JoinedPosts by calico
Let's share some happiness!!!
by momzcrazy init is a beautiful day.
the sun is out and the birds are singing.
i have wonderful friends, a precious man i love, and healthy happy kids.. can anyone join me in sharing the love and beauty in their life?
I'm not feeling well, so I can't go out and enjoy the warm weather----but----there is a new baby in my life and I love him!
Thinking of becoming a Witness again and my reasons for doing so :(
by reniaa ini've been a faded jw for 10 years i left because of my failed first marriage, i'm no hypocrite and realised i had left completely so i embraced the world and dived in, only christmas and birthdays i could not get into, they were too foreign to me having never celebrated them, like if i suddenly tried to do ramadan or something like that.. 1/ all the criticisms of the people in the truth you say on here, i've found in the world, warts and all only in the world nothing holds them back from being utterly horrible to you.. 2/ i got stabbed by a worldly boyfriend, i got married 2 times of my own choosing to men outside the truth, the first smoked and was an alcoholic, the second gambled every penny we had and defrauded me out of money after we separated, 2 divorces later i am currently pregnant and a single mum since current boyfriend decided kids was to much of a responsibility and he needed his freedom and i was 'too selfish to expect him to give up his life'.. 3/ parents-in-law!
i have been shunned by them as equal to anything you accuse witness families of and for the silliest of reasons, i had a disabled son and his grandparents said they wanted nothing to do with him because they didn't want to become attached in case he died.. 4/ i miss the honest friendships of the truth, i had friends of all ages from 14 to 80 years old and they genuinely cared for me, many trying to keep me in the faith a long time after i left but i was determined to fade so moved away completely, but i find friendships in the world so shallow in comparison and very hard to sustain :( i've never been a drinker and sometimes thats what friendship means you being a companion for them to goto pub with.. 5/ my recent boyfriend was in a christian religion, i thought why not find out about it, harvest churches if you ever heard of them, unfortunately it still hasn't stop him leaving me pregnant and alone and when i said to him how does he clear that with god, he replies "as long as i repent it doesn't matter" it's like he has a "get out of jail free card" for any wrong-doing in the bible, this is so alien to me and my witness trained conscience.. 6/ i recently out of frustration tried looking into atheism and joined their forums, it wasn't fun, they are as bombastic and arrogant as their religious counterparts can be from any religion, they make a religion out of not believing in god, it's very weird they talk of saving people from believing in god and offer nothing to replace it.
they said to me "be happy you are in reality now and enjoy it" and i thought "well if this is reality i've had enough of it".
Don't go back to a religion that refuses to protect it's women and children from sexual predators!
Moments at the District Assembly You'll Never Forget...
by integ ini'll never forget the assembly in madison, wi.
where some poor sap had to tell everyone that he had become addicted to porno on the net, but through much prayerful contemplation and after confessing to the elders he was able to come to "grips" with it.. good luck to that guy with ever getting a fine sister to marry him.. poor guy.
i really felt sorry for him.
Snakes--I was at that assembly! We had to sit outside, so of course we had to sit in the rain. I remember getting a bad sunburn at that assembly. It's so stupid, the things we endured thinking we were pleasing Jah!
Favorite Fragrances???
by noni1974 ini love elizabeth arden's splendor.they stopped making it.
when i got my order from the online source they had put a sample of another kind of perfume in the box.called exceptional.i fell in love with i bought myself some of that for christmas as well.i don't know who makes it but i love it.
i also had bought some bora bora by liz claiborne.i found that at marshels as well a few months ago.i love bora bora also.
L'Instant de Guerlain--CoCo Mademoiselle and many others!
Does anyone get frustrated by the speculations of Weather Forecasters?
by freydi infor example yesterday here was the official forecast at 11am.
1057 am cst sat dec 22 2007 ...winter storm warning remains in effect until 6 am cst sunday... a winter storm warning remains in effect until 6 am cst sunday.
snow will increase across the warned area this afternoon from southwest to northeast.
Ever since the Plainfield, IL tornado--they are overly cautious--they don't want to get in trouble for not warning us. You are right--they overdo it.
Remember the blizzards in the 1970's? Now THAT was a snow storm!
New study edition magazine left in my door
by troubled mind incame home just now for my lunch break and two mags were in my door .
the jan.15 study edition and the jan. awake .
a friend of mine thatt still speaks to me from the hall must have dropped them off .
No education= You end up like me--wanting a divorce, but have nothing to my name or any job skills to fall back on.
Gifts from the forge (and wood lathe)
by BrentR insanta's workshop has been busy this year.
i decided that all my gifts would be either handmade or bought from small "ma & pop" businesses.
no stores with the last names of "mart" got any of my money this year.. .
Beautiful items and workmanship! Giving handmade gifts is such an excellent idea. I love those candle holders--ever try selling them?
List of childhood simple pleasures...
by avishai ini'll start.
rubbing the stubble on the nape of your neck all day the day you get a haircut...
Making a tent out of blankets over the clothesline.
Rolling down the hill in our yard.
Swimming in the ditches after a heavy rain.
Having a campfire and sleeping outside--till we got scared and went in!
Post YOUR future Watchtower Qoutes 2050 and beyond!
by Witness 007 inwatchtower 2055 feb 1st "theodore jarcz the last member of the anionted died today when his robotic heart and kidneys gave out, he was 130 years old.".
watchtower 2060 feb 1st "the faithful great crowd class has through careful study found that "this generation" refers not to the annionted but to the "pepsi generation" who will not die out before armegedon.".
watchtower 2090 feb 1st "this generation refers to the robotic generation of 2040 which will not power down till the great tribulation arrives.".
Watchtower 2075 July 1st "Some may wonder why the memorial partakers has risen to 145,000. One Brother in Germany asked: "What the hell is going on?" We however rely on Jehovah, and realize that these are replacements for the replacement annionted who are unfaithful and lose faith. The other 1,000 are replacement, replacement, replacement annionted or spares as we call them at Bethel."
In the future the light will have gotton SO bright that you won't be able to read those mags!