a very devout jw recently got banned from the kh, this is the 1st time hearing of someone getting banned, see this elder was talkin to his new wife a little too much and he thought they were gettin a little too close and he told this dude to back off and he didnt so this elder had a talk one night and my dad stood up in the middle of the hall right as this dude got on stage and announced that he better stay away from his wife, he was asked to leave and he refused so they called the cops on him and the cops came right in and escorted him out.
so anywho they wont let him come back, they didnt df him or reprove him or anything just banned his ass-way to go dad, probably the best thing that ever happened to him, too bad he allready wasted 2/3 of is life in that sh*t. so has anyone else ever heard of getting banned?-april
where are my madison peeps?
by devinsmom inhello, i'm new to the madison wi area and would like to meet some ex-jdubs in the area, i'm 24 yrs old.
people relativly my age would be nice but any age is cool.
i just moved from milwaukee and all my friend there are ex-jw's, we are all pretty close about 10 of us or so and am looking for the same kind of bonds where i am now, there is nothing like having people in your life who know exactly what you went through in life.