This post BROKE my heart! Why did it reappear? All of you were SO kind! Wanting So desperately to help! Is he living? Wiil we ever know?
Posts by peggy
remember me? I need your help!
by SlayerLayer inmany of you may remember me from "back in the day".
i hope you guys are doing well.
if any of you guys know where i can find the website or streams that are the basis for just about every new tv show and commercial that you see these days it would be very helpful.
What The Bible Really Teaches- NEXT
by stillajwexelder injust to let you all know if you did not already, it has been announced in october km that the book "what does the bible really teach " will be studied next at the bookstudy after the daniel book
I personally wonder how the book study meeting attendence will fair? The Book Study already is one of the poorest attended meetings. I myself have made very few of the Book Study meetings since we began the Daniel book. Read it, studied it........done! I see no real purpose in attending the Book Study for the study of "what the bible really teaches". I wonder what others will do?
Describe yourself for a date....................(no crazy chicks)
by vitty in.
this got me thinking when i read ballistics topic about his internet dating.. now since i havent dated anyone for 28 years, i know its unbelieveable, cos im so young, but being married to the fella i met when i was sweet 16, i would really hate to start dating again .
anyway my question:: how would you describe yourself in a column of a newspaper or on the internet if you were looking for a date.
Maiden----1)a young unmarried woman 2) a woman who has never had sexual intercourse Encarta-World English Dictionary
Unlikely there are too many young virgin maidens with money to spend on YA! LOL Certainly NOT on this FORUM!
Olin Moyle's son approved--then disapproved
by Bonnie_Clyde ini have a 1939 watchtower volume and happened to see a letter written to "brother rutherford" by peter moyle, son of o. r. moyle who as i remember took the society to court about that time.
here's what he wrote: "on august 8, 1939, when the bethel family was asked to express their disapproval of the letter of o. r. moyle, i expressed my approval by remaining seated.
after prayerful and scriptural consideration of the matter, i am now of the opinion that my action was wrong.
I find this thread amazing! The letter was sincerely written, was respectful and forth right. This is the kind of information WTS would prefer that the average JW does not know about. Thus, stay off the internet!!! Am I to believe that the attitudes and behaviors have changed over the years? I think NOT!
Heavy drinking
by 5thGeneration inhow do the elders really deal with cong.
members with drinking problems.. i find that i have been drinking far too much and am trying to cut way down.
Have you ever wondered what would make the WTS COLLASPE? The day the WT prints a "new light" article, which condems ALL alcohol USE!
OMG!!! YOU MUST READ THIS!!!! My appeal letter worked!!!
by kwintestal infor those not up-to-date on my situation ... .
i was disfellowshipped and i posted about it here.. i wrote an appeal letter, and wrote about it here.
so, i just got home from a weeks vacation, i was home for 3 hours.
I don't know if a weird SHIFT is happening, but in veiw of RR's experience and now Kwin, I have another odd experience told to me just yesterday. A young man in his late 20's who was disfellowshiped, committed suicide in our local area two weeks ago. I didn't personally know him but my adult children knew who is was. A memorial was held for him in the local senior center and an elder gave the talk. Over 400 people attended. By the way this young man's mother is also disfellowshiped, rumor has it that one of his brothers is about to be disfellowshiped. Many witnesses offered condolences to the mother and family. Apparently their is some controversy surrounding this event, with some very unhappy that an elder gave the talk and that so many attended. Frankly it was the first time in a long time that I felt proper compassion and kindness had been shown!
The Time Of The End: Could It Be Upon Us?
by jayhawk1 init has been so long since i had anything to say on this site.
but here it goes.... for those who don't know or remember my story... five years ago i walked out of the kingdom hall for the last time.
it was the weekend after my dad tragically died and just a few weeks after reading sites like
You may be feeling what I am feeling. Fear. The news right now is filled with the horror of people in CHAOS! This brings me back to my childhood fears. I am seeing people suffer and there is nothing tangible that I can do about it right now. In a few short hours these peoples lives were ripped apart and forever changed. In fact one news caster actually used the word Armegedon to describe the chaos. I too had thoughts of Armegedon, as this is still where my mind goes to when fear and chaos are reported. I am now in a place where I realize that so much of life can not be controled. I need to live for the day and be caring and helpful to others.
Do you see the average Jehovahs Witness as a victim...?
by trevor ini think most of us appreciate the difference between the tyrannical watchtower society and the average sheep like followers who make up the congregations.
we have been jehovahs witnesses so we know how brainwashed they are.
i am interested in knowing how you feel towards jehovahs witnesses individually and whether you hold them accountable.
I find this an interesting question. Do I view the average JW a victim? Not sure. Am I a victim? Not sure. I was raised in a divided household. My father was not a witness, my mother was baptized when I was four. It was a painful childhood, based on religious hatred and the fear that went along with that. I have recently had many conversations with my father about JW's. He told me how much he tried to keep his children from this religion. In fact I was not allowed to attend meeting until I was twelve. My 17 year old brother fought for that "right". My father clearly remembers the day he gave in and in his eyes lost his children to this religion, he went to a park and cried. The weird thing is that he highly respects the witnesses. He has been married to my mom for 55 years and is always helpful in getting her to her meetings when her health is frail. He knows that I am struggling with my faith, I think it even frightens him. Disfellowshiping is a major issue for him. It has divided our family, as my brother left the truth years ago. He worries that I will be another victim to shunning. WOW, I used the word......victim. This is a question I will have to think about. I have choices to make. I chose to be baptized. I chose my life course. The question is, will I be allowed to make other choices without repercussions.
When Did You Realize That You REALLY Were Going To Die?
by minimus inand not live forever on paradise earth?
Interesting topic! I began hearing about "everlasting life" at age four. My mom was baptized then, she was 30 years old. She told us Armagedon was just around the corner. Sad thing is, my dad wasn't a JW. It didn't take too many years to realize this was a DEATH sentence for him. Some "kind" friends liked to point that out to us. He better make a stand for the truth or he is DEAD. What a way to grow up! In my teens I fell into sin as many teens do. Which also became a death sentence. I felt UNWORTHY of LIFE. In 1974, just under the window of DEATH, I was baptized. Three weeks later, I fell back into SIN. 1975 came and went. That was a shock! I married in 1976 at age 18. I spent the next 28 years raising my kids. Here it is 2005. I am inactive, two of my children are inactive. I am divorced and wondering about DEATH. My faithful JW mom is still waiting for her reward. Her health is fragile. Where is this promised paradise? DEATH awaits us.
What Motivates YOU to Post Here?
by trevor indefd has said he will leave and it caused me reflect on how he was treated.
are we happy with the way we responded when he tried to defend his faith?
this and comments about my own attitude have caused me to review my motive for the posts i make.. when i first started posting here i was thoughtful and sincere as were most of the posters back then.
mrsjones5-------don't you see, def'd did have something to learn. He sadly did believe that all children outside of the org were devils. That is part of the brainwashing. He later admitted that ones in his own cong. were sometimes worse then the world. Were his eyes opening? You bet! He needs to continue posting, fighting, defending, talking. It will eventually HELP him!
Trevor-------Beautiful story! It says A LOT about you, also it says alot about the recipient of the hug. Sometimes anger and jealousy are defense mechanisms for feelings we don't always understand.
I've been shy about posting. I hold back welcoming someone to the board or offering support to ones like crumpet who is suffering from an injury because I'm not sure if I belong yet. I'm still a NEWBIE. LOL