Posts by rebel8
At the meeting ... Ugh
by cappytan inat least i have this forum.
is there a shorthand for referring to this website?
saying seems like a long winded way..
You should totally do it cappytan. Hide pentagrams in all the artwork. Give Jesus boners. Hide the letters WTF and CULT in the drapes of men's robes. Freak 'em the hell out. j/k -
Trashed WT's found in Dr.s' waiting room Friday. Do you trash literature you find?
by Wasanelder Once intook the magazines in the waiting room and dumped them in the trash.
was a great feeling.
to think many witnoids wont dare throw out the surplus magazines they have in stacks around the house is amazing.
Lifted some from the auto repair shop recently. I waited until everyone left the room and stuffed them into my non-theocratic briefcase. Then put them in the recycling bin at home.
Haven't seen those ragazines IRL in a long time. They look a little more mainstream without the black-and-white-plus-a-single-color line drawings. They also remind me a bit of comic book style health publications distributed by CDC, including the dramatic flavor.
We actually could be saving lives by removing recruitment material. I suppose if you're opposed to removing them, writing a URL is better than nothing. But what ordinary person is going to be more influenced by a URL written in the margin with a marker than by the actual content of the publication? What percentage would even look it up?
Meaningful Study
by Awake at last ini never thought i would be commenting, let alone starting a new topic in the category of bible research and study.
anyone reading my comments on this site would have realised that i am the most unspiritual person to have ever stepped foot inside a kh.
yet for the first time in my life, on saturday night, i did some meaningful bible study/research, on my own without a wtbts publication in sight, except the nwt bible.
When I began to realize TTATT, I read the bible in its entirety without using any outside resources.
I discovered, a few chapters in, that it was pure poppycock. I kept going and telling myself I was wrong. By the time I finished Revelation, I thought it was madness.
So I started over, because I thought for sure I was wrong. And I couldn't help but come to the same difficult conclusion. Not only must my cult affiliation end--along with all my friendships and some familial relationships--but so must my belief in that evil book.
I so wanted to believe. It would have been easier. Had I sought out the interpretation of others, I may have ended up on a different, wrong path. I'm so glad I didn't.
It is full of factual and historical inaccuracies, and many of the things churches preach against (violence, rape, bigotry and meanness).
Reading it by itself helps remove those blinders.
I'm sorry but I do not buy the need to understand historical context. This is a timeless, omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent god who could effortlessly inspire a literary work that would be understood by his true followers without need for understanding ancient cultures. Such a work would be believable by us today, awe-inspiring and breathtaking.
To each, his own, but that's my $.02.
Reading the bible in entirety by myself was one of the most freeing, therapeutic things I've ever done.
Meaningful Study
by Awake at last ini never thought i would be commenting, let alone starting a new topic in the category of bible research and study.
anyone reading my comments on this site would have realised that i am the most unspiritual person to have ever stepped foot inside a kh.
yet for the first time in my life, on saturday night, i did some meaningful bible study/research, on my own without a wtbts publication in sight, except the nwt bible.
IMO no study aids of any kind (including group study or essays/publications) should be used.
The god of the bible says he wants us to worship him, and says he gave us brains to understand and this book to read. Hence, we should be able to read it ourselves and it should be fairly obvious it's true. If the bible is what it says it is, anyone reading it should be blown away by it so much that they fall on their knees and weep.
There should be no mystery about its basic teachings/passages.
Yet religions/people persist in reinterpreting what it says, so much that most people don't read it and the rest immediately revise its meaning in their heads once they do. Instead we need to deal with the bible on its own terms, understand it for what it really says.
I believe reading the bible yourself, w/o influence from others, is the best possible thing to do to solve the mystery of what to believe. It will be very obvious once you read it without influence from others.
rama singh WHAT HE REALLY SAID, so you men can stop lying
by atheist_R_stupid in"there have been repeated scientific challenges to the.
theory of evolution in the past, and the nonbelievers of evo-.
lution cite them as support for their case.
Your username is a tool of bigotry intended to incite others, and your posts are rageful.
What is it inside of you that you are trying to heal by using this username and making these angry posts?
Your message is not affecting others in any meaningful way, so apparently its purpose is to help you somehow.
What emotional need are you trying to fill by using this ineffective method?
Watchtower spiritual "retreat"
by Viva la Vida inwt applied for tax exemption to the town of ramapo, ny, on the ground that they use the land as a "spiritual "retreat", including hiking trails to facilitate spiritual meditation in the natural contemplative setting of the wooded property and reflection on the creative works of the almighty".
tax authority didn't buy it and wt sued: one, two.
i didn't know they did this kind of meditation or spiritual retreats....
Hi, which document are you referring to? There's a very long list of documents. Thanks -
by ADJUSTMENTS ini have have come to realize most "rank and file" jw's are mentally unstable-to-ill and here is why....
A person with a piece of paper (college degree)
This is a false equivocation and reveals bias.
the issues are so blatant and are right before us
Most people here do not deny there are issues. (Please refer to my previous 10,000 posts where I stated them.)
What I'm are saying is you are characterizing the actual issue as something it is not.
Let's review: It's a controlling cult--evil, dishonest, abusive and destructive. That's what it is, and when we realize that, we can deal with the actual problem.
Site update: Jan 17, 2015
by Simon insome quick updates, mostly cosmetic:.
the message sending form should display better feedback of why a message is invalid (which will prevent the send button becoming active).. if your status is telling you that you have unread messages then you should see an option in the 'inbox' page to reset the count / mark all messages read.
just press it once, be patient - marking the actual messages is done in the background.. the topic and post counts are being updated - some will still be incorrect while it processes the data but after that should be correct.
topic and post counts are being updated - some will still be incorrect
For a moment there, I thought I had stepped into a time machine. I think my virginity is growing back as well.
Jehovah's Witnesses recover best from surgery, despite refusing blood.
by nicolaou inthat's' the headline of an article in the sydney morning herald.
my jw family are sharing it with glee on facebook right now.
here's the link; .
Cases from 32 years ago cannot be extrapolated to today in the sense the dubs seem to be taking it. Technology is so different.
This 2012 (Not News!) article discusses reviewing outcomes from a very large sample population over several decades.
I noticed Colleen Koch wrote another article that appears (by its title) to be showing opposite results in a different population.
I get it, dubs are looking for external validation of their doctrines, because ya know, they need Satan's System Of Things to say they're right, or something. But they shouldn't cherry pick one article and not even look at the study design and what the results actually mean.
by ADJUSTMENTS ini have have come to realize most "rank and file" jw's are mentally unstable-to-ill and here is why....
One of the reasons for widespread misunderstanding of behavioral health conditions is pop psychology. People say, "I'm depressed", and think having the blues when some rather trivial life event happens is the same thing as clinical depression. This does a great disservice to people with actual mental illness by greatly minimizing their symptoms and causes, and eliminating the opportunity to understand physical causes. Just one example.
It's kind of like saying you and your neighbor both have heart disease, when what you have is a self-diagnosed heart murmur and your neighbor is dying from Congestive Heart Failure.
Ignoranceisbliss, I think you're on the right track with your hypothesis. There are also known risk factors that are more prevalent within dubbery (stress, lifestyle), and protective factors that are minimized within it.