JoinedTopics Started by disciple
God's intervention?
by disciple indo you perceive that god intervenes in your daily life?.
for instance , if you were not making enough money to cover your unexpected expenses would you pray specifically to god for that expense or expenses to be covered?
did he provide?.
practice against nature
by one inhttp://slate.msn.com/id/2113313/?gt1=6082
sorry no sex here, or can you find the link?.
advertise, advertise, advertise .
Love & Marriage: Easier w/JW-Out or Non-Believer?
by prophecor inmany of us have spouses within & outside of the borg.
others are married to those who never shared our beliefs.
for those who are no longer practicing jw's, how are you navigating your relationships with your spouses or signifigant others?
by target inyou know you are living in 2005 when.... .
1) you accidentally enter your password on the microwave.. .
2) you have not played solitaire with real cards in years.. .
Your opinions.....please!
by Gill ini'm asking your opinion today and probably venting my spleen a little as well, i'm afraid.. we all agree, i've noticed that shunning, for the jw reasons is wrong and even downright wicked.. however, my husband will no longer speak to or acknowledge his parents, after years of being a very good, infact, too good a son to them.. i posted a while ago about the ongoing problem with our jw families.
we wanted to take in my husbands very elderly grandfather but his parents would not allow it because we are faded jws.
we found a letter while reading through grandpa's cards in which, my mother-in-law had slandered us terribly and my family.
? Need fellowship with ex-Dubs . Is there a WS by geographical location ?
by disciple inexez,.
i have managed to meet up with 3 ex w in houston tx and through the grapevine have heard there are at least 150 active in houston area .... any way you know of to start bringing those together.
is there a message or post board that is primarily geographical in nature?
What's the Longest you ever stayed at one door?
by disciple inwe stayed at a door talking bad about the householder and they were listening for 5 minutes.
what's that scripture?
about a birdie and a king??
2 witnesses slain
by disciple inin revelation 11 the two witnesses are given power to prophesy for 1260 days dressed in sackcloth.. in verse 7 they are killed, in verse 11 they are resurrected .
do you remember what book and when the earliest application of this scripture to the president of the society and i think the vice president occurred ?
i believe they said it occurred in 1918 or 1919. can you believe they thought the nations and all the earth were attuned to their little group and that a couple of them thrown in prison meant that they had fullfilled this prophecy.
Tale of a Black Congregation Part I
by TMS inexposure to two distinct cultures has impacted my life.
first, as a young blonde lad from the pacific northwest, i was catapulted into the hispanic culture of the rio grande valley in 1961. on the border, by the sea was the chamber of commerce slogan, but the change in venue was more dramatic than simply moving from a land of mountains and douglas fir to beaches, bougainvilla, grapefruit and beaches.
it was the warmth and closeness of the mexican families, the new sounds and flavors and , yes, the salon del reino that intrigued and humbled this know-it-all young pioneer.