This doesn't mean of course that I will allow posts of an obvious apostate nature
Wow, am I in the wrong place.
I saw Thunder Rider brought back an oldie so I thought I would try one. Kind of fun looking back.
in case anyone is wondering about our registration policy:.
i don't intend to turn people away who want to register and post or make ultra-strict registration procedures because i honestly don't think that they work.
if i were to ask for names of congregations or presiding overseers then i have no real way of checking if they are correct.
This doesn't mean of course that I will allow posts of an obvious apostate nature
Wow, am I in the wrong place.
I saw Thunder Rider brought back an oldie so I thought I would try one. Kind of fun looking back.
...attain unanimous support from his creation of free moral agents?
from the majority at least.. apparently according to the wt interpretation of god's own book...a prominent spirit creature who made himself satan became unsatisfied and left god.later untold numbers would join the devil.. now the only solution for the future of these 'rebels' would be for god to destroy them.. then the very first human creatures apparently also felt unsatisfied and withdrew from god.they got destroyed.. later god had to confuse the language of all humans because they were unanimously opposed to god.
those people too are history.. then god had an ark built because all flesh had left god's way except for a handful of people.. evidently god was not expecting any great number to actually join noah, otherwise god would have had noah build several arks!
Hi Thunder Rider,
I could be reading wrong, but I don't think Martini has been around for a few months.
wednesday january 15, 06:36 pm
full coverage
separated twin girls fly home
the US was interested in the oil resources of sOmalia!
I don't know about that, I didn't know there was oil in Somalia. We supposedly went there to help starving people, using our military for a sort of meals-on- wheels program. Somalia was, and is, I think, a very poor country, other than the war lords. If we were after oil, don't you think we would have given it a little more effort?
But, my point was, the way our service men were treated. How can we ever forget the pictures of our men being dragged behind a truck through the streets. I personally think we should have attacked, in force, and terminated the whole group responsible for that atrocity.
You may be right about the oil, but it just does not add up to me. I think we would have used a little better strategy than what was shown, if we were going after something we wanted that bad. Some people are saying we are only going after Iraq because of oil, why would we use the tremendous power about to be used in Iraq, but, go into Somalia with such a small effort?
Actually, some people think the USA is incapable of doing anything at all, unless there is some kind of a payoff for the US, or, more accurately, a payoff for Republicans. Democrats can bomb empty buildings, aspirin factories, or anything else, and their motives are thought to be pure, by those same people, who are condemning the Republican President.
wednesday january 15, 06:36 pm
full coverage
separated twin girls fly home
) is that we ignore those places where we have no economic interest.
Just want to remind you of a place called Samalia and how the USA was thanked for their efforts in helping the Samalians.
even though i'd accumulated 20 years of doubts and disappointments, i fought my last dfing tooth-and-nail.
if they hadn't dfd me, i'd still be "in" mentally and psychologically.
heck, i was still "in" for another year and a half after, even though i thought i was out.
I agree onacruse, and, gopher too. The elders did a lot of wrong to me and my family, but I thank them now for helping me "out."
there's a lot of nonsense about the coming iraq war that's floating about.. there's a lot of dumb editorials and knee jerk comments about oil and george bush.. the reality is: they can't publically discuss the real reasons why a war with iraq.
is's the real motivation - they want to create a progressive secular.
arab regime and fend off muslim fundamentalists.. comments about bush's iq are off the mark and foolish.
I agree with your comment:
So our best interests would be to reduce our dependencies on fossil fuels.
I wonder though, what will the left do in each case of alternative fuels?
When I was a pre-teen in school, we were told that nuclear energy would be the answer for the future. We were told that everything would be powered with a tiny capsule, and that energy would be so cheap that it would cost more to mail us our power and light bill than the actual cost of the fuel bill.
Protests ended any prospects of that becoming a reality.
What about wind power?
I was in California this past summer. Driving around the state I saw miles of wind mills, how long will it be before the left starts protesting all of the landscape being cluttered with machinery?
How about maybe extracting hydrogen from water?
You can imagine the protests about that. We would be using the worlds supply of water. We would be threatening the worlds safety, hydrogen after all is a very powerful substance. (Hydrogen bomb?)
I think we would get the same protesters and complaints no matter what kind of energy source the scientists came up with. It seems that with everything we use, as humans, there will be consequences, and there will be people calling us names for using it.
I do not have the answers but I suspect that neither does anyone else.
looking for ex-jw's from greenwood and whiteland area.
Hi Forgiven One,
Welcome. I think the Ledbetters live in the Greenwood area.
good morning everybody, you all may have already seen this web, but i found that it was hidden behind another one.
the jws have got themselves a little club going on, with terms of agreement and the whole scoop.
check out when you get there, click on home.
Or how about this one?
- garage sale, yard sale
- A sale of personal household items and clothing set up in a homeowner's driveway or front yard. These are common on weekend mornings in urban areas where there are many houses and good weather. Satan uses these to interrupt a brother's field service plans if he happens to be out with his wife or daughter. Of course, it is acceptable to stop for a sale if they are selling tools or sporting equipment.
Are these people joking? Can they really be serious?
some weeks ago i attended the funeral of a jw sister.
the service was taken by a brother who claims to be of the anointed, although he holds no position in the congregation.. at one point he looked directly at one of the elders in attendance and said, pointedly, "it does not matter what religion you claim to belong to.
you could be catholic, lds, adventist, jw, or even the pope himself, but if you do not demonstrate love as jesus did you are not a true disciple and will not benefit from the biblical hope of ressurection.".
Sounds like a soon to be Ex-JW to me.
sorry DevonMcBride, I am a little slow.
Edited by - borgfree on 14 January 2003 14:32:3
the february 8, 2003 awake has an article entitled:"is there an unforgivable sin".notice the good news for apostates or those who once associated.
"some people who were once faithful christians have purposely drawn away from god, perhaps because of bitterness, pride, or greed, and are now apostate fighters against god's spirit.
they willfully oppose what the spirit is clearly accomplishing.
I think it is a secret sin for all of you to say such bad things about the "glorious ones". Shame, shame!
Borgfree (ducking)