Posts by rebel8
she passed faithful to the end to them!
by jookbeard injust found out (second hand of course) and by someone on here that my faithful jw mum passed away within the last couple of days, dont know the exact day, and what cause, she spent the last few years living with my fanatical sister, she was 65 and survived my father by 10 years, bitter, angry and hateful till the end and never as so much enquired or asked how her 2 grandchildren ever were , they are 5 and 7!
feeling a mixture of emotions right now, they were lousy parents in all honesty, she suffered health wise so maybe its for the best, dont even know when the funeral is!
That sucks. (( )) -
Petition to Revoke Scientology's Tax Exempt Status
by ABibleStudent infyi, if you feel that scientology's tax-exempt status should be revoked, you can sign a white house petition to revoke its tax-exempt status at i signed the petition even though i have mixed feelings about this petition.
i would prefer that dangerous cults like scientology be reformed by suspending its tax-exempt status until it makes needed changes and i do not like targeting a specific organization when the whole system should be changed.
on the other hand this type of action may help to promote debate about revising the tax codes in the us.. i do prefer revising the tax code like i wrote about in revise tax code to protect children from sexual abuse .. peace be with you and everyone, who you love,.
Scientology's tax exempt status was revoked in the past and restored.
Revision of the tax code globally would hurt religious organizations financially. It would also hurt other nonprofits.
Removing tax exempt status as a punishment for concealing crimes is an interesting approach.
St John's wort
by wannaexit inst john's wort is accepted by the medical literature for use in mild to moderate depression.
if anybody is using it could you share your experiences with it?
St John's wort is accepted by the medical literature for use in mild to moderate depression
OP, where did you get that^information?
consumers need to be aware of serious concerns about its safety and effectiveness...
- Combining St. John’s wort with certain antidepressants can lead to a potentially life-threatening increase of serotonin, a brain chemical targeted by antidepressants. St. John’s wort can also limit the effectiveness of many prescription medicines.
- Psychosis is a rare but possible side effect of taking St. John’s wort.
- St. John’s wort is not a proven therapy for depression. Do not use St. John’s wort to replace conventional care or to postpone seeing your health care provider. Inadequately treated depression may become severe and, in some cases, may be associated with suicide. Consult a health care provider if you or someone you know may be depressed....current evidence that St. John’s wort is effective for depression is not conclusive
I admit it, I believe in evolution.
by Louise inafter leaving the dub religion behind, i read everything that i could get my hands on, be it about other religions, beliefs, gods, occult, evolution - you name it - i read it.
i did this to 'catch up' and to educate myself, so that when i can to a decision it would be an intellectual / educational one.
not just because some book or person told me to believe it.. i have over time and with reading aids come to totally believe and accept evolution.
I was about to make the recommendation to read the book snare&racket suggested.
Gravity and evolution are facts, but evolution is harder for people with low scientific literacy to understand. I was one of those people. That term is not an insult--it's just a fact for some of us who were prevented from having education in science and got brainwashed with pseudoscience instead.
That book gives a pretty good explanation of how it works. Sometimes you read rants about how stupid creationists are. Fair enough, but IMHO creation is much simpler to understand because it requires no deep thinking and no comprehension of history/physics. Evolution is a little harder to grasp if you think about it. Once you read the book, it makes complete sense.
I'm not saying creation makes actual sense. It doesn't. It's just an easy thought stopping way to explain the existence of the universe. Beginning to comprehend the universe takes a lot of logic and effort.
Don't tell MomMom we're having ham on Good Friday
by GrreatTeacher inmy husband went to work with a terrible sinus infection today.
he works outdoors and it rained today, so i felt really bad for him and decided to cook him a nice dinner.. the local grocery store had a promotion in the month before easter where when you shop there for 4 weeks in a row you get a free easter ham.
we got the ham, i never coded it in my head as an easter ham, just a ham which, for us, is a very nice dinner.. so, today i popped the ham in the oven as a kind of consolation prize to my husband for having to work while sick today.. i completely forgot that today is good friday.
Zombie Jesus is much happier if you eat the flesh of a haddock instead of a ham. It's how he knows you appreciate his sacrifice of being betrayed, tried, tortured and slowly suffocating to death with giant pieces of metal driven through his hands and feet. -
In a nutshell, what is the wackiest jw thing?
by stuckinarut2 inwhat is the wackiest...strangest....most unusual jw teaching or practice?
The New System doctrine. Everyone who is rewarded with the earthly afterlife will get the privilege of burying all the adults, children, infants and pets who did not worship jehoopla, even if they didn't know they were supposed to. The remaining animals will live with us like it's a giant petting zoo. The chosen will be given dead people's mansions. They will freeze at age 25. Some zombies will return and gradually be healed of their ailments, but they will be asexual and celibate. Everyone will become Caucasian.
After 1000 years the biggest supernatural evil dude will be let loose with his minions to lay the smackdown again, to be followed by some people again sinning and being killed, and jehooplajesus vanquishing him. Lather, rinse, repeat, earth becomes cleansed again, burying jobs, etc.
The Bible Gods Word or Mans
by azor ini remember studying this book years ago and how it impacted my belief system.
i no longer believe the bible is god's word.
however i do have a couple of lingering questions on this subject.
1- The Bible is not a scientific book but when it touches on science it is accurate.
omg no. Absurd Torah Science
2 -...The Bible for the first time introduces a singular monotheistic god...
Worst Memorial Talk Ever!
by The Searcher ini honestly have never heard such claptrap being delivered in a memorial talk.. the speaker repeatedly put down the way other religions administered the bread & wine, and claimed that witnesses do it exactly as the bible describes.
oh yeah????.
he forgot to mention - when reading aloud 1 corinthians 11:25 - that after passing the bread, a full meal was to be shared, before the wine was passed around!
I don't know about you all, but I love an OP referring to wts drivel as "claptrap".
It's time to say goodbye to JWD - I sold it !
by Simon ina week or so ago i posted that the forum was 15 years old (15 years of and hinted that there may be some news to announce about the site:.
i also may have some other news to share soon about the future of the site so stay posted.
well, now i can announce it - i sold it !.
Good one!
It would have been funnier if you said you sold it for a large, specific amount of $. You know, for all those people who think you're getting rich off this site. ;)
Indiana "Religious Freedom" (right to discriminate)
by Simon insickening to see the photo of the religious zealots all stood around the governor signing into law the right for people to discriminate against others (gay, lesbian, trans-gender) based purely on religious dogma.. if religious people want those freedoms then the can't have it both ways - they cannot complain if *they* are discriminated against.. "sorry, we don't like zionists, get out".
"oh, it's some special mass and you can't work your shift?
you're fired!"..
Does someone have a quote of Jesus supporting homosexuality? He defined marriage as between a man and a woman. He had lots of opportunity to speak against bigotry but he didn't.