JoinedTopics Started by the_classicist
Divine Plan of the Ages
by the_classicist ini don't know how useful this will be to anyone, but google books has the full view of divine plan of the ages available.
you may have to sign in to your google account to view it..
My Story: My Current Religious Experience from Birth to the Present
by the_classicist ini don't believe i've said anything about myself here, so here goes.. i was raised a jehovah's witness from birth.
my family's invovlement in this particular religion began with my great grandmother, a rather lovely woman who lived a long life who made homemade oreos which i had the occasion to enjoy once; she died firm in her beliefs.
my grandmother was subsequently raised in this religion, although not all of her brothers and sisters were, as far as i can reckon.
I thought this was funny
by the_classicist instory in the vancouver courier.
muslims now worship in old jw kh.
just shows you how the world is changing and chrisitanity and more importantly the jws will be insignificant within 50-200 years.
Internet Advice
by the_classicist inok, so i'm asking y'all for some computer advice as i am partly computer illiterate.. first of all, my internet connect is painfully slow.
i'm currently using shaw cable internet and i'm getting download speeds of around 3000-4000kbps.
i'm thinking of moving to telus adsl, though, because of a free digital camera offer.
What do you call a bunch of WT magazines on the ground?
by the_classicist in.
street witnessing!
the inspiration for this joke came from seeing a "you can live forever on a paradise earth" brochure on the ground.
Some Sort of 10th Century BC Structure Found in Jerusalem
by the_classicist in
a fellow, a biblical researcher, was on the radio (adler online, for those who tune into it) a few weeks ago saying that king david never existed and at that time, jerusalem only had mud huts.
apparently, he was wrong.
Personality Defect Quiz
by the_classicist inhere's the quiz:
you are 71% rational, 0% extroverted, 42% brutal, and 42% arrogant.
Questions for God
by the_classicist in.
let's say that a being appears to you claiming to be god.
what questions would you ask it, or what miracles do you tell it to preform in order to determine whether this being is god?
Were the Dinosaurs killed off by Volcanic Activity?
by the_classicist in.
this is the first time i've heard of this hypothesis as i was always taught that meteors, and only meteors, did it.