Scully you are the best!!!!!!
I hope you have a great Easter...I wish you could come for dinner.......P2 is cooking a big dinner!
Ok I'm just a big kid......but I look so cute in my bunny suit....hehehe
All my love to you and yours!!!!
oooh baby!
holidays and hip hop music all in one.... what more could an apostate?
Scully you are the best!!!!!!
I hope you have a great Easter...I wish you could come for dinner.......P2 is cooking a big dinner!
Ok I'm just a big kid......but I look so cute in my bunny suit....hehehe
All my love to you and yours!!!!
i went to the kingdom hall for the very last time.
i went in the door in my guns n roses t-shirt and ripped up lucky jeans, new earrings and goatee.
i went up to the po of the congregation and told him i needed to talk to him.
the kingdom hall where i used to go has the theocratic ministry school and service meetings on tuesday.
i have finally come to grips with my need to exit the jehovah's witnesses forever.
i told my parents today that i'm leaving the jw religion behind forever.
Hey Dustin,
I hope all goes well and wish you the best!!!!!!!!!
in honor of my favorite show finally returning to new episodes this easter sunday, click on the link below and take the test - .
Well I'm Susan,
All all I ca think about is the time she was in a towel and ran out after her ex husband and the door locked!
Yes that would be me!
to all of my very dear friends on jwd, i want to thank all of you so very much for your thoughts prayers and good vibrations of harmony.
i am so happy that everything went well.
there were some touch and go moments in the operating room which lead me to intensive care.
Happy for you and hope all is well!!!!!
for years, the watchtower drilled into us that we are just specs of unimportant dust.
personal pride was touted as being something wrong and a trait of the devil.
that mentality stifles creativity and initiative, which i suppose is what they want.
I personally think that my most fav is the upbring of my kids. This has the biggest step for me to change in the mental thinking of how to raise them. I feel that pull of what my mind feels as normal, on a regaular basis. Then I just look at them and realize that they are teaching me. The are the best thing that could happen in my life. There are days I wish I had been a little older when I had then or my situation was diffrent, but this is what has grounded me in my thinking and thoughts more than anything. The times I love the most are Xmas and B days. I think I may be just a big kid! I was the one up at 6:00 am Xmas morning and couldn't wait! This is something I would just keep on about but I love my kids more than I can even express and feel that they have the ability to show love in such a pure way,that it makes anything else seem small .
i would like for it to be known that my being apart of jwd has been an experience that has given me hope.
i've come to enjoy being a part of the online community, so much so that it's what i look forward to when my day involves something other than being here.
the only thing better than being here would be to experience being with you all, face to face.
That was really well said and I feel the same with many parts! Great thread!!!
i think i've finally left the jw's.
i have not been an active member since 2000, but always thought i would go back.
the problem (or solution) has been that i started to reason on how the true god or super being really viewed mankind.
Welcome...there are many great people here!
hello, i'm new to this board.
i've been a regular at jwo for a while, but since the site is having some sort of issue, i can't access it, so here i am.
love apostate talk in any form.
Welcome and Hello!
hi guys and gals....... .
i would just like to extend greetings to all those poor souls who had to endure the torturous childhood of growing up in a strict jw lifestyle as i had.
i didn't know that there were such forums on the net, and i was made aware of this by my sister who is also a member here, i believe.. i find this kind of funny really.