Did anybody e-mail Ms. Kelly? I certainly do not feel that this organization (WTBTS) has any right to represent itself as a charitable entity, unless they change their ways, and truly do become useful to society. The information would probably be better presented from a British citizen.
Please keep us posted.
JoinedPosts by Bridgette
Changing the Watchtowers charitable status (UK)
by nicolaou inthe uk charity commission lists 'the advancement of religion' as one of its 'first group charitable purposes'.. it makes the "general assumption that the advancement of religion is for the public benefit".
the advancement of religion.
for the advancement of religion to be charitable, a religion has to:.
WT 1986 re: The U.N.
by DazedAndConfused ini don't know if this has been posted, quite frankly it gets confusing.
if it has been posted i am sorry if it hasn't hopefully it will help.
i took this from the 1986 watchtower 10/01 page 20. it first describes the wild beast and what the heads and horns mean.
I love this one!! "The United Nations is actually a worldy confederacy against Jehovah God and his dedicated Witnesses on earth today. .........scheming up what they may do against the visible organisation of Jehovah God on earth." Aside from the fact that a mere 5 short years later, they would mount the "beast" themselves, this is just too telling of their psychoses.
They have new treatments for paranoiatics these days!B.
My beautiful sister......
by Tatiana intoday is the anniversary of my only sister's suicide four years ago.
she was 38. i've had a candle lit for her all day long.
i've been playing her favorite songs...livin' on a prayer by bon jovi.
Darling April,
Your post has brought a flood of painful memories of my own back. When you are tortured by the children and teachers at school for being different, then there is no love in the home, or the church, or the god, in whose name you are being beaten, a child will turn to anyone or anything for just a smidgeon of love. When they become adults, they often cannot accept true love.
I don't know how people like you and I survive, April (our stories are so similar, except I haven't lost a sibling in such a manner--yet, my brother suffers from horrible Borg induced depression--and exists in a living death). But Kelley survived in her way. The only way she knew how.
You did alright, April. Just this statement of yours is so telling of your strength, it's how I feel I've survived also: "My whole life is about love. It's how I survive."
Kelley, you are not forgotten. Your story lives here and helps other children. Thank you. And may you find peace.
Bridgette -
JW gatherings good for economy
by sf in< http://detnews.com/2001/oakland/0106/08/d04-233294.htm.
jehovah's witness gathering spurs economy.
merchants forecast big sales as followers learn more on faith.
Hey, remember when it became a big deal, because JW's were going to these big cities, not tipping the waitstaffs, housekeepers, etc. It got even got rather difficult for them to solicit cheaper rates and city support for their conventions. Of course, them not tipping was usually, BECAUSE THEY WERE SO POOR, THEY'D BARELY MADE IT TO THE CONVENTION!!! But that was beside the point. The "society" had to write instructions on tipping, and not being cheap when going to conventions. Then the article next week would be "not storing up for yourselves, earthly treasures!--is college REALLY necessary?"
B. -
JW and Dinosaurs! (c'mon, Alan, help!)
by LDH inhttp://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/jehovahswitnessesanddinos .
for all of you closet scientist out there, i thought you might enjoy seeing this 'club.'.
i grew up with the kid who runs the 'club' and it looks as though he drank the koolaid!.
I think dinosaurs are a hoax, made up by evil scientists who want to undermine our faith. Why would Jehovah create a whole species, let them live, thrive and dominate for millenniums, then just destroy them with the ice age--er, I mean flood.
No joke, I once heard a nice, strong pioneer sister echo these thoughts. I wonder if she'll write in. I don't think this poor little dino-enthusiast will get too much. JW's aren't the most scientifically minded lot, and those who are end up leaving.
His little comments are humorous. He sounds like he's trying to convince himself, and not others. I like him! I don't think he's going to last much longer in the organization.
BTW, how's the pregnancy, LD? I'm ready for it to be over, and I've got until February 14th (a little Aquarian). And you're due on Thanksgiving day, if I remember correctly.
Okay, two pregnant ExJw's. Pregnant with their second borns, OUT of the Org, both due on pagan holidays---do ya see the irony??
AAAAHHHH---they'll be born free!!
B. -
Changing the Watchtowers charitable status (UK)
by nicolaou inthe uk charity commission lists 'the advancement of religion' as one of its 'first group charitable purposes'.. it makes the "general assumption that the advancement of religion is for the public benefit".
the advancement of religion.
for the advancement of religion to be charitable, a religion has to:.
