JoinedTopics Started by Bridgette
Help! bro trying to convert grlfrnd-need honesty
by Bridgette ini hope some of you will remember me.
i have not posted for a long while, but you all and our mutual struggles are never far from my heart.
i have always asserted that if you want to be a witness, fine--great!!
by TheSilence in.
im new to the board and didnt want to be a lurker so this is my short hello since im not exactly certain how things work around here... sooo.... hello ;).
Seeking advice on official DA
by Bridgette infor a very long time, i have held off on making my departure from the jw's official (though, i am as far removed from them as i can be) because of my mother.
i did not want her to feel she must shun me when there would be no one to replace my presence in her life.
this was for practical reasons as well as well as emotional.
My Disfellowshipping
by silentlambs inmy disfellowshipping
as with anyone associated with jehovahs witnesses the worst possible news anyone can have is being df.
it means a loss of everyone and everything you have known all your life.
Judaism to JW back to Judaism anyone?
by Bridgette ini am wondering if there are any who practiced judaism before becoming jws, or even better, went from judaism, to jws, back to judaism.
i am just curious.
i suspect there are very few people who would convert from judaism to jw, but if there are any (esp.
question for you all....
by wonderwoman77 inok, here is my situation.
i have been talking with someone on the phone and i am very interested in this person.
i have only been talking to them about 4 or 5 days, and when i was talking to them last night or about 3 hours and at one point, just talking to them gave me that sensation, like you get after you kiss someone for the first time.
by D8TA ini was born in to your so-called visible earthly organization.
you taught me well; with the intimate details in the machinery you call the society.
you assumed that your strict exercises would suppress my ability to achieve a free mind.
Maybe we can organize a candlelight vigil for thos
by nowaytess infrom: "nowaytess" < [email protected]> .
date: fri may 17, 2002 1:52 am.
subject: a suggustion for a national/international candlelight vigil.
I'm pulling out the gun .... I SWEAR!
by BobsGirl inholy crap!!!
if i hear one more ...... "pedophilia exists everywhere" excuse from a d*** jw troll ... i am going to start shooting i swear!!.
the simple fact of the matter is that they claim to be gods earthly organization.