Topics Started by loosie
Satanic turtle emerges from pet store fire
by Elsewhere in
i don't see the satan image, do you?.
pet store owner: satan's image on turtle's shell.
Todays talk.
by loosie inso i went to the meeting today.. i've been absent for a lil while.
my husband says "remember to smile and be nice.
" kinda gives you the impression that i'm not
Question for Tepic or anyone else who has an answer.
by loosie intepic,.
since you were an elder, didn't that one guy say for like a hundred years, i want to ask you a question.
before i ask thought let me state this.
Bomb scare in Madera, CA
by G Money ininitial reports of a bomb with faulty fuse at madera assembly hall.
anyone else have info on this?
it was today so may not have hit yet or been big news.
Looking for Old Friends
by loosie inthis is my first time posting on this board.
i hope i am doing this right.. i am looking for some of old friends that would have gone to former sunflower cong or alona cong or park cong.
in southern california.
Songs which remind you of J Dubs....
by missy04 ini was just sitting here listening to a song by breaking benjamin called "rain" and it reminded me of the witnesses.. ""rain".
take a photograph, .
not a dollar or a crowd could ever keep me here, .
Would You See A Therapist or Doctor To Help You Get Out of JWs???
by minimus inthere are a number of people that have been "out" of the organization for years yet they almost seem to live for the "old days".
they might still be bitter , angry or depressed because of their past.
but in a strange way, it seems like they never really want to get back into reality, into the real world.
Stupidest thing a JW ever told you
by Nosferatu inwhat is the stupidest thing a jw ever told you?
we all know that they say a lot of stupid things, but what really topped the cake?.
for me, it was an elder telling me i was progressing really well when my meeting attendance was down and my field service hours were slipping.
Strangest thing you were called on the carpet for.
by Icansaylucky ini would like to hear some of the strangest or most ridiculous thing you got in trouble with the elders for.
here is mine.. back in the early 70's i was married at the age of 18, typical witness thing to do.
my husband who was 6 years older than i ruled me like a overly strict father.