Does anyone know which congregation this family attends? Is it the St. Charles cong. that meets in Elgin?
JoinedPosts by calico
JW murder in Kane County Illinois
by Nowman ini was driving to work today and the news came on...i heard the name betty whitten being charged for murder on 2 counts.
i knew the name but wasn't sure at that point if it was the betty whitten i knew from libertyville, illinois...then her disabled daughter was mentioned, we called her "kiki".
"kiki" had been stabbed by her mother betty whitten.
Brain Removal
by calico in.
if you're gonna be a jw, you might as well have your brain removed--it has no use!
(sorry, having a bad day)
VM44-----I found that picture on google! Just google calico--it's been awhile, though.
Brain Removal
by calico in.
if you're gonna be a jw, you might as well have your brain removed--it has no use!
(sorry, having a bad day)
Yes--it is true--especially if you are a WOMAN. That's my fault, too!
Brain Removal
by calico in.
if you're gonna be a jw, you might as well have your brain removed--it has no use!
(sorry, having a bad day)
If you're gonna be a JW, you might as well have your brain removed--it has no use!
(sorry, having a bad day)
Would You Ever Think About Taking Your Life???
by minimus inhave you ever been in such despair that the thought crossed your mind?
did being a jehovah's witness have anything to do with your mindset?
Yes-and by the way, IT'S MY OWN FAULT IF I AM DEPRESSED!
Elders have no manners
by Jez inthere i am, saturday morning, 9am, having a coffee with my kids, hair very messy, no make up, pj's on still, and they show up!
why do they never phone first and make an appointment?
i have asked them to do this but they won't comply.
I am POSITIVE that they want to catch you off guard!
My favorite weather...what's yours? (Ozzie's gone fluffy!)
by ozziepost inyep, as i'm tapping away here i started to hear the gentle roar on the patio roof - it was a shower!
and the water's free!.
looking out the window i marvel at the richness of the green - the green leaves on the trees and bushes in the backyard, the green of the grass - and it's various shades too!
My favorite is a sunny day (a few clouds are okay) with a light breeze and not much above 80 degrees. I love a bright, blue sky!
I am getting impatient for the grass to turn green and for the leaves to come out! It's been so dreary!
I long to hear the chicadees, goldfinches, and chipping sparrows.....oh and I love the crickets singing at night.
That was pretty fluffy, huh!
Diary of an Unborn Child - switch your rational mind off for ten minutes.
by nicolaou inthis article from awake!
in may 1980 is an example of the worst sort of emotional argument.
i'm just going to post it, barf, and then comment later.. *** g80 5/22 p. 16 ***.
I wonder how many millions of babies are born on this planet, to helpless, manipulated women who are then abandoned by the "fathers"
and left in abject poverty and hopelessness, raising a child in destitution, misery, poverty and hunger. How many of these children then grow up into criminals and other social deviants simply because they forced
into existence by careless adults who didnt want them in the first place?
This is an argument for abortion? How is a woman to know if the father of her children is going to abandon her? Should my mother have killed me after dear old dad left? I didn't grow up to be a criminal or social deviant--neither did my sister and brother!
by John Doe ini must admit my sesquipedalian posts have caused some to refer to an asinine constitution and forthwith associate my own identity in an equivalence relation to said characteristics.
be that as it may, i possess an innate identity that renders itself to no external justifications or imposing pronouncements.
however, i have recently come to revise my self-assessment, draining my incredibly rare and valuable time for no worthwhile purpose other than to appease the wanton, devouring desire that impersonates my heart from time to time.
(I probably spelled it wrong!)
Made-Up Rules Dubs Try To Impose On Each Other
by calico inthis is in reference to the thread about dubs not having pets.
although, not a rule from the borg there are ones who would say you should not have pets.
can you think of other silly made-up rules that someone tried to impose on you?
I have never heard anyone say not to burn incense! Wow, I am in trouble! What's with the backless shoe rule? That's one I don't believe I've heard of either--weird