Well, I've written extensively on another thread regarding this, so I'll try to spare any from redundancy. First of all, if the holidays make you squeamish, don't celebrate them. But please bear in mind that they are what you make them. I personally do not have any compunction about the paganess of the holidays, and in fact embrace it, so the holidays are celebrated with relish in my household. My fav. is Halloween (wish my pic would show here!) I would like to say, Pagans have kind of a bad wrap. It's really a path of reverence of nature. The ancients (as do most pagans today) saw sacredness in absolutely everything--and everything had religious connotations. One would be hard pressed to extract EVERY trace of paganism from their lives--it is EVERYWHERE, believe me. I get so tickled sometimes at what I see. The WTBTS just honed in on the holidays, because they were an easy target, but believe me, if they set out to attack every vestige of paganism, they would resemble something even MORE stark than the Puritans:pure black clothes (then again, for certain festivals, that would be appropo), no wedding rings, no wedding ceremonies, candles, the list goes on and on. But again, I will say: the holidays, are what you make them. Even Thanksgiving bears a strong resemblence to the celebration of the harvest moon. But most people simply want to get together with family. The first Christians saw fit to change the re-birth of the Sun, to the birth of the Son--and it became a day to revere their Christ. It was what they made it. As our society becomes more secular, Christmas becomes more secular: a day to gather with family and exchange gifts--a way to show appreciation and love for one another.
Good luck on your decision and path--the beauty of it is, they are yours exclusively.
p.s. If you do decide to celebrate any or all of the holidays, enjoy them with a free heart--they are lovely!