All I know is that charity was HIGHLY discouraged when I was growing up. I remember not being able to take canned food for food drives for the hungry to school. It made my heart sick as a child. That has stuck in my heart and conscience so much, and I tend to be very much a "giver" now. It wouldn't have been so bad, except that MY family fell on hard times (when my mother found herself a "widow" with "orphans"), and the ONLY people to come to our aid were the local congregation of Church of Christ where she'd attended as a child. They were not asked to do this, we did not have to grovel--they saw someone in need and filled it--even after she'd spurned them in her 20's when she'd converted to Jehovah's "loving" organization. She continues to be a "faithful" witness to this day. All the brothers could harp on was "more meetings, more service, more prayer, more study". We were hungry at home. She was alone, broke, uneducated (she'd dropped out of college). I'll never, as long as I live forget the charity and true, unconditional love that congregation showed. They never even invited her to their church, they never implied anything, they just helped us in time of need. Even though, I do not worship in the Christian path today, I hold DEEP respect for what those people did. And it left me with a pleasant taste in my mouth for Christendom as a whole. If Jesus was right, and you would know them by their love--those C of C people were it--there simply isn't any love in the WTBTS as a whole. There's some individuals who are loving and charitable, but they are usually discouraged from helping anyone who's not a potential convert.
So, are the Jehovah's Witnesses a charitable organization? No. Not in the least.
Whatever charity they purportedly espouse, I believe is very circular and isolated for themselves. Soliciting monies, so you can print and circulate more magazines, so you can gather more converts, to solicit monies, so you can print more magazines......
Sorry for the length to answer a simple question--painful memories surfaced and demanded voice...
B. -
NEWS: I am publicly reproved over UN situation.
by badwillie inmy wife and i met with 3 elders for a "judicial hearing".. our crime: simply put, was talking.
i showed a friend the un website where the wts was listed as an ngo which then led to a 2 hour discussion of various doubts that we both have had.
my wife also showed a friend the un thing but also discussed with her a first hand account of a pedophile cover-up that we knew about in our former congregation.
Oh, oh....."one of the elders said something to the effect that "if this is true then the organization is dead". "
I smell the burning flesh of the next victim on the witch hunt!!! Gather yer pitchforks, boys--we got us another heretic to burn--wooo-doooggieee!
all questioners will be shot on sight.
Gotta cut out the cancer from the congregation---hmmmm....Mein Kompf anyone?
B. -
Badwillie's Situation - PISSED OFF
by Trilobite ini for one am throughly fed up and royally pissed off with the crap from this organization.. if badwillie will set up a paypal account i will send money to it.
any other takers?.
badwillie - if you agree to this, and there is sufficient support, then get yourself a high powered attorney and sue their asses off.. also: if you do agree, how about we let the guardian know what we are doing.. t.
Just curious, on what grounds would he sue? I was upset by his story also. I was also a bit surprised at their totalitarian attitude. I thought they'd learned some PR savvy through the years. Especially shocking was the wording---removing gangrene or cancer from the organization?!?! what were they thinking? idiots. er i mean untrained volunteers.
I've often wondered if one could successfully sue for punitive damages and lost wages/potential wages because they could not go to college. It would be one thing if one chose not to go, but some kids were raised that way (we didn't land on plymouth rock, plymouth rock, landed on us!!!). and had to turn down scholarships/full rides to major universities, because the implied rule was--you pioneer or else!!
That's not my story, exactly, but I would've given my eye teeth for a college education. I'm doing it at 31 y.o. with a child and one on the way--it's do-able, but it sure would've been easier at 18 with the help of my parents.
okay, i got off the subject. Sorry. So, what are we suing for? Badwillie, ever give up any college scholarships?
just wonderin'
B. -
Good Kharma? Bad Kharma?
by bboyneko ini found some ladies purse at the local shopping mall parking lot tonight, it had her entire life in it, her social security card, her cell phone, her cash, her credit cards, even her daughters social security card.. from looking through the contents, me and saffron were able to find out many things about her:.
1)she had recently moved from way out in the country to columbia maryland... 2)she was probably divorced from a man of middle eastern origens.
3)she was white.
<<I've deleted so many chain letters threatenging me with death, impalement, eye gouging and all that I wonfer if Im doomed with bad kharma forever :)>>>
Oh dear, B-boy, you didn't mention that! I'm afraid you are doomed forever, nice knowing you.
Now, to break this curse, send it to at least 10 people on your mailing list--now!
Stop stalling!
Do it----NOW!
NOW, I say!!!!!!!Fool!!!
Infidel--do you know what you have wraught?!?!?!LOL!
I despise chain letters. -
Guess What - I am going to come clean!!!!!
by TRUTH into who will listen:.
until yesterday, i did not even know that this discussion group or anything like it existed.
i really did not care.
Dear Truth,
Thank you so much for sharing your story with us. There have been so many worthy suggestions, that I can add none. But welcome here. You are safe, welcome, and you count. The injustices you suffered matter to us! Please post more.