Charitable causes? It seems his favorite charity was HIMSELF!!!
alejandro n. mayorkas .
united states attorney .
central district of california .
Charitable causes? It seems his favorite charity was HIMSELF!!!
this summer i wanted to give my son a religious education.
by "religious education" i mean that i wanted to educate him about various religions without indoctrinating him to believe any specific way.
i want him to be knowledgable enough to be culturally literate and able to make an informed decision about his spiritual needs.. we have been reading together in genesis, but i also browsed at the library to find a book that might give us more detail about specific religious beliefs.
Hi Ginny,
Its funny, you could JW's for "religion" & "good people" in those excerpts and it will seem like a WTS book.
a few weeks ago in the chat room, i learned that jw's didn't always mark their brothers and sisters.
i was baptized in 1994 and i believe that "marking" was done as early as that.
was this "marking" new light ?
Hi Jurs, I was born into the Borg, and I can tell you that I remember "marking" from my teen years in the mid-70's. contrast I can think of JW's who lived the JW life without hypocrisy and were never or rarely invited to gatherings.
This is not as strange as it may seem-truly faithful JW's would be completely distracting to a really nice WORLDLY JW party, LOL. Folks trynna get their groove on would be scared to do so with such a presence in attendance.
I remember parties where only those on the edge would be in attendance. Made for much better parties.
dr albert ellis has identified 10 irrational beliefs that can influence us and contribute to over reacting in specific situations.. knowing them is the first step in taking back your personal power and not becoming a casuality of such irrational thought.these screwy beliefs tend to make us 'awfulize,think in terms of 'they should,i should' and dysfunctional rationalizations.. 1. worrying too much about what other people think of you.
excessive worrying creates a strong fear of rejection.. these folks will ignore the self to please others or will display this insecurity by attacking others in order to stay distant and detached.. 2. i must not fail at important tasks,and if i do it's terrible and i can't stand it.. 3.people and things should always turn out the way i want them to-and if they don't it's awful,terrible and horrible,and i can't stand it.. 4.if any of the first 3 bad events happens(if im not liked or respected,if i fail,or if things don't turn out as i'd like-then i'll always blame someone for it!
they acted wrongly,as they should not have done,and they are rotten people for acting in that terrible way!.
{{{{{TINA BABY}}}}}}} Truly inspirational. I think tho,that I went crazy before I conquered some of those irrational beliefs, LOL.
Keep up the good work, we all need reminders.
Boozy, who thinks that Losing My Mind Was A Liberating Experience
does anyone out there have a clue to why all of brooklyn's latest books are paperbacks?
it can't be that aggradizement, property acquisition and construction are superceding book publishing, can it?
whatever happened to the oft-quoted scripture about offering the almighty ``lame sacrifices'' on the altar?
I agree with Joelbear-PLANNED OBSOLESCENCE. Folks will be buying new books at an increased rate due to paperbacks wearing out quicker.
occasionally in life, it's handy to be able to get out of awkward social situations.
in such events, it behooves you to know these... .
more than fifty ways to get rid of blind dates.
If none of that works, you are dating a STALKER.
here is a rough version of a letter i intend to send to the society regarding an article in the july 1 2001 watchtower about doubt.. any suggestions on how i can improve the letter?.
also what are the odds on getting in big trouble in sending this?.
dear friend ,.
Sleepy, looks like you got em by the short hairs. Dont expect an answer.
I bet that as you wrote this, a writing committee member got the strange urge to stick his thumb up his ass.
i am going to let j. r. brown look this one up for himself,.
from day one of this issue being raised the watchtower has maintained there is no problem with child molesters being shielded within the community of jehovahs witnesses.
the questions that beg to be answered are: .
UGHHHHH!!! Truly despicable that people who call hemselves "true Christians" would speak up in favor of lighter sentencing, or as some did-FREEDOM!!!-for Paul Berry.
I just wonder, who the hell wrote the script they ALL seemed to be reading from? Trust him with their kids? Are they all fucking insane?
Readig that, I just wanted to smack thm all and say, "WAKE THE FUCK UP" people.
OK, I am through venting, but thoroughly disgusted.
i received this through e-mail on another forum "pioneeroutreach".
fascinating, horrible, reading.
it's long - but guaranteed to leave you thinking "what the ........".
Waiting, thanks for this. It seems that the craziness continues.
My suggestion for anyone suffering such abuse and needing proof is as was stated about leaving a paper trail recording each instance. Actually the internet can be a huge help-by setting up a private e-mail account and writing to it when necessary. Then perhaps giving a trusted friend the password-just in case the absolute worst happens.
hey ya'll ... ain't tuesdays, thursdays and sundays even better nowadays ?.
i was wondering what it is that you hated most about the meets ?.
the one thing that used to really rile me was the pressure to control the children - the frowns and the disapproving looks when they were just behaving like normal kids .... the worst of it all for me was seeing any little person being taken outside and hearing the loud slaps even when the door was closed .... what is it that you least miss ?
Nothing was worse for me than a BORING speaker. It made the talks seem 2x as long. And my own personal experience with CRAPPY sound equipment-UGHHHHHH!!!
p.s. And the thought of kids who should otherwise be enjoying a day at a park having to sit thru some crap they dont undersand is quite disheartening.