I believe that shooting anyone of a different race either black or white is a crime and using morality as a cover up is off-color.
From 2Litrul
with all your honor and dignity what would you do?.
this test only has one question, but it's a very important one.
please don't answer it without giving it some serious thought.
I believe that shooting anyone of a different race either black or white is a crime and using morality as a cover up is off-color.
From 2Litrul
ok jesika and i started this in chat so here it goes,.
you know your an apostate when..........worldy is a word used for your friends.
you now your an apostate when ............your parents call after five years....and say anything new!.
Doing "time in prison, has nothing to do with "counting time" in prison.
When providing a "service for money" has nothing to do with "receiving contributions in service"
When getting a "full assembly" brake kit does not remind you of "taking a break at Big Conventions"
When talking to the elders doesn't break you out in a cold sweat.
And you know you are apostate when you can pull a box of Pioneer Baking Mix from the shelf without even thinking about the time you were trying to get your hours in as a Pioneer baking in the sun.
so many times we second guess god or our conception of him and we discuss why this or that does not make sense or could not be, or is not fair.. then how would you if you were god (with unlimited power) handle rebellion?
So many times we second guess God or our conception of Him and we discuss why this or that does not make sense or could not be, or is not fair.
Then how would you if you were God (with unlimited power) handle rebellion?
as a dub i was always taught that the reason j couldn't deal with us directly was because he was so holy and we were so not holy, that he couldn't even deal with us directly.
so we are in quarantine, through no fault of our own from our "father" in heaven.
then how come satan got to enter in before j himself and question and debate before all the angels.
To upside/down,
disciple- maybe I didn't explain myself "I HATE ORGANIZED RELIGION"... including and especially self-righteous "born-again" types! I don't need your dogma anymore. "think in threes"?wtf is that?
Please be patient grasshopper, I hate organized religion too, I also am put off by people who post , receive an answer they are not yet aware of and immediately put up their defenses because the answer they perceive is not what they believe, As for being born-again, thank-you, I am glad it shows without me saying it.. Jesus said " You cannot enter the Kingdom of the Heavens without being born again.
The first birth is necessary for the second birth to occur, but the second birth will not occur unless conception takes place first and takes first place. Jesus spoke in parables for a reason and while I could never achieve in this body what he achieved in his I realize the value of riddles, Actually your post has a riddle in it of which you seem unaware since you obviously do not like riddles ."wtf is that?"
Riddles have a way of bringing us to a higher plane of existence or at least thought process.
So if you would like an explanation of the riddle without a condemnation of the messenger I will concede. " Do you want me to explain further what I believe?
i was surprised to discover how my mother felt about the passing of the pope.
she mentioned even though he is different (regarding religion) he is still human and death is always something painful.
i overheard her discussion with my grandfather and she said he did good things and jehovah can grant him resurrection.
I believe I have seen 3 Popes in my lifetime, I will miss this one the most.
I love God and I have respect for religion but I think all religion is from men.
I was searching my heart and I do believe I will feel more sorrow over the Pope's death than
any member of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses.
Goodbye John.
as a dub i was always taught that the reason j couldn't deal with us directly was because he was so holy and we were so not holy, that he couldn't even deal with us directly.
so we are in quarantine, through no fault of our own from our "father" in heaven.
then how come satan got to enter in before j himself and question and debate before all the angels.
Think in threes> Father, Son, HolySpirit,/ Water , Blood, Spirit/ Body,Soul,Spirit/
Salvation, Sanctification,Service
We have life, but if we do not give ourselves water we die. (Our body dies)
The life (our first birth) was given, nothing we did ourselves to receive it..
To operate in abundance though we feed, drink, and think, (and act upon our thinking)
To be rewarded for our works, they must be wholesome and heartfelt and in line with Gods will.
The reward is not everlasting life, the reward is fellowship with Jesus and at least one of 7 possible crowns.
Jesus is the Resurrection and Life is within Him.. If we abide in him we wil not die (our spirit remains living) and will continure liveing forever ( we are heirs) we are joint heirs with Christ, He has life within himself and when He gives it to us we will not die (even though our body does..) we are given a new body (a glorified body) and this happens as the First Resurrection.. Immediately.
Where do you think the 24 elders come from?
What about the story of the Rich man and Lazarus?( witnesses said just parable cause it conflicted with their no Hell doctrine)
Jesus told the story and he knew what really happens.. Father Abraham was there too in the Heavens even though he had died before the setting of the story. If you wonder how heaven and hell could be so close to each other, remember you are seeing what I am communicating to you and I am no where near you.
as a dub i was always taught that the reason j couldn't deal with us directly was because he was so holy and we were so not holy, that he couldn't even deal with us directly.
so we are in quarantine, through no fault of our own from our "father" in heaven.
then how come satan got to enter in before j himself and question and debate before all the angels.
Perhaps we need to wonder if it matters. Jesus, (God in the flesh) (If you have seen me you have seen my father) Was and Is the One who we believe in for everlasting life.. simple faith plus nothing equal salvation. A gift we cannot earn. All the rest of what we do would be out of appreciation for the gift, not earnings, not works that God owes us for ... Jesus said he would draw all sorts of men to him.. He said abide in me and I will abide in you. Religion has complicated the whole issue.. WE sinned , We need Salvation, Jesus is that Salvation.. Believe and our Sins are forgiven.. WHen He comes will He really find the Faith on the earth? Whom the Son sets free is free indeed!
Prophecor, For his insightfulness and ability to verbalize it .
SixofNine, Too Funny ,, even his name makes me laugh! no,,,,,,cool baby!
Blondie, Smart, Sensitive, charming , insightful, concerned, trooper, trustworthy. gotta few more but
want to keep her humble. and Blondie , Is that picture of you? Wow pretty too!
dear concerned forum posters:
i feel at this time, in my long and varied career here at the forum, i must protest to the exalted and respected administator of this site, that a problem does exist in it's "labeling" of posters.
this concerns the titles that are given to posters when they reach a certain amount of posts.
The labels caught me eye too lassie.
I thinks we should let the governing body of the dubposts ( the ruling class elite that pull our threads when they don't agree with their agenda) consider each poster individually and by letter of recommendation and appoint them to an appropriate label by an anointed vote so that all labeled individuals are truly appointed after prayerful or playful consideration. Then a letter of status ship could be posted to the whole congre
WorldWideWeb or this website because in the grand scheme of the WWW everything that occurs on this message board has been foretold to fullfill prophecy and is definitely pointed to in scripture. (if you knew anything about the codedbible.If you don't agree with me just ask prophecor. I think he is the One.
All in fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (oo) Or........................NOOOT!
i have managed to meet up with 3 ex w in houston tx and through the grapevine have heard there are at least 150 active in houston area .... any way you know of to start bringing those together.
is there a message or post board that is primarily geographical in nature?
Perhaps we need to pass out flyers or go door to door to find ex-Jw"'s. Hey we could put out a monthly newsletter to those that would be interested. Come to meetings with ex-Dubs !>>>>>>>>>>>>>. THen we could get a whole lot of ex-dubs together and assign talks to be given explaining why the Truth is Not.Then we could have Ex-Dub conventions and assemblies and go to coffe shops together and...............................................................ahh , it is happinin all over again! OR we could tell others about Jesus CHrist and then when they accept Him as their Savior, we would have friends . Well in Utopia , but seriously there are good things about debriefing from the Dubs.