Puppy, and all, this is very sad. The braiwashing is so effective. Even in the face of facts, most JWs will DENY DENY DENY the truth.
My most shocking evidence of this is when I told a lifelong friend about the UN/WBTS connection shortly after it was revealed. She stated that it must be apostate lies. I told her about the Guardian article, and she pretty much said that we dont know what "unknown" motives the auhor may have had-"he probably has an axe to grind against the WBTS" is the way she put it in so many words.
What makes this response SO shocking to me? Well, we have talked at legnth about the damage the WBTS does thru DFing and other policies, and how it ruins lives. YES, she has been DF'd for about 17 years!!! She has vowed not to ever go back. But even thru all this, she says,"It is my religion."
I say, IT IS HER CULT, and she, even DF'd and NEVER going back, still defends them. Now THAT is brainwashing